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gigpusher last won the day on March 12

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  1. gigpusher

    2024 New Music

    Ooh interested to hear what this sounds like since half the band left.
  2. gigpusher

    Sound issues

    I often find it's the case that the sound isn't bad per se, just bad where you are. If you are able to move easily it can be worth trying moving to see if it improves. Obviously not possible for all acts but can sometimes save what seems like a hopeless situation.
  3. Yes they were incredible and seem to be lovely, friendly guys. Also made an appearance with Soft Play and it was interesting to read that it was actually a conversation with Bob Vylan that led to them changing their name.
  4. gigpusher

    2024 New Music

    Yep loving the album on first listen. Punk's Dead is great like one of Dave Gormans found poems in song form.
  5. Congratulations. Hope you are doing ok.
  6. Completely agree with @Mardyin that it's not easy to set a hard limit because not everything is the same so I do of course set limits but those limits are variable. For example I go to the theatre as well. I am happy to pay more money for a big show with a big cast and big sets than I am willing to pay for some podcaster who is doing a live show and just needs a chair and a microphone. I appreciate that everyone involved in the process needs to make a living so I would be likely to set different limits for those things. There is also a range of prices for stadium and arena shows. Everyone made such a fuss about the Taylor Swift tickets but I got 2 for £177. I could at least see where that money was being spent. It's a big incredible show. There are some rock bands charging not far off the same price without anywhere near the same level of show being provided. I personally make the big price shows my exception rather than the rule and usually have a limit of about £35 per ticket unless it is something special but that's just because it means I can go to more gigs and support the more grassroots artists and venues. Use them or lose them as they say. I do think there are a few changes I would love to make to gig ticketing and the main one would be transparency of pricing. Advertise the concert and show up front the pricing around the stadium in advance so people can make a choice without feeling under pressure and get dynamic pricing in the bin. The costs for events have gone up hugely as well and if it was practical it would be nice if there were priority (and cheaper) tickets for those who support the artists in other ways like buying physical music or merchandise.
  7. gigpusher


    I did my best to manifest her into existence by literally wearing the outfit she wore on Woodsies the year before on the Wednesday. She has got to get the televised slot of her dreams next year to make up for the disappointment
  8. gigpusher

    The Mini Guide

    I personally prefer the mini guide as well even if I do understand the reasons why they have stopped doing them.
  9. That’s wild and would rightly be a sackable offence today.
  10. gigpusher


    No I didn't but I know she was thrilled to do it because I heard her talk about it online afterwards.
  11. Weird I thought it was excellent much improved but I was never there very late at night. Perhaps it being much more open encouraged a lot more people but I thought on Thursday that the crust situation at Greenpeace was much better and that a lot more people were able to get in and enjoy the music.
  12. This is the bit that people always forget when they do their predictions and it's why most are always pipe dreams. There will always be some excellent sh*t that you have never heard of on there.
  13. gigpusher

    2025 Headliners

    Some cruel clashes in there. Robyn v Self Esteem, Lady Gaga v Nile Rodgers and Chic and Stevie Wonder vs Charli XCX vs Gabriels
  14. The crumble place was very, very good. The banoffee special truly hit the spot and because I was being indecisive about custard or ice cream they let me have both!
  15. Yes lol definitely wasn't suggesting more money to Spotify as the solution seeing as I personally don't give them a penny. It was more pointing out that for the majority of people that is the sum total of their expenditure on music and we know that means very little actually ends up in the artists pocket. It's more that people need to accept that the problems in music don't exist in a vacuum. Artists need to make a living and that means smaller touring entourages for some, it means that high profile performances need to look perfect for others. If they all made wads of cash and it was acceptable that they publicly fail occasionally then things could be different but until the majority are willing to spend more money (that actually gets to the artist - so for now that means going to smaller gigs, buying vinyl and merch but we should be actively looking at how we fix streaming) then we need to accept that there are economic forces at play in these situations.
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