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Skip997 last won the day on August 10

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  1. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    It’s arguable that the UK counterculture has had at least as big an effect on the development of the festival as the festival has had on the UK counterculture, if not bigger. Examples being the 80’s traveller scene and the late 80’s/early 90’s rave scene. Remember Michael Eavis was adamant that there would never be “dance music” at Glastonbury. The SE corner, Arcadia and Silver Hayes wouldn’t exist without the two.
  2. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    If you see that as an indicator that Glastonbury would be moving away from being a “countercultural event” then it happened many years ago. But let’s be honest it’s had a “mainstream” side to it for a long time anyway and certainly been in the “mainstream” conscious for at least a couple of decades. Fortunately it still retains a “counterculture” side
  3. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    There is no right or wrong fit for Glastonbury festival. They’ve booked some real shite over the years and not just recently. If I remember correctly Simply Red played in the 80’s
  4. Skip997

    Eminem to play

    Okay I’ll stop “banging my head against a brick wall”
  5. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    Of course they would and he’d say yes. Sad but true
  6. Skip997

    Eminem to play

    “Cancel culture” is in danger of significantly stifling the performing arts, especially stand up comedy. Have people lost the ability to recognise the use of stories to make people think and question?
  7. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    Exactly We could dig up plenty on a lot of those of have previously played “I can see that you’re just fifteen years old No I don’t want your I.D.”
  8. Skip997

    Eminem to play

    Not a problem, you can always go to a different stage
  9. On the afternoon of the Monday after this year, chilling and feeling somewhat broken, talking to a few old crew mates, I said “I’m getting too old for this, I may have to retire”. Hank the original bin painter asked my age. 60 I replied, he came back with “I’m 76, your not allowed to retire yet” Guess that’s me told
  10. @Sawdusty surferfor one I think
  11. Next year will be my 40th* anniversary. Maybe my last (but probably not). * only my 27th attendance though as far as I can remember/work out
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