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  1. Didn't they used to have like an additional food court in the Beats & Swing? I vaguely remember fancy Scotch Eggs...
  2. TBH, I can't see the site map changing too much from previous years... maybe the exception being that the bandstand/seaside stage is back and the common stage field is bigger because no car park: The big top/Comedy is where the strongbow bar is normally. The actual shape and size won't change much.
  3. So, who we reckoning for the secret set? I'm laughing at the News saying it could be the 1975. My money is on: Busted, Rick Astley, >>Insert Indie Band Here<< I wish they would book the odd old school pop punk band or ska band though. I know that Reel Big Fish tearing up the Castle Stage would go down an absolute treat in Portsmouth.
  4. I'm trying to think about this, I don't think I've managed to actually get to barrier for anything... maybe Peter Hook? About 4 back for Libertines? But then equally, I don't think I've ever tried? I don't think it should be too tricky, as long as you're early and polite. Although anything 1D-related is a different ball game tbh.
  5. Haha! Omg this got wild. Personally, for me, I just liked shouting NAKED and just made a nice change from singing Mr Brightside in a crowd. The people we stood with in the crowd were all giggling about standing on benches in Year 6 and how we never ever ever got to use the sports equipment that pulled in the hall.
  6. I’m sooooo glad everybody enjoyed this! It was so much fun screaming out shine Jesus shine. 😊
  7. He's the guy that does all the social media video posts about "How to camp at Glastonbury" etc. I reckon you could do 10000x better AND throw in some fun craft videos as well.
  8. You could Dan Thomas a run for his money, lol
  9. I just wanted to drop in and say the actual SQUEAL I made in the crowd when CrazyFool popped up. Everybody looked at me and I basically had to explain to my husband that I “knew of and am on a festival forum with him”. 😂 He thinks I’m mad but it was one of the best memories of the festival because you put so much effort and thought into them. Nice to see them recognised GLOBALLY ❤️
  10. You going up the hill?
  11. Ooof! I'm lucky my clients are super understanding, and to be honest I can run my business at home with my kids here too. However a couple of my newer clients are American and they just cannot get their head around me being away so much. Financially things should be better for us next year as well, but part of me is thinking should I bow out, try something new etc. It's a hard call to make.
  12. Still weighing up whether or not to go for tickets. I love love love Glastonbury, and once we are there it's amazing, but as a small business owner and parent it's an absolute nightmare. We always go on a family holiday in May and July, that plus a week off in June ends up majorly impacting my income and my husband's leave. But... Glastonburyyyyy ❤️
  13. I spotted someone on the BBC footage of Avril, I think where someone is passing someone a drink, where someone is quite blatantly doing some coke.
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