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cb4747 last won the day on April 29

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About cb4747

  • Birthday 12/07/1993

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    down the rabbit hole...

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  1. I'm a cheese lover but the idea of iced cheese 🤢🤣
  2. I'm amazing they did it! They were so hot on our tickets, pass outs and wrist bands at gate D every single time we were on and off site.
  3. I went through a whole pack of Emmental 😅
  4. I ended up in the co-op drunkenly on the Saturday but forgot to look for cheese and was just overwhelmed with the amount of strawberries and how I hadn't seen one person eating strawberries...
  5. Yep, we're here again. Did anyone manage to purchase a block of Worthy Farm cheddar at the on site Co-op? https://www.coop.co.uk/competitions/glastonbury-ticket-competition
  6. As a wife and mother who likes to be organised this is a green flag for me 🤣
  7. cb4747

    Food Traders 2024.

    So my husband and I had a flat bread loaded with salad and crispy chicken and an amazing hot sauce and fries for a side. Think it came to £28 for the two mains and the side and there was SO much food. It tasted incredible and such generous portions. Can't for the life of me remember the name but it was in Silver Hayes and something to do with flat bread...
  8. I am full of a nasty cold. Along with post festival blues and my period I am feeling utterly SHITE.
  9. Jungle for me. Brilliant set.
  10. cb4747


    We posted Thursday PM and it arrived yesterday!
  11. I am full of something! Temperature, hot flushes, snotty, sore throat etc. Hooray.
  12. Jungle were my favourite! Absolutely stellar.
  13. I’ve got to admit we left early. Nothing compelling enough to keep us there after 4 nights of madness. Sad I’ve missed Camelphat but such a late timing for them! Lots of people leaving when we left too. We did pop into Glastonbury town, walked up the Tor. It was empty but really recommend doing it if you get the chance!
  14. I would 100% return to Holt Farm, but have a feeling that it will be much more expensive next year. The walk from the car park to the tent was very short in comparison. Our walk was 10 mins, flat, easy. The walk from gate D to holt farm was a stones throw. The security and staff are fantastic, so friendly and helpful. We felt very safe. Our wristbands were thoroughly checked when entering each time even at those wobbly early hours of the morning. The camping set up itself is great if you like a less cramped campsite. The 5 x 5 pitches are laid out in rows of two, with nice big walk ways between. Very spacious and nobody is camped on the fence line. It is a quieter campsite, even in general. I’ve had some of the best sleep I’ve ever had at Glastonbury. All our camping neighbours were also sensible, respectful and friendly. The shower and toilet facilities are great, there’s a queue for showers if you use them at peak time but that’s to be expected. There is a lot of showers so the queue doesn’t take long. Lots of portaloo style toilets, always clean. A good selection of food and drink vendors, a small shop, and a lovely chilled bar with lots of comfy seating. The pamper parlour is a great plus, only downside is that hairdryer socket usage is limited so again, expect to queue if at peak times. I think Holt Farm is great and if I’m lucky enough to get tickets for next year I would definitely pay to return. Just hoping the price increase isn’t too high.
  15. Okay we need this wet stuff turned off thanks.
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