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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi and welcome to he Pukkelpop thread. Late and night there are no trains, so I think that the best idea is to try to find a room for friday night in Hasselt and then move on saturday morning to Brussels. There is a free shuttle bus from the festival to Hasselt that works perfectly at night. Besides, your train journey will be free with the Pukkelpop ticket (you will receive in early summer a link from you can download your train tickets). Maybe will be cheaper a room in Hasselt than the taxi trip + the hotel night in Brussels. Feel free to ask everything you need. Here there are really nice people as @Semprini, @DDave, @Trufflehound... that have attended the festival lot of times.
    4 points
  2. The middle day is ridiculously good value.
    3 points
  3. Seetickets / Gigsandtours is excellent i think. By far my preferred ticket site - maybe its not technically great or something but for user experience its great! way better than TM I'm not on about glastonbury - thats 0.5% of their business if that
    3 points
  4. True, let's keep hope alive...
    2 points
  5. They'll look at the photos of the people who haven't paid their balance yet to decide if they should drop Avalon or SH 😂
    2 points
  6. As @Semprini says, there is a whole fleet of buses that leaves after the festival each night, but they only cover towns and villages in the local Belgian Limburg area. Places like Genk, Tongeren and Sint-Truiden are covered, but they don't go as far as Brussels. This is the list of routes they put on for last year's festival: https://2023.pukkelpop.be/nl/info/transport/met-de-bus/ The late-night trains do cover Brussels, but as @gigi21has already pointed out, they only run after the festival has ended on the Sunday night - they don't run the other days. If you can't find a place to stay in Hasselt, and don't want to fork out for a taxi to Brussels, then Genk, Tongeren or Sint-Truiden might be places to look for cheapish accommodation, then get the relevant night bus there. All three towns have railway stations for getting you to Brussels the next day.
    2 points
  7. Looking back at my photos of 2013, makes me appreciate what a truly special place Glastonbury is. I've posted some previously of Chrissie Hynde & Johnny Marr, etc but the one of Paul Carrick is my favourite.
    2 points
  8. All is calm. We don't hold with this science stuff really. All guessery and computer posturing. It rains, it doesnt rain, all the same really. Wait until the start of June and we will see what really is happening. There will be weather whatever we do. Keep the faith.
    2 points
  9. I'm sure they put on extra night buses after the main stages finish each day (2:30am or so) but don't know whether that's just to places relatively local? They don't tend to announce those until nearer the time though so for peace of mind you might be better off looking now at hotel options closer to the site. You're going to have an amazing, and no doubt long and heavy, day at the festival so you'll thank yourself at 2/3/4am when you're tucked up in bed 30 mins after leaving the festival site! Last thing you want to be doing at that time of the morning is navigating your way to Brussels...
    2 points
  10. Tomorrow according to their Facebook page.
    2 points
  11. Taken at my 1st Glasto last year - not the best pics but so many memories
    2 points
  12. Bar work at Arcadia and Shangri-La https://refreshwest.eventmaster.jobs/events/ogYjp0Dk7q1JCbHkjN6T
    2 points
  13. Managed to lay from my holiday without any hitches. The wife and I are officially going to our first ever Glastonbury Festival!
    2 points
  14. Very true missed out in the ballot in 2011 and found the way in via recycling and thanks the recycling gods we did. Plus I'm retired now so work after festival so am on site from Sunday before to Friday after an amazing experience and people in every way.
    2 points
  15. Everyone knows how much I adore the festival, but losing Williams Green still really hurts. There was and is no other venue that had/has that identity and curated line-up. It was like a small version of the 'New Bands Tent' that JPT was once and for many of us was a key part of our daily line-up schedule. Yes, the big bookings, especially on Thursday with so much less on around the site, became untenable. Fine. Stop booking those bands. But, that combination of upcoming bands and also daytime sets by more established artists who were playing elsewhere during the weekend (Everything Everything, Courtney Barnett etc) was unique to Glastonbury, and its passing is one small step towards the Farm feeling more like 'all the other festivals'. And that's a huge shame. With the loss of The Rabbit Hole, the only vaguely comparable daytime venue (though I do understand the reasons for its end), that type of experience at Glastonbury has taken another huge hit for those of us less interested in chart popular stuff and nostalgia acts. I truly hope they knock it out of The Park with a replacement for the ol' Hole. Ben
    2 points
  16. Nah, it's just the one date of a three day festival.
    1 point
  17. I thought my 22 was an achievement. 31 respect!
    1 point
  18. Bands touring on those dates : The National, The Smile, LCD Soundsystem, Massive Attack, Pulp, Queens of the Stone Age,
    1 point
  19. The thing for me is that “moments” are spontaneous and unpredictable. They can creep up on you when you least expect. That is the beauty of them and what makes it special.
    1 point
  20. Except the quality of the lineups...
    1 point
  21. Vodaphone incoming also … it’s all go on the competition front
    1 point
  22. Avalon and Silver Hayes tend to be the earlier ones I believe, had a quick look at The Thingy and that appears to be the case anyway.
    1 point
  23. Just checked that Best for Britain Survation poll and it predicts a massive Labour win in Bristol Central!
    1 point
  24. One of the paths near where I walk is covered in frogs at the moment. In the dark I have to be very careful not to squish any.
    1 point
  25. Curiosity question- how come everyone's so sure Twigs is pulling out? They're still using her face on the adverts... I wanna be naively optimistic I think!
    1 point
  26. All the stages in Shangri-La now missing from the website & nothing on the Shangri-La page, apart from 'This page will be updated nearer the Festival'. Page updated yesterday. Previous view of the page, from January, with the stages on the right-handside.
    1 point
  27. Not sure the rain is going to stop feels like it's been constant for a year
    1 point
  28. As long as we get a few good weeks we'll be fine especially when temperatures start to improve but I've never wanted weather to improve so much I am seriously sick of walking in mud and rain just at home let alone on the farm. It feels like the last seriously good weeks weather we had was last years Glastonbury.
    1 point
  29. But to be on the safe side let's hope it does an about turn sooner rather than later mainly just because I am already sick of rain and mud!!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Hi Lisa, Full disclosure, my preference would be to just buy a ticket but cannot face the idea of watching Glastonbury on the tv so needs must and when I've missed out on a ticket I've volunteered for Oxfam in 2019, WaterAid 2023 and Avalon this year! I'm pretty squeamish when it comes to public toilets but is wasn't that bad, breath through your mouth, wear the gloves provided and never look down! Campsite is in a great spot, behind the Eavis's farmhouse, with hot showers and great catering in the next field with a subsidised bar (shared with the recycling crew) though the camping field does have quite a slope and you're packed in but everyone was friendly and respectful, but take ear plugs. Our Loo crew Shifts were 4x 6 hours, but spread over the 24 hour clock and five days so as an example we worked: Wed. 6pm - midnight, Thu. midnight to Friday 6am, Sat. 6am - noon and Sunday 6pm - midnight. But has been mentioned 'travel time' is included, so on early shift you could roll out of bed fifteen minutes before you start, sign in in the camping field and then walk to your starting point, we were SE Corner that took at least forty minutes to walk there, longer if it was crowded and then the same going home, so if you're volunteering at a far point the shift ends up being closer to four hours rather than six. You also get reasonable breaks during your shift and as been mentioned you can be in the middle of the action as you walk around the site and people are SO grateful for what you're doing, imagine the SE Corner loos at 4am, quite the spot, but tens if not hundreds of people thanked us for the cleanish loos! Of course Oxfam has it's advantages, parking next to the campsite, more space etc., I had eight hour shifts on a quiet vehicle gate that did drag, but I could breath through my nose... Either way you're in the fields and not watching on the tv, good luck! Steve
    1 point
  33. im also heading in solo this year. looking forward to being free to experiance the festival in my own way, but it would be nice to find a group of solo/just nice people to camp around.
    1 point
  34. They headlined during the swamps that were 2005, 2011 and 2016. It stopped raining after they played in 2011, Sunday was great weather. They did headline in 2002 but they were a late replacement so the weather gods didn’t have time to prepare the ground for them.
    1 point
  35. As I've been away I had to put off the DPD delivery of the Brothers prizes until today. Some of the cider (50 cans), the cool bag and one of the festival 'survivor bags' turned up. I'm quite impressed with the survivor bag. Its a Trespass Albus 30 sack with additional Brothers / Glastonbury branding. Water bottle, hand gel, wipes, lip stuff, lanyard, small power bank and a nifty multi connection USB lead that should be able to connect almost anything to almost anything. Everything is Brothers branded. Compared to last years sunglasses and can coolers its quite a step up. I would rather have won the tickets (and I'm still trying) but still, this is quite nice. All of the cans are the same flavour, Best of the Zest. I assume that's because I have just been leaving that in as the favourite setting each time, so that is what they have sent me. I don't have to go to Tesco's for more entries for a while. Keep going, someone here has to win some tickets sooner or later.
    1 point
  36. Primavera Sound is next month!
    1 point
  37. I'm going solo again this year, a friend turned down the opportunity to come over volunteering to try and get his new misses in with him....bit mad if you ask me but hey. May well make an appearance at the ridge and furrow if I make it past the brothers bar.
    1 point
  38. UK Unemployment Thatcher years in White. Lowest level 1979.
    1 point
  39. Yes, but only if it's expired
    1 point
  40. Well except for the record unemployment, the recession, slashing NHS funding thereby causing increased queues and closed wards, the increased crime rates, the poor state of many state schools due to underfunding, the selling of council houses but idiotically without any commitment to create further social housing, BBC News - The Thatcher years in statistics https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22070491 https://blogs.ubc.ca/imandywu/working-for-patients-thatcherisms-disguised-attack-on-the-nhs/
    1 point
  41. It’s almost like Glastonbury don’t have an infinite budget and some acts won’t budge on their appearance fees. Not every act thinks the festival is as important as we do!
    1 point
  42. Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 states in section 15 what an employers' liabilities are, which is what makes it legal. List A is detailed here on gov.uk website: Employers' right to work checklist - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). List A, item 1, states passport - current or expired.
    1 point
  43. They do but its not the same level there is a big, big gulf in stature between playing the emerging talent comp and being booked low down on woodsies or park Panic shack for example played truth stage last year, and would have been a perfect candidate for a williams green show. The smaller stages dont book the same way WG did. Grove played greenpeace, same applies. Both were on the thursday which got them a good crowd which was nice. but neither stage does specifically what WG did. it was the place you caught amyl and the sniffers or yard act before they made the step up.
    1 point
  44. Both those interactions sound fine. However, outside my Glasto family, whenever it comes up that I regularly attend I get the usual banal "who's headlining" or "isn't it always muddy" bollocks. The only exception was 2 young guys in the local pub who had never been able to get tickets and it blew their mind I'd been 10 times. I got them into our ticket gang and last year, they went for the first time. I'm now a legend and always get a free pint if they're in.
    1 point
  45. Yeah, but he's nowhere near as popular since he's stopped playing dubstep
    1 point
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