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Skip997 last won the day on July 10

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  1. Possibly, but I’m not willing to risk a 5 hour drive, £200+ in diesel to have to park in the car park and stay in a tiny tent
  2. It’s a strange one, last year I had loads of smiles and even hugs, very little this year. Anyway large fur coat on one of the raised platforms rings a bell, you were near me at one point I also stick to those drugs except the cider, I don’t drink
  3. FFS, still Oxfam places left No news on getting a camper van spot sorted, so looks like I’ll have to miss out this year
  4. Play a DJ set somewhere, preferably Maceo’s or Guerrilla
  5. Went to a record fair at the weekend, came home with this
  6. The crowd management in the SE corner post midnight was terrible IMO
  7. I’ve got a good contact who has a lot of very interesting memorabilia
  8. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    Presuming they got the whole package - Eminem, Dre and Snoop it would likely be great
  9. Skip997

    2025 Headliners

    It would be what folks like to call an “all timer”
  10. To be fair to Emily and co it must be tricky to predict how silly/drunk/ironic people are feeling. Janelle vs Avril should have resulted in more folks at The Pyramid and less at The Other
  11. Skip997


    Hopefully so lo no one can hear him
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