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  1. Hey there's definite fun in a heavy metal band with fire and streamers while a woman acting as a decapitated Marie Antoinette sings.
  2. Nature of the beast tbf in that having 200 world nations parade their way around is going to take time. And that's even with the fact that on the TV feed, each one only got about 30 seconds-one minute of screentime. Though it was hilarious to see the last two boats being just an armada of US athletes and then an even bigger showing of French ones. I liked the trip from the Eiffel Tower to the park by the Louvre to light the floating cauldron tbf.
  3. It's going on eBay tomorrow.
  4. Time for the reason they're all in Paris then right?
  5. Moreso than Tokyo when covid really limited what they could/couldn't do?
  6. I saw Fall Out Boy do that at the London Olympic Stadium 2 years ago. Maybe they just borrowed theirs.
  7. A slight contrast tbf. When I saw The Killers 2 weeks ago, my tube back from North Greenwich was silent.
  8. Way to provide a half-arsed solution.
  9. She's got a gig in Munich tomorrow night anyway so probably having an early night. Aye, saw that. Impressive that they nailed the commitment to close the airspace off that much tbf.
  10. charlierc

    2025 Headliners

    Subbed to Foo Fighters at Isle of Wight & T in the Park 2011 and to The Strokes at Reading 2011 (or co-headlined in that weird parlance). So it is possible.
  11. What was with the Despicable Me 4 advert?
  12. Reminds me of that time in 2012 when we had a boat parade for the Queen's Jubilee and it pissed it down so hard.
  13. Anyone else hearing a lot of raindrops falling?
  14. How does US politics keep finding ridiculous headlines to have to publish?
  15. Anyone else forget football features in the Olympics? And/or entertained by the chaos of Argentina v Morocco the other night with VAR, crowd invasions and all the rest?
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