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Hugh Jass II

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Hugh Jass II last won the day on January 12

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  1. I’ve had the same photo since 2009. Either I look really young now or looked really old back then.
  2. A lot of the mid-10’s blur together but roughly speaking: GOAT tier: 2009, 2022 Good: 2004, 2010, 2013, 2016 (musically at any rate), 2017 Alright: 2011, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2023 Poor: 2005 WOAT: 2007
  3. They've started building but it won't be ready to open until the 2026 festival.
  4. That Portugal defeat was the Thursday and it was forgotten by later that evening.
  5. On a personal note I would say that any football taking place in core festival hours (Fri to Sun 11.00-00.00) doesn't interest me at all. That said I do still have very fond memories of watching England v Portugal in a packed Pyramid field on the Thursday of 2004.
  6. We were in Wickett last year and loved it. Turned up around Thursday lunchtime and there was still plenty of room.
  7. I cannot believe that in the year of our Lord 2024 that the best Saturday night option at Glastonbury Festival of Performing Arts this year is Ocean Colour Scene. Jesus f**king Christ!
  8. Yeah same, just do it so we don’t have to hear about it anymore.
  9. He just organises a massive Mexican wave and sneaks in whilst everyone is busy with that.
  10. I've heard about this old fella with a massive beard who just swans in and out like he owns the place.
  11. It's a long way to travel only to fail and be sat outside. For that reason I'm out.
  12. Yes, they give you a Coldplay album and send you on your way.
  13. Would Pulp headlining in 24/25 be any different to The Cure doing it in 19?
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