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Nobody Interesting

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Nobody Interesting last won the day on December 10 2023

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  1. More like a hope than any sort of plan - or if there is a plan they certainly are not telling anyone what it is.
  2. Did they actually win that many over? Only 1.6% more votes than 2019 and despite the polls showing 40-44% consistantly they only got 34%.
  3. erm, the very post you replied to says £growth likely to remain low" so................................ growth innit means the UK is set to fail. More.
  4. Yes the cost of strikes outweighs the rise............... but it is all, as a whole, totally unsustainable unless the UK changes something somehow or tries something new. Debt at 99.5% of GDP, growth likely to remain low, interest on debt £80bn a year and rising, taxes already very high (apart from on the really wealthy) and every govt department wanting and needing more money................. how is this all in any way sustainable??
  5. The 20bn is a one off, the pay rise will need covering every year and then the rises in future years on top of it..................... In simple terms, unless something new is added/tried the entire picture is unsustainable.
  6. One part at a time: 1) "the emergency budget was about reversing Kwarteng's tax cuts." Not all were reversed, some like the tax cuts for banks were kept 2) "The spring budget this year was Hunt using some made up fudge for OBR to do some NI cuts" Where is the proof of made up fudge for the OBR? They are independent and have access to all information. You also ignored the several other statements and budgets inbetween but none of that really matters as in Oct 2022 the figure of £20 billion was used and back then described as a black hole and as I said the NI cuts are £14 billion a year every year so the maths does not add up to what you suggest.
  7. That cost an estimated £14 billion - a year, every year. The £20 billion was even talked about by Hunt in his first emergency budget.
  8. You mean a world leader/vice who spends half their life posting on social media - how would that ever work 😉
  9. The use of Obama's middle name shows them up for what they are!
  10. It should be no surprise, it is widely known the UK has had this for several years and was part of why Truss's budget went down so badly. Let's just hope wealth taxes are the way they deal with it - they are popular so fecking do it.
  11. Another one has now come out and said the same!
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50194118
  13. So many of these folks arriving are well qualified with numerous who are now NHS staff having arrived over the years 'illegally'. As most countries are desparate for skilled workers I do wonder how long it will be before EU countries and the UK are squabbling over who has the most of these skilled workers. I say grab them while we can, get them working and paying tax to help the UK grow again.
  14. This is good....... But, why does the Crown Estate 'own' it all and why when the CE yesterday announced record profits of £1.1 billion did the amount the tax payer have them went up by lots? The taxpayer should not have to pay to lease land from them AND then pay them annual money so they can buy new helicoptors. "" The government is set to use British seabed owned by the Royal Family to help build windfarms which it hopes will power 20 million homes. It is the first major plan to be announced by Great British Energy, the government's new company aimed at increasing renewable energy which will receive £8.3bn in state funding over the next five years. Energy Secretary Ed Miliband claimed the initiative would "lead to lower bills" for households. But the Conservatives said GB Energy is "nothing but a gimmick that will end up costing families". The deal with the Crown Estate means that the monarchy's land and property business will lease the land on which windfarms can be developed and built. The Crown Estate owns the majority of the seabed which stretches up to 12 nautical miles from the mainland.""
  15. I can't find the one with subtitles but near the end they talk about immigration and third countires and Starner says he has to have lots of hard conversations with his party and it will be difficult to get it past them - or somethign like that. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/keir-starmer-walk-chat-italian-153113279.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZWNvc2lhLm9yZy8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFv6ryEJsMc_bke4F376I5zHjwVZLTMY8CJanC3JYBxb4qq3HRrhEjBeRbxlxcPPsS1mOtA8aZ8nKH2tFh33NLnQ7jNnUGkDBnnewk-DracTZo77fW5VicQWplVF-_4Fd8sAC6IxvOYJPJpF891kaL2wf6mD07bRaqyMaCR_o7ET He sometimes sounds more Tory than a Tory!
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