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clarkete last won the day on December 18 2023

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About clarkete

  • Birthday June 24

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    north of Bristol

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  1. "With environmental protest rising in the UK, ministers have sought to crack down on public disruptions by introducing legislation to curtail such activities — notably the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and the Public Order Act 2023. These changes, which strengthen police powers to restrict protests, to stop and search people “without suspicion”, as well as create new offences, have raised questions about civil liberties being encroached. In January Michel Forst, the UN’s special rapporteur on environmental defenders, criticised the UK’s “increasingly severe crackdowns” on protest. He noted “it had been almost unheard of since the 1930s for members of the public to be imprisoned for peaceful protest in the UK”". https://www.ft.com/content/f0bf8226-2072-4c15-b162-f611d93459b6
  2. Who shared the article? I'm not reading through 314 pages 😉 One of my key uses of the thread is Stevie's news aggregation, but it does mean there's a lot of content 😊
  3. Yes it was C and tbh that sounds verbatim like what I overheard - if you stalked me I'm sorry I'm not more interesting 😉 You're right that good travelogues today are quite different, but there was a lot of his stuff which approached destinations with an open and inquisitive perspective and he was a bloody funny writer.
  4. What's your source for saying it's quicker to put in place? These sources all refer to win and say that speed and cost of deployment is usually one of the strengths of onshore. https://www.blackridgeresearch.com/blog/difference-between-onshore-and-offshore-wind-energy-farms-plants-mills https://www.ecotricity.co.uk/our-news/2024/ecotricity-explains-onshore-vs-offshore-wind-power#:~:text=Wind speeds%3A Offshore winds tend,lot slower and more difficult. https://blog.rippleenergy.com/environment/onshore-and-offshore-wind-farms/ https://www.gscapital.uk/news/blog/harnessing-the-wind-onshore-vs-offshore-wind-farms
  5. clarkete

    The Mini Guide

    A sizable proportion of people have no interest in lanyards or mini programs. If you're gonna charge for something make it that.
  6. I remember seeing them come around once a year when I worked in a call centre during the late 80s/90s
  7. I dunno quite a lot of the crowds are born way after that song and does it get much airplay to younger audiences?
  8. The default is for whatsapp to not include videos and not backup over cellular, the latter should be the same on google drive too.
  9. clarkete

    The Mini Guide

    But now you can do that on the phone and it's simply a better guide:- It's easier to read in daylight and at night (as that's simply a setting on your phone) and avoids the tiny stupid print of the guide. (at my age or when *ahem* under the weather. It shows you when an artist is on at your chosen location. It also shows when that artist is playing elsewhere, so if you have a current destination but liked the sound you can tag them in another slot. You can click on them and see more detail, you even have a link to some popular songs and you can also click their page. I can understand folks who may want a souvenir, but that's not enough reason to print off 150,000 of them which may end up lost on site or in the bin.
  10. Rees reminds you of Farage? Bloody hell 🙄
  11. clarkete

    The Mini Guide

    Ooh look at you, living up to your nick
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