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  1. Maybe it's like the SNP's state run electricity company from 2017? That hasn't produced much either... can't think why
  2. I guess so but I was reading this Failed asylum seekers to be sent back to Vietnam - BBC News and it doesn't seem that was in this instance
  3. I'll probably get cancelled for this but... The biggest nationality out of all the channel crossings this year is Vietnam. Can you really be classed as a refugee coming from there? They aren't feeling war. They can't all be being persecuted.
  4. Feel like most arena standing tickets have gone from 60 odd to 100 odd in a matter of a few years. I paid £170 for front standing to T Swift because it was such an occasion. Other than that usually I wouldn't want to pay more than say 80 for a big outdoor show but like all things, this will inevitably rise with inflation over the years. Soon enough 30 quid won't get you an academy show.
  5. Or more likely they just get Catfish to headline and no Killers
  6. I think Billie is too expensive. Tbh i Can't really see O Rod either tbh. No way Catfish play but don't headline imo. Easy ticket shifter and cheap
  7. Someone on the glasto section said they were trying for Olivia Rodrigo so I'll throw out Catfish O Rod Fred Again
  8. fraybentos1

    2025 Headliners

    He subbed the other
  9. You could make the same argument for Germany and France, both have fantastic squads too Why would you ‘surely have won it’ with a different manager? It’s the same old, the last golden generation did the exact same thing
  10. fraybentos1

    2025 Headliners

    He's just having a quiet year and not doing many shows, he'll be massive again when he comes back with a new album
  11. aw shut up lol 'only conceivable purpose' utter shite. Corbyn 'would keep HS2' if elected | Meridian - ITV News Here's corbyn backing it anyway just for the lols aw sorry it's so simple, we will put you in charge! what about actually harnessing that energy even if what you say is true. Oppose nuclear and get more coal burning- see germany for further details I said solar farms- google it and you'll see plenty of green opposition. But but let me guess ''they aren't against them they just think XYZ is better' nope- they're NIMBYs plain and simple. Look at their co-leader rallying against some pylons the other day. They will always make perfect the enemy of good and it's not how to run a country or get things done quickly
  12. What sort of thing would you like to do? If it's admin stuff, it's easy to get experience in that area
  13. Yeah cause the only way you can possibly be in favour of green policies is to live like a caveman! Good point. It's a bit like you telling people not to fly when you've flown plenty yourself and bragged about spending this summer on a yacht.. which I'm assuming didn't actually happen lol
  14. I was watching it live on TV and when it zoomed in on you I was almost like ' oooh it's Crazyfool' to my gf but thought explaining how I knew you would take too long lol With regards to the job- there must surely be jobs occasionally going at Glasto? Surely there is like admin roles and such like. Not exactly creative but at least you'd work within an organisation you love
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