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About clarkete

  • Birthday June 24

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    north of Bristol

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  1. Funnily enough if you look for this policy, there's lots of references to their story, but little else, which clearly is odd for something they imply is a manifesto promise. From Feb 24 "But by 2023, Labour confirmed it had no plans to raise the DST, and insisted the hike was only ever proposed as a “temporary measure”, according to the Times." https://www.cityam.com/u-turn-if-you-want-to-five-financial-policies-keir-starmer-has-scrapped-as-labour-leader/ As per here https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2098 And here https://archive.is/sBlXS The US threatened retaliatory action. Thankfully someone found the links for me
  2. Well it looks like it's as left wing as Wales and it is more left wing than England - that's what I got by just taking the red and then subtracting the black number to give me a net red number 😉 Surely there's a considerable and obvious disparity between some parts of the scottish population compared to others? My favourite aspects is the reform voters. "Ok I may spend half my time online saying that I'm not a fascist, but push comes to shove OK I'll choose fascist". Scumbags.
  3. Hang on we have to choose between communism and fascism, when did this come in? channels inner Stewart Lee
  4. There was a really dreadful story of something that was in court recently for an issue in Stroud, but I won't go into the details here. Suffice to say, there are some pretty damaged people about...but tbh we know that sadly.
  5. Sorry that you lost it that is rubbish. it's not about what's in it, I think if there's a bag on a bike or in a car and it's in the city then someone will nick it - for all they know it may have something in it. If I park even for 5 minutes I'll ensure nobody leaves a bag in the car, as about 30 years ago I had it happen several times, including once in London when I'd only just pulled in for one minute to pop into a flat and they put the window through then nicked a handbag 🙄
  6. Yes. Was surprised that the size of this figure. "The issue of who needs the support is at the heart of the change to the WFP. Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures show that the proportion of wealthy over-65s has grown. In 2010, 9% of this group lived in a household that had a total wealth – including assets like their home and pensions – above £1 million. Ten years later, this rose to 27%." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gegy4r9ndo
  7. After all your posts I'd never picked up that key detail. I think you're still often getting right amongst it a good deal more than me, so more power to your elbow 💪
  8. clarkete

    The churnups

    Yes often the British press manage to outdo those over the pond when it comes to muckraking...doesn't it make you proud 🤮
  9. 1985 started going 2007 went home on Sunday due to everything about me being wet and the weather being sh*t 2024 still going and had a great time Everything in between is a bit fuzzy
  10. I've lived through the last 14 years with the highest tax burden for seventy years, pork barrel politics (one of the constituencies he gave money to was his own N Yorkshire which is very far from the poorest), the endless stoking of the culture wars, direct pressure on the broadcasting organisation that we own to be less critical of the government's perspective, 425bn wiped off pensions by Truss. Personally I'm happy to give any fecker (other than Tommy Robinson in a cravat obviously) more than two months to at least try and do anything different, but it will take time.
  11. clarkete

    The churnups

    Harsh but fair - but of course that in itself doesn't mean he's a nonce. I don't doubt there's a massive wedge of cash from the press trying to find the answer and get some pics
  12. Cheer up, some stuff more important than a poll that had an obvious outcome BBC News - Coal mine plan quashed by High Court https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdrlrkz5k2ro
  13. Well it's hardly been a honeymoon period, no election for years, as Deborah Meaden says - plenty of pensioners (as she is one) don't need it. Where I live many pensioners are pretty well off, but they certainly handled it badly.
  14. They seem to be saying 337,000-400,000 depending where you look...but I think that's the total (including r their previous base level) https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/taylor-swift-voter-registration-harris-endorsement-b2612021.html
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