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  1. That was before the poster announcement so they hadn't said anything publicly.
  2. I meant in the Oxfam field itself. If you physically turn up, no pass, then I reckon at somewhere like Shambala there's a good chance you'd be able to talk your way in.
  3. Yeah you'll likely only get the standard "computer says no" response from Oxfam. If you turn up to site with a public camper pass though I would bet that 99% of the time you'll get let in. There might be a difference between what someone in an office says and what someone on sight dealing with it there and then says. I'd let him on, but I probably won't get the early shift unfortunately!
  4. I swear people have said that the TBC is there, in part, in case of a headliner drop out. So they've got a pretty big name act they can drop at very short notice into either the pyramid headline slot, or the slots vacated by someone bumped up last minute to headline.
  5. Was thinking about this place and the queues to get in and I actually don't think there's much difference between queuing an hour to get in here and turning up an hour early to get a good spot to watch a pyramid headliner. They're just different types of queuing for entertainment.
  6. Quite funny this tbh. Tl:dw Try fence jumping, dressing up as chefs and have no luck. Get taken to the eviction centre first time (which doesn't normally happen but they must have been quite annoying) Sunday they have two hospitality wristbands and pass outs that they "found left in a cabin" (I think they paid for that) Try the gate in the day, get rejected and tickets confiscated. Then they try again and get in without even having a ticket. But by the sunset it's clearly about 9/10pm on the Sunday. Security take over the gates by then and tbh, yeah, it's really easy to get in at a gate at that point. It's also 10pm on the Sunday, and won't really make any difference.
  7. Leyrulion

    The Mini Guide

    Pretty much any phone that's been made this decade shouldn't be draining the battery that much through the app now. Some people may prefer to go phoneless so I guess an extra option for them like you said might be useful.
  8. I'd disagree with this. They were definitely more active trying to control flows this year.
  9. Leyrulion

    The Mini Guide

    No need for the mini guide now tbh. App and clashfinder all work fine without any signal. Massive saving on the printed paper as well.
  10. TBF I don't know if those numbers are necessarily exceptional for the area.
  11. Leyrulion

    Bag searches

    Mix it with other stuff and it's pretty complementary.
  12. Leyrulion

    Bag searches

    We heard it but it just seemed less prevalent this year.
  13. Leyrulion

    Bag searches

    Was wondering that, looked the same as ever this year. I had no checks at Gate D. Did anyone else notice significantly fewer NOS sellers on site this year? We spoke about how you'd normally hear that tell tale hiss so much. But there seemed to be a lot less this year. Wonder if they've gotten stricter or it's because it's now illegal?
  14. The little camp showers are so much better than wet wipes. I was skeptical at first but by Friday the whole group was queuing up for a shower. The herras fencing also really helpfully acts as a hoop for the bag to hang it over.
  15. From my view it was the best organised festival for crowd control, obviously others had different experiences but whilst busy we never felt crushed. Except perhaps in Greenpeace on Thursday but we got to the front of the sound stage and we were fine.
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