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Headliners 2023


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AM: 5%. Not interested at all. The several songs I do know I don't like. Alex Turner is a tosser. 5% because I know several of my mates will be going and I might somehow be persuaded. 

GnR: 5%. Seen them before around 2017ish, and they weren't particular good then. Again, absolutely nothing on and my mates are going, maybe somehow I'd end up there. 

Elton: 95%. Why wouldn't you want to go to a gigantic party of massive hits, in what will be the legends final UK gig? 

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My shot at the % thang.

AM: 0%. I mean, they're all right but I've no real interest in them.

GnR: 100%. My favourite band for a time in the late 80s, Appetite is still my favourite album but I wouldn't pay the big ticket prices on top of travel to see them without Izzy and (if not Adler) then at least Sorum. Made up to have the chance to see them again.

Elton: 95%. Don't own anything by him, never felt the need to go to a gig, that Disney+ gig is woeful in places but... it's going to be a thing isn't it? 

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AM: 5% depending on what else is on and I know one friend will likely want to be there. Haven’t forgiven my son for making me miss the end of Portishead to see them in 2013. Only time I’ve seen Portishead and he has seen AM numerous times all over the world since…

GnR: 75% depending on competition. Might even get my top hat out… wouldn’t pay to see them but greatest hits set including a few covers would do me. Love a rock night 

Elton: 90%, again wouldn’t pay to see him any more than Macca but similarly should have guests and it’s a unique experience. If QOTSA are against him I will be super annoyed but probably watch it on tv instead 





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1 hour ago, Gnomicide said:

Elton: 95%. Don't own anything by him, never felt the need to go to a gig, that Disney+ gig is woeful in places but... it's going to be a thing isn't it? 

Can't believe I hadn't heard about the Disney+ gig - loading it up now...

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9 hours ago, The Nal said:



Never mind the obvious racist connotations to both the booking of the acts the the acts themselves. 

And the misogyny.

And the disgusting white privilege.

I think the Arctic Monkeys are alright but they have had a pretty easy ride most of their career. The initial "broke through on the internet" hype was apparently a calculated plan by their management and they've basically been coasting off that since.

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Because we need more speculation... What about Miley Cyrus...

Hear me out:

Well received post legend slot in 2019 

New album out in March, called "endless summer vacation"

Not been touring in Europe since COVID, so over due a swing over.

Miley at New years Eve with Dolly Parton was great- worth a watch back on YouTube.

If she plays there's nowhere else to go, too big for an other stage headliner?

Modern Miley is a world away from what she was in 2007, much more rocky I think she'd smash an evening pyramid slot. 





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Time for a crack at the % game: 

AM - 30%. Missed both their previous Glasto sets and so think I've probably missed the version of the band that I want to see. I was 20 when their debut came out and I imagine lots of us around that age have AM as one of their most important bands as we were growing up. Could be easily tempted over if mates want to go. 

GnR - 1%. Absolutely made up for fans of the band but honestly don't think they deserve the slot. An incredibly divisive pick. There's always room for a 'classic' artist to headline Glasto but my feel is that they should have remained current, to a degree, like how Macca continues to release music. It's been 14yrs since new GnR music and 29yrs since music that anyone really liked. Still, the beauty of the place is that there's always other things to watch! 🙂

Reg - 100%. Going to be one of the most iconic moments in the history of the festival and can't think of anything I'd go to instead.

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Arctics: 80%
only seen them once in 2006 when they subbed I think Muse at Reading fest. Always wanted to see them again, just never got round to it. If there’s nothing else I REALLY want to see I’ll go see them. Can always try and sleuth out a cheaper ticket to the Emirates shows on Twickets to make sure I get to see them anyway

GnR: 99.9%
seen them since the partial reformation on first leg of the tour and loved it. Don’t really want to pay £100+ to see them at Hyde Park. Time for Slash to get his rightful place headlining the Pyramid stage, crack a few cans and have fun with this one! One of my all time fave bands and the family can join me for the 2nd half when they’ll play the songs THEY want to hear.

Reggie McRegface: 100%
saw him at the home of football Vicarage Road stadium last year and thought it was a really good show. This will go down as a mega set for the ages I think on the Phramid, lst ever UK gig. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.

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Arctic Monkeys - 0%  Only seen them once, i think it was 2004/05 when they supported Carbon/Silicon in the Sheffield Lead mill.  I dont dislike them, they just don't appeal to me either and even if i wasnt on shift at the bar.. there would be plenty of other things on that id much prefer seeing. 

GNR  - 33.3% They were rid rotten last time i seen them at Leeds, but would be willing to give them another shot. I am in the camp that wouldnt go to one of their stadium gigs but would like to see them and depending on who they are up against would take the opportunity at glasto.

Melton John - 50%  Elton was one that was a cert on to go and see, until i watched that Disney show. I can see half of his gig being an absolute drag with some highlights throughout. Still id never pay to see him anywhere and would like to have the opportunity... unless the Prodigy are put on the other stage at the same time. if so, id be at the prodigy in a  heart beat.


Seems the forum is set on these 3 headliners, no female this year? or is there a surprise still to come.

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Arctic Monkeys - 10% - seen them a few times now and will be seeing them on their tour this summer so very unlikely to watch them at Glastonbury. Slight chance though in case there is literally nothing else on that takes my fancy which is unlikely. 

GNR - 0% - no interest in seeing them at all, saw them at Reading in 2010 and it was the worst show I'd seen. 

Elton - 100% - gonna be incredible, not even swayed if Prodigy headline the other. 

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20 minutes ago, MEGABOWL said:

It seems GFL have done a good job, at least for the denizens of this Forum, of booking 3 acts who appeal on the ‘wouldn’t pay £100 to see them at their own gig but I’m in for a festival set’ metric. 

That's pretty much the whole Pyramid/Other for me. I think the last act to play that I've paid money to see in their own gig was Orbital(!) - and that was years ago!

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Yeah for all the rage about the headliners, there seems to be a good percentage spread across the three in here.

My two pence -

AM - 0%
GnR - 40% - Really depends on who is up against them, am intruiged by the potential spectacle / calamity
Elton - 100%

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Arctic Monkeys - 95% - Loved their older stuff, was so messed up I can’t remember a single thing of 2013 and my mates all want to see them. 

Guns N Roses - 50% - It will really depend who else is on, wouldn’t mind seeing them for the intrigue or even a bit of their set.  Again a few of my friends are very keen to see them. 

Elton John - 100% - Nothing will keep me away even if it’s alone.  Oddly the one my friends are least bothered about seeing. 

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10 hours ago, Memory Man said:

1 out of 3 aint bad. Personally think guns n roses is the worst single headliner / least deserving since the who in 2015 so imo the worst in 8 years /6 festivals. Both united in being multiple decades past their sell by date.

i'd say gnr are less deserving than the who, the who are rock and roll legends, gnr are just a joke.

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AM - 1% - First time seeing them was at Leeds last year and was thoroughly bored, expecting much of the same setlist so will avoid unless there is literally nothing else.

GNR - 70% - Saw them at Download 2018 and enjoyed myself, although the show went too long. Partner has never seen them so will likely watch them for a bit and then go see something else.

Reg - 100% - Must see. Just please don't clash with Prodigy.

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Arctic Monkeys - 100% - Huge fan and held off buying tickets for their tour on the gamble I would (a) get a Glastonbury ticket and (b) they were headlining, so all looking good. 

Guns N Roses - 20% - Saw them on tour in 2017 and last year. Enjoyed 2017 a lot more than last year. Appetite is a great album and they were once a great band. However in no rush to see them again unless there is really nothing else that takes my fancy. 

Elton John - 100% - An all timer.  

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AM - 10% - Uninspiring booking - Unlikely to be there - depends what else is on against them

GNR - 35% - Awful booking, but may be there depending on clashes.  If I do watch them it will be more out of intrigue than anything else.

Elton - 100% - Will not miss this for anyone - will be an epic end to the festival

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