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Supernintendo Chalmers

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Supernintendo Chalmers last won the day on May 10

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  1. https://www.mumufication.com/about/?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&utm_campaign=K2 announcement&utm_id=01J3N7GNZ97PSNVSNYC9G2QXY7&_kx=kJAhtkM39DzO1Wz5g4k5-qSs_Bp1hYvYGW2sQXIDWy4.YnEs2E
  2. Probably sub-Other or headline Woodsies these days, I think. But then, stranger things happened this year!
  3. Stepped away from the insanity of the Avril Lavigne overcrowding and stumbled across Phil Hartnoll's b2b with his son, Conradical on the Arcadia Bug. I say b2b, Phil never played a single tune. Was a nice hour of ravey breaks and Orbital edits before heading over to the Holts for Nia
  4. And who better to demonstrate the art of the live vocal than King Monkey and his Hewlett Packard?
  5. Any substance to the Eminem rumour that keeps getting thrown at me?
  6. Ian Brown and his laptop have entered the chat...
  7. That's probably true. I just think that with how successful this recent event was (even with a perceived weaker lineup), with the added jeopardy of the impending fallow year, we're in for an even tougher sale. There'll be some of us reading this who were in attendance this year that may not be back on the farm for three years. Yikes.
  8. Maybe there are charities that you could explore that encourage interaction with others? I can't remember if any of the mental health organisations have a presence at the festival?
  9. Vibes on point generally. People having fun, dancing, expressing themselves. How it should be. Every act I saw, I was surrounded by good people.
  10. Yeah, that's probably most likely. I wonder if that might see a bit of a shift in demographic? There's a few I know who think 2025 will probably be their last, if they get a ticket. The festival before a fallow year seems like as good a time to bow out as any.
  11. The cynic in me thinks they'll inevitably renege on it and 2027 will up being the fallow year and that this recent statement is simply to drum up even greater interest in 2025's event (there were some murmurings pre-festival this year of a perceived weaker lineup and reduced demand for 2025). I reckon a lot more people will be trying in October, if they think there won't be another festival until 2027. Either way, October/November's sale will probably be the most difficult yet.
  12. I do wonder if the "Everything Must Go" theme was also a nod to it being the final year in this format?
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