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  1. dirtysteve


    I loved Oasis back in the 90s, they were the first band I was really obsessed with. Saw them live a bunch of times in late 90s/early 00s, I'd not really been into anything of theirs since Be Here Now era (which, on reflection, was pure bobbins but I liked it at the time) but they were always great fun live. It was their headlining Glastonbury 2004 that put me right off them, though, they were absolutely terrible. I was right down front and centre and off me nut but after four or five songs I'd had enough and marched off, looking for something better to listen to or do. Have had absolutely zero interest in them ever since. I might be tempted to watch a 2025 reunion tour Glastonbury set, but only out of morbid curiosity than anything else.
  2. Thanks all, very much appreciated. 🙂
  3. Hello. We're doing Latitude for the first time and I have some questions... Have been to Glastonbury about 15 times though so any comparisons to that for context would be appreciated. Arrival - how is it to arrive on site? Are there busy times, lots of traffic? Are we able to arrive early hours to beat the rush? Are there big queues to get into the campsites? My preference is to get there early on Thursday, should we look to get there hours before gates open or a short while before/after? Family camping is what we've got, how busy does it get? We have a friend arriving Thursday evening, will we need to pitch their tent for them to secure the spot or is space not an issue? Showers - our youngest is a filthy kid and he does suffer from eczema, too, so a daily shower would be good for him, are showers easily available? Cheers!
  4. dirtysteve

    Bag searches

    I got searched loads of times when I was younger, I did look like a caner and was usually very obviously high as a kite so no surprise, including as soon as we arrived in the car park in 2004 for my first festival (the car we were in was covered nose to tail in graffiti so we stood out like a sore thumb... instant tug off the security to pull the car to pieces...). I had a big bag of pills in my pocket then so lost those, but was never caught with contraband since, I learned my lesson (which was; stash your gear in your pants!). Started taking the kids from 2013 and have never been given so much as a second glance since, so maybe that's the cover that drug dealers need, borrow a kid and a buggy to wheel in their supply?
  5. dirtysteve


    Cannot agree with this enough. Wall to wall cheese and nostalgia, it'd be mint tbh. Maybe have one or two "serious" headliners, but yeah I'd be all in for giving the Pyramid over to feel-good fun for the whole weekend. And have the licence changed to allow for a Pyramid School Disco on the Thursday evening, too! Am not even joking, if they want to find a way to ease crowding on the Thursday then have DJs playing pop records from the 80s and 90s on the Pyramid, it would draw tens of thousands of people!
  6. Yup, likewise. Was pretty cheesed off last November when I didn't get a ticket, but booked Latitude a few weeks later and haven't felt sad about it since. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be there, but when I woke up yesterday morning at about 6am I did think "Thank Christ I'm not in that bloody queue right now...".
  7. I would say that it was the best odds any Glastonbury competition has ever had! When you divide the total raised by 50, the actual odds were 1/225, which is still a very high chance of winning compared to the competitions that had tens of thousands of entries... When I saw on Sunday how few had entered the draw I threw £50 in the pot, figured it was worth a punt! Congrats to the winner, though, hell of a prize they've bagged themselves!
  8. Agreed. The last half dozen or so festivals I've taken the kid (kids, last couple of festivals) to watch a film just so I could lay down and have a kip. I slept all the way through Jurassic World a couple of years ago, laid down and conked out at the opening credits and opened my eyes again when the lights came up a couple of hours later. Bliss!
  9. I had that call earlier too! The geezer I spoke to said the same, whether it's BS or not, who knows? He was a nice chap, though, so I signed up to a £10 a month DD, figured is worth helping Greenpeace prove the value of running competitions to generate sign-ups!
  10. Ha, yeah, the Sock Wrestling is great. Back in 2017 I think, my boy had a few goes at that, he'd actually been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a few years by that point so absolutely dominated it... heh. The guys running it are jiu jitsu guys too and after his first round they were like "Dude, you train, right?" lol
  11. I doubt it'll help any, but I booked Latitude tickets when I didn't get lucky last November, and I don't feel that cut up about not going to the G. Latitude won't be anything like as good, i know, but having it in the bag as an alternative to fall back on has definitely softened the pain a lot. I would highly recommend treating yourself to something else, whether it's another festival or maybe a week away on a beach somewhere. 🙂
  12. It's been years since I've heard dealers walking round hawking "pills and trips, pills and trips" loudly. Admittedly, I take the kids nowadays so probably don't spend as much time in the places where this'd happen so often, but back in the '00s there seemed to be dealers mooching around everywhere looking for business.
  13. Thanks for sharing this, I'm a professional photographer by trade so this is a dream opportunity. I've chatted with the guy, seems sound. Fingers crossed, if this pans out then I owe you a drink. 🙂
  14. Nice! Yeah, I've got programmes from all the years I've went, and also some from the 90s that I picked up here and there on eBay, have had in the back of my mind for a while to scan them. Only problem is, it's an absolute sod of a job to do it properly; Even after shearing off the spine to have loose pages to scan more easily, it still takes *ages* to scan a whole magazine. I've done it a few times before, couple of Radiohead magazines, computer magazines, and it's so much work that it puts me off... I might get into it, though, I've got 1994, 1995 and 1997 programmes sitting here, let's see if I can hustle up the energy at the weekend. Anything I scan I'll send your way for your site, too, save you doing it. Methodology, here's how I scan magazines; I cut the spine off with an EZ-Shear I have (https://floormart.co.uk/ez-shear-13-for-laminate-engineered-lvt/) and trim the pages down on all sides a bit so they fit on my scanner bed, then I scan each page in turn at super high-res 600dpi TIFF, then I put the scans in a folder, then I rename the scans so they are sequential (0001.tiff, 0002.tiff, etc), then I zip the folder, then I change the .zip filetype to .cbz (comic book reader format), then I upload the .cbz to archive.org and once uploaded they have various automatic scripts which process the .cbz and its files into a PDF, jpegs, text-only, etc. and you end up with a nice flippy-book of it on the archive.org page as well. Here's a Radiohead magazine I did in this way: https://archive.org/details/RadioheadComingUpForAirBook
  15. 2005: https://archive.org/details/glastonbury-festival-2005-map This map arrived today so I scanned and stitched it together, actually looking at it I don't think I did a perfect job of stitching it so might try again and re-upload later this evening if I have the energy...
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