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Quark last won the day on January 5

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    Deep Space 9

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  1. Quark


    We really, really shouldn't
  2. Not a bucket list tick off as such as it's completely dependent on lineup, but I've not seen a headliner at the Park yet. Wouldn't mind that. Same for something at Strummerville, although that's more crowd-dependent than anything else.
  3. Never bothered with the barrier thing. I don't mind being in crowds, but I get really uncomfortable working through them for some reason, so even though I know there's probably decent space as you work in it's just not worth the stress of getting there. And it's incredibly rare that I want to stay somewhere long enough, or am fussed enough about seeing a particular act, that I'll camp out.
  4. Quark

    The Mini Guide

    Another +1 for the guide. I like having something small and convenient to look at without having to use my phone. The map's useful as, even after 9 visits I still have a tendency to lose my bearings. As @MilkyJoe says it's great for those moments outside the plan when you just want to see what's on around you. And I love a keepsake, got all mine in a box.
  5. I've tried so hard to forget.
  6. The mention of primary school assemblies will forever take me back to a moment burned into my brain. This is genuinely true. One of the headteacher's assemblies, wherein he regaled us with a story. An innocuous enough start that escalated fairly quickly. His tale revolved around the premise that, when God created the world, he made everyone black. And that was that for a while. Until God, for reasons best known to Himself or, I suspect, my crazed headmaster, decided that...well, there's no other way to explain this. He decided he wasn't that keen on the colour scheme. So God told all the people of the world that He had created a lake where everyone could go and wash themselves white. Yep, you could go and wash the black off yourself. So all of the people rushed to the lake because, obviously, no-one wanted to be black. And all the people washed themselves white, except that they didn't. The people that got there first used up all the water. Like the hot water tank in a house share. And by the time the last people got there, there wasn't enough to wash themselves, so they had to stay black. Ready for the strong finish to his story? Strap in. Except that not quite all the water was gone. There were little puddles here and there. But only enough to get the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands wet. You can see where he went with this, right? And yes kids, that is why black people had white palms and soles. Like Keisha over there. Look at her hands. LOOK AT THEM. The 1980s, everybody.
  7. Ah, you must be new here
  8. Healing Fields could probably improve footfall from our demographic if all they offered was back massages for sciatica and an opportunity to talk about the time your barber absolutely f**ked up the undercut on your curtains and sent you to school looking like Dwayne Dibley. I imagine.
  9. At BDs this year, are FFD worth a look?
  10. Quark

    Food Traders 2024.

    Think I tried one once on a moment of "must eat or all will go will south" Should have opted for going south
  11. Very late update. @waltere and I believe @chazwwe made up the 2023 ribbon tower party. Apologies chaps, memory ain't what it used to be 😂
  12. Quark

    Food Traders 2024.

    Ah that makes sense, ta. Also, eeww.
  13. Quark

    Food Traders 2024.

    What's the deal with the Yorkies? Sounds like there's some hoohah about them I missed somewhere
  14. And this is why I'm not even giving the vid a cursory look.
  15. Quark


    Clapton once said a LOT of things
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