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    I am northern and I have my big coat on.

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  1. I think no change this year. then a fallow year and then a big hike to £400 , with the excuse of not having the festival for a year and blah blah blah bolocky we need to make money money
  2. shuttlep


    it's not what you know, it is who you know / related to
  3. I really struggle with this first festival was 2004 . they all then tend to blend in to one . if you mention someone who played I may then remember that year. some really stand out 2010 first time it was f**king sunny for me obvs 2004 and 2005 first two festivals and very wet after that I am struggling
  4. Rolf Harris can't play any more
  5. shuttlep


    2009 tickets to heaton park oasis gig £45 per ticket
  6. shuttlep


    These prices are making Glastononbury look cheap as chips an extra £65 at oasis gets you a wrist band woooo
  7. I have friends who goi who are my age they enjoyt it I just hate anyone born in a centure that doen't start with 19
  8. we can't be bothered finding the massive bits of wood they leave now. we all agree to bring a bag of wood or kindling. we have a big camp around 20 of us. That wood normally does us all festival. we keep getting told we are not allowed fires by camp site staff these days. we say we are . They then say we need the fire off the floor for it to be2 allowed. so we bastardised a trolley and raised it off the floor. we then got left alone to enjoy our fires
  9. shuttlep

    The Mini Guide

    I still have all my Guides, hung up. This is another reason i miss them., plus i now have to carry my contraband somewhere else
  10. shuttlep

    The Mini Guide

    This year I really missed the mini guide. I had to get my phone out and had no reception so had to ask others. It was great having it around your neck for easy access. and I loved collecting them I also really miss the pencil they used to put it.
  11. was heading to see Cyndy , realised we were very f**king late , stopped at the park and watched Oktoboke Beaver. they were one of the best acts i saw all weekend, tremendous
  12. shuttlep

    Spread The love

    I have seen a few Topics about complaints about people in general. Chatting and Drink and so on. this is about what happened to you at the festival that helped restore your faith in humanity. did anyone do anything that made you smile and day better. mine were just random hugs from other raves as i danced my ass off at arcadia. so many hugs from strangers , high fives big smiles.
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