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  1. Maybe it's just selfishness on my part in liking it because it'll help me stop smoking! Or smoking as much at least. It wouldn't personally stop me going to the pub, or drinking as much as I do. I don't drink because I'm smoking, I smoke because I'm drinking. The ban will just make that harder, but clearly I will just walk to some area that I'm allowed to smoke and do it there, when I need to. It'll just be more hassle to do that, so it'll cut down how often I do it. I'm not sure I follow the coke thing either... Its still less hassle and risk to find somewhere to smoke than it is to pick up coke, right?
  2. Yep I agree with this too, even as a current smoker. I've been gradually cutting down from around 10-15 a day, to around 3-4 a day on average. Although some days I can manage going with none. Usually boredom, stress or drinking that increases the number (on a night out, I will end up smoking over 20, which is gross). So yeah, I would welcome a ban on smoking in these areas, as it would definitely help to curb those nights!
  3. If people who get Pension Credits are still getting the Winter Fuel Payments, then doesn't that mean it's basically the people with a testable income between £11,343.80 and £12,643.80 that are worse off? If they have higher income then they can cover the costs themselves (in theory). Sure it's pretty rubbish for those who might have been expecting the money and planned accordingly... But cuts need to affect somewhere. And that small range surely isn't a massive amount of people? The millions affected are going to be higher incomes.
  4. Interesting, well yeah that would be a fantastic change. Fingers crossed.
  5. Really, is there something Labour have said about it? I would love to see it, but it's a big change... Would they flat rate at Basic Rate top up and nothing else, or try to find a middle ground? The latter would be complex to implement for companies and HMRC. Edit: And the former not popular with anyone on higher than Basic Rate tax band...
  6. 100% they should pay more tax. Also need to bin tax relief that Higher and Additional Rate earners get on their pension contributions. Will never happen though.
  7. Yeah I think this is my stance. I always tend to think of anyone in prison for drug offenses - theoretically, they could be in prison for something that a different leader might decriminalise, and so I think should be allowed a vote. But yeah more serious crimes, I think you do give up a lot of your rights, including voting.
  8. I think the point I was trying to make is that if we say it's within the law for someone to bring life into the world (and our country), leaving the child subject to the laws of that country, then shouldn't they be allowed a say in who makes those laws?
  9. If you're old enough to have a baby, surely you should be old enough to have a vote? Should prisoners have a vote? Maybe the problem for both is that it's another demographic for the political parties to have to appeal to.
  10. cellar

    Glasto depression

    Tonight it's really hit me that I'm not gonna be there. I'm sure it's dramatic etc., but I've been there every year apart from 2013 since 2010, and Glasto has become my break from reality. I'm not going to be able to sit on the hill, and look around and be happy that everyone around me is happy. Be somewhere where everyone is just comfortable. Maybe I'm just idealising, but whenever I'm there I'm just happier, and I'm not going to be there this year, and that's sh*t. I don't want solutions or anything either, I just want to be there. It's like there's a party in my house and I'm not invited. For those that are going, I'm sure you will anyway, but savour every moment. I'll see you one day in the future on the Farm x Big love
  11. Yeah its pretty depressing isn't it? The only ones that will get media attention though are the ones that annoy people. People don't want to think they actually might have a point.
  12. I doubt it really bothers anyone on here directly, but it does play into a sh*tty narrative that politicians clearly are using to their advantage to appeal to the people who it does "bother." Not sure what the alternative is though.
  13. I doubt it really bothers anyone on here directly, but it does play into a sh*tty narrative that politicians clearly are using to their advantage to appeal to the people who it does "bother." Not sure what the alternative is though.
  14. According to I Side With, I am 90% Labour, 89% Lib Dem and Green and 88% Count Binface Party ...34% Conservative though
  15. Whilst I agree from the wider perspective, I think this is still defeat for him. An almost inevitable part of being a main party politician
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