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About gooner1990

  • Birthday 08/06/1981

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    Abingdon, Oxfordshire

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  1. Yep agreed. I was there in trainers last night and even with a bit of rain the ground held firm. Forecast is good this weekend too. Have a good time everyone. 🙂
  2. Noticed a lot with my own friendship group that there always seems to be some chasing round to find secret act this and TBC that, and the next thing and the next thing then a DJ late at night. Don't sit around the camp in the evenings just chilling out at any point anymore!
  3. I live 2 miles from the site - its overcast but no rain as of yet.
  4. See a lot of that sort of crap at football as well now...especially when I was out in Germany for the Euros the last few weeks. I got a last minute ticket for the final on Sunday and I went in early to the ground and was constantly dodging around people filming either themselves or someone they were with doing silly poses, filming themselves entering the stadium, getting a drink etc. Whilst we were at Brandenburg Gate for a short while there was a constant stream of young women with someone filming them trying to get the perfect shot of them in front of it.....all filming it on iPhones so clearly just amateur YouTube vloggers. The world is changing!
  5. I took a Nokia brick to Reading when I first went in 1999, think me and one other mate were the only ones to have them.... It would never happen but it would be interesting if say Glastonbury 2025 was a mobile phone free event - how different would we all behave and interact with each other.
  6. Funnily enough one of my friends had a good power bank and an iphone back in 2014 and streamed some of the World Cup that year in his tent......was very easy to do back then as hardly anyone else had them so other people using it was minimal!
  7. I'd much prefer a mini guide to put in my pocket than a programme that sat in my tent for 5 days and not looked at.
  8. I'm on o2 and apart from when I was near West Holts/T&C it was like being off grid.....I actually quite liked it in a way as it meant my phone was in my pocket a lot more.
  9. I mentioned this elsewhere...but before TDCC at the Other on the Sunday night I was waiting for a friend up the back near the Sams Pies stall, from just observing pretty much everyone was on their phone, either stood texting/scrolling, talking to someone on it, shouting down the phone where they were on it etc, two people walked into each other right in front of me as they both weren't looking where they were going as they were both texting, and another girl walked straight into a set of bins as she was texting on hers. Its not a Glastonbury specific problem I know but if people just got off them for a while I think it would be a positive move, there was a sweet spot a few years ago when smartphones were common place in the outside world but battery packs still weren't a thing so people brought dumbphones or just had no phone at all from the Friday onwards. I do use my phone like everyone else but I also try to keep it in my pocket when I'm at the festival with friends!
  10. A friend of mine went to Uni in Nottingham in the early 2000s and one of her friends ended up working at See Tickets for a period of time.....funny how she got tickets every year for about 5 years in a row.....
  11. FYI anyone coming by train - Oxford - Didcot Parkway is closed on the Saturday and Sunday due to railworks. Week 18 Saturday 27 July to Friday 2 August 2024.pdf (ox.ac.uk)
  12. My old man grew up in Dunoon in the 50s and 60s....seen a lot of similar looking people in old family photos! 😄
  13. The Libertines Pilton Party | Glastonbury Festival (glastonburyfestivals.co.uk)
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