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Bike_Like_A_Mum last won the day on June 13

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About Bike_Like_A_Mum

  • Birthday 06/24/1988

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    Motorbikes, food, fashion and festivals!

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  1. Bike_Like_A_Mum

    2025 Headliners

    It's a no brainer why he would be on the rumours list this time. New album, tour, isn't he on record saying he'd like to do it? I can imagine it's a career bucket list thing he would be up for. Other times the rumour has come around it's been nonsense but I can see why there's smoke in that sail at the moment. What makes him unlikely is quite simple. Emily. He'd pack out the field on any night regardless of how much people moan about him on here.
  2. The good people always outweigh the wronguns! Really don't understand getting so waspy at people going past in the crowd. Just let them go and move on. There will always be people behaving like this. Get over it or you have every right to dk the same and move on up. Personally, I thought 'the people' were all on top form this year! Loads of loveliness, loads of dancing all around, loads of sharing. Brilliant
  3. Bike_Like_A_Mum

    2025 Headliners

    🤣🤣 no definitely not...avoided those like the plague lol
  4. Bike_Like_A_Mum

    2025 Headliners

    My shout at this point is: Olivia Rodrigo Foo Fighters Eminem Based on nothing but gut feeling....
  5. So great to meet a weather celebrity 🤣 See you next year Steve 😊
  6. It's funny isn't it but lots of the things others have put in the 'bad' were completely the opposite for me! Right place right time I guess... GOOD... The people! Made some truly great connections this year. Loved meeting a few more efesters too including our 100% club lol. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and really made the effort to strike up conversations with people, I guess you get out of something what you put in. Overall crowds seemed to be dancing like crazy and sharing wine shots etc, everyone in queues really friendly. Led to great party atmosphere. Not a single dull crowd moment all weekend. (Top tip...just avoid flag people though, don't mind the actual flags but the people holding them are only interested in getting their own group back together and don't necessarily extend the welcome. Just my experience) Food - top tier as always. I'm more likely to walk to the other side of the festival for the food than the acts. Why am I like this?!?! Dragonfly - loved it. Thought it was beautiful and great sound where I was Shangri-La at a different time of day - brilliant atmosphere. Only ever been at night will pay closer attention in future. Rubbish - really kept on top of this year. Only encountered one overflowing bin the whole time Coldplay - my group was all adamant that was one thing we weren't going to. But guess where we all ended up. So glad we did. The singalong and all the wristbands in the air was magical. Jungle was my favourite set of the weekend. BAD... Drone show was impressive to look at but needed music or poetry or something. Very underwhelming atmosphere. Queues getting out afterwards made it seem like a waste of time. Really surprised how busy it was. Pass-out system on campervan gate...really boring. Must be a better way. Need more toilets at Block 9 The crazy scheduling didn't affect me personally...I got to see everything I wanted to in a spot I was happy with. But just think it's SUCH a shame to see empty fields. I hope they've learned a lesson on this, keep booking new acts but know your audience patterns and place them accordingly. Nutcases sitting down while thousands of people are trying to exit the stages. Wait for the majority to clear or find a quieter place to sit. Mental.
  7. I can't believe you've actually gone Spice Girls for Saturday night 🤣
  8. Spent hours with Joe Wicks on Friday afternoon/evening at Joy Anonymous B4B over in Shangri-La. He was just wandering around on his own...was supposed to be going and finding friends but ended up enjoying the vibes too much like us 🤣. Missed everything I wanted to see that day...lovely little time. We gave him some of our rave paint and I know he ended up down the front of the crowd for Jungle. He definitely gets it!! Also Louise Redknapp knows her way around and was helping me out with directions to the Glade before I figured out who she was. Was in the crowd at Arcadia at the time. Probably glamping though I'm sure but I can't talk, I love my caravan!!
  9. Bike_Like_A_Mum


    The crowds say you're delulu my friend. This is not speculation any more... even the seagulls came down like it was all over. The pyramid was a mix. Even without SZA headlining. Don't know what you're on about. Still got to get the right time and place. No one is saying she wasn't good. Glad you enjoyed it but it was still an empty flop overall and that was completely predictable and a shame for all after the effort that goes in
  10. Bike_Like_A_Mum


    Here's my little two pence...I thought the crowd sizes at pyramid on Sunday were really tragic to be honest. No excuse for it, everyone knew Avril was going to draw a big crowd. Lots of people I know wanted to see her and decided not to chance it because they knew it was going to be busy so they ended up missing out. I'm sure there was many many more who missed out too and that's a shame. Think people need to get off their high horse about nostalgia acts. I was chatting to Louise Redknapp while at the festival this year but it's not like everyone would be at 'Eternal' just for nostalgia is it! Avril Lavigne has a catalogue of absolute bangers, she sounded amazing and for the fussy people - she played an instrument live on stage. What more do you want. Her music is just as valid as the other dinosaurs that were playing across the weekend but no-one calls them 'nostalgia' acts. She's got the tunes for a good bloody party and lots of people wanted to be at that party, so the party needed a bigger venue. Simple as that. SZA is completely the wrong vibe for Sunday night, it was glaringly obvious and it's Emily and the teams problem the pyramid was empty. Felt quiet across the whole site, you could tell so many went home early. Not good for the stalls and food vendors etc who are paying a premium for their spots. So it IS a problem. I'm personally not having that 'it's difficult to predict' with the amount of data they have at their fingertips. I would have gone to see SZA if she was sub on Sunday afternoon for a nice little chill set before a final party. I'm looking forward to watching her set in bed on Sunday morning 🌄 I was at Justice. Had a brilliant festival and hope you all finished up your Sunday night in the best possible way to keep your cup filled up until next year ✌🏼🧡✨️
  11. @gazzarednext year it's on for sure! Just add me to your ticket list won't you 👍🏼
  12. Absolutely buzzing for you @Crazyfool01 So special 😊
  13. It's always the people for me. Made some special new friends this year which made it unforgettable 🧡
  14. If anyone gets any inside knowledge on KOL... PLEASE send me a DM. I have a friend who is going to be gutted if he misses them
  15. It's HOT on site!!!! Make sure you've got plenty of water for the queue people... the 'feel like' temperature is through the roof! Woohooo, you can officially leave your wellies at home I'm calling it!!!! Safe travels everyone! Thank you weather thread nutters, we did it! Cheers ☀️
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