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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi All I offered to do updates on the eFestival Glastonbury line up & rumours page as it's not been updated much of late, so I'm doing a spreadsheet for them to upload the info as & when. I'll send the first one by tomorrow, see my first efforts attached. We are going to include 'GSH' ones. I'll keep updating from what's posted but if there's ever any errors or obvious omissions please let me know. I've no insider knowledge so I'm simply going by what seems likely or not as posted on here. I hope this is of help to everyone!
    9 points
  2. I'm not usually one to air personal matters publicly, but I'm happy to report that after a particularly rough period battling my depression, I'm now off the anti-depressants and out of therapy after the worst 5 months of my life. It feels amazing to feel strong enough to cope again and feeling positive about the future.
    7 points
  3. Ahhhhh thank you so much ❤️🥹 Popped my body painting and painting of Sir Eavis below 🎨❤️
    5 points
  4. New music from Beth Gibbons very soon: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2zWt5Cv2XP
    5 points
  5. just got a spot! keep trying people seems like there is still hope!
    5 points
  6. Okay I'll have a go, but am likely to fail as it is very hard to describe (I believe @Sawdusty surfer did a better job a while back). Galgon/Hugh/Deano/Henry can ignore this post. It's was the most interactive experience I've ever had a Glastonbury, which immediately sets it apart from most contemporary Glastonbury Festival sets/events/shows. These days there's a much more, almost total feeling of wanting just to be entertained, and little need or willingness to make one's own fun. This was the ultimate in punters "making the show". For those who've been to Shambala think "Shambolympics" on acid (closest recent I can think off). It was so much more than a few upturned old cars. There were also incredible steel tubed dinosaur style sculptures, weird "cars" in a similar style driving round. The whole "event" had a very post apocalyptic "Mad Max" feeling about it. There were several smaller pieces of performance art going on, like the guy who spent the whole night welding steel framed chair together to form some sort of snake like thing and of course the thing,that for some unfathomable reason, totally winds up Galgon - 100'sw of people "drumming" on the cars and sculptures all night. As I said it's very hard to describe.
    4 points
  7. Well my little experiment worked. Checked the NHS app and my test results are already in. Hba1c actually dropped very slightly (39 down to 37). at the higher end of not diabetic but still very much not diabetic. That's the important one obviously but every other thing that's tested for was in the normal range. (Some can be affected by diabetes, some have nothing to do with it but are just part of the blood test) I'm so f**king normal it's abnormal! Was waiting for the bus when I checked. Actually fist pumped and shouted "yes"when I read it. Also, those are some crazy numbers @gigpusher Think I average about 15,000 but mine are skewed upwards by some big fell days.
    4 points
  8. 4 points
  9. Offspring correct. IDLES rock werchter.
    4 points
  10. It's just because these are acts for specific markets, so they make more impact in standalone announcements in regional press (Dutch / Hungarian).
    3 points
  11. It would’ve looked a lot stronger this year if it was only 3 days. Friday looks super weak to be fair
    2 points
  12. Lineup is alright but that poster design is garbage.
    2 points
  13. what a pleasure this thread is to read .... likeminded people helping each other .... for anyone new reading please jump in and ask your questions dont be shy theres an absolute wealth of experience here . for those that missed out on Oxfam today there will be other chances along with the resale so stick around this page usually is a good sign of when more places drop in
    2 points
  14. And if people are around on the Monday the last couple of years I normally organise an efests crew meet up on the Monday night at the Tow and Hitch. All welcome!
    2 points
  15. this leaves me conflicted....I don't necessarily want badgers to die but if it is the price I have to pay for Queen not to be booked.....
    2 points
  16. It seems Nos Alive has leaked themselves THey posted billboards for the first day on the streets, and Parcels, despite not being yet announced, are on the billboard
    2 points
  17. Hey come on kids, let's have a cup of tea and a biscuit. We all love the farm in our own way 😘
    2 points
  18. I’m on the case in the background at work, no news yet 😂
    2 points
  19. There isnt any..... But he's had the surgery for what was ailing him (kidney transplant) and if anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt its Stevland
    2 points
  20. 100%. Price is a huge factor. Imagine as student forking out close to £400 before you even get through the gate
    2 points
  21. Hover around for a while and keep trying, any double deposits/immediate cancellations may yet appear. 14 days time is also likely to be a good time to try again as that'll be the first deadline for cancelling without losing any ££. Good luck
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. QOTSA + Offspring + Idles tomorrow?
    2 points
  24. Big Thief and Sampha added!
    2 points
  25. Good luck those trying with Oxfam today
    2 points
  26. 100% agree on the last bit. I think it would make sense to emulate some of the stuff Williams Green had after headliner time-Northern Soul, Guilty Pleasures, Motown, that kind of thing. Give people who want something different to what the SE Corner offers another place to go.
    2 points
  27. You need to be logged in here: https://myfestivals.oxfam.org.uk/Account/Login and refresh this page until the list of festivals appear:
    2 points
  28. Still far from a classic for me, but definitely more like a traditional R&L line-up, which we haven't seen for a good few years now.
    1 point
  29. Congratulations on the baby news. Commiserations on the Glastonbury news 😀
    1 point
  30. Very nice album. Other half described it as "more Radiohead than Radiohead".
    1 point
  31. Keep an eye out over the next few days as double bookings, and those who got through but their mates didn’t, re-appear. you can keep checking back in general for cancellations. There are key points that have already been listed, but they can just appear at any time. Don’t give up, there’s still a pretty good chance you’ll find a spot.
    1 point
  32. That lineup is unreal
    1 point
  33. @Benjcongratulations sir on the success of the #bringbackthebigtent campaign 🫡
    1 point
  34. As we're now at the 1st Feb, it is the longest we've gone since 2011 without Glastonbury announcing any acts. Date: Fest - Act 04/10: 2022 - Billy Eilish 10/10: 2020 - Diana Ross 20/10: 2017 - Radiohead 24/10: 2003 - REM 15/11: 2019 - Stormzy 01/11: 2005 - The Undertones & Outcast 23/11: 2010 - U2 30/11: 2015 - Lionel Richie 02/12: 2023 - Elton John 19/12: 2014 - Arcade Fire 17/01: 2013 - Rokia Traore 01/02: 2016 - Jeff Lynne's ELO 01/02: 2008 - Jay-Z 09/02: 2009 - Franz Ferdinand 11/02: 2011 - Beyoncé 17/02: 2007 - The Killers 03/04: 2000 - Elastic & Super Furry Animals 05/05: 2004 - The English National Orchestra, RLPO & The Muffin Men 19/06: 2002 - Full Line-up
    1 point
  35. He's really gonna struggle now I've got him on ignore
    1 point
  36. Definitely prefer the new one to the first, which I found a little dull.
    1 point
  37. i got flights, hotels and tickets way long ago, but i score adele tickets im canceling sziget. it became too expensive to have a line up with no must sees for me.
    1 point
  38. I don't think the massive crew bar crawl on the Monday that Oxfam has done in the past helps tbh. Loads of people turning up at Maceos isn't a big deal, because it's always rowdy and busy, but some of the bars like to keep a calmer atmosphere (like Acoustic). I've never had an issue with getting into the bars that allow all crews, but I am a cheerful looking middle-aged bloke who just wants a quiet pint, and I'm sure they can sense that 🙂
    1 point
  39. I know it is a small issue but The Kooks are especially annoying to me. They must be UK's most-toured band in Spain in the last 20 years. Every €20 small music festival in Spain has them every year. That combined with Maneskin as headliners being just a glorified cover band, and many other acts that are alright but have been touring for the last two decades... It is just disappointing coming from previous years. I have got the full 4 days ticket and now thinking of skipping that Friday. Some good undercards there but not sure worth the effort.
    1 point
  40. Trust me. Get there Monday, register and get set up and get out. Block 9 - Maceos, Arcadia - Tow & Hitch, Loving Arms - Silver Hayes, Broke Britain - UFG. Explore the farm. Repeat on Tuesday. Do your shifts, go out after, sleep when you can. Remember you can use the crew bars throughout the week for less queues, better loos, chilling etc. Basically, if you're up for it, you can get back what you lose by doing the shifts. Not interested in getting a ticket these days whatsoever.
    1 point
  41. just got a stewarding place, so back in this thread too now....
    1 point
  42. Sprints added to the line up, good addition 👍
    1 point
  43. That's a good thing, as it suggests that they've now tweaked the site enough it can cope with the demand levels.
    1 point
  44. I'm hoping they're spending a bit more on facilities, planning ahead to reconfigure it a bit etc, including costs going up, definitely need to up their game! Yes the only reason I'd planned for Slam Dunk this year is that I live close, Download is firmly top on my radar this year with potentially the Blink day at R&L (line up depending)! Check out Arm's Length for something on early! Caskets are decent too, also looking for more recommendations pre-Bob Vylan!
    1 point
  45. The system (quite rightly to avoid overbooking) may hold places which never complete. Also, because of the way the payment system works, it's possible that people may accidentally book two spots (especially if they have multiple people trying for them). These places tend to be dropped back onto the system pretty quickly as the office team resolves them during the morning.
    1 point
  46. That was my 1st year volunteering too. But had a few years off for various reasons. This year will be my 9th time
    1 point
  47. Bought my tickets 5 minutes ago. Considering it's only a first announcement, and a short one at that, there are already eight that I'd want to see already. Expect the rest to be disappointing now 🤣 But also looking at the announcements for APE and Rock en Seine, hopefully there might be quite a few more to my taste!
    1 point
  48. It kinda depends on how you define it. By most metrics yes, as low earners generally spend not hoard any bonuses, so even though low earners are directly taxed at a lower rate, they spend it and it cycling through VAT on purchases and paying other people tends to generate more revenue. AFAIC the "bankers bonuses attract talent which buffs the economy" is just trickle-down Reagonomics theory that has been long-disproven. I think this is Labour selling out to backdoor lobbying unnecessarily.
    1 point
  49. Surely Wednesday are nailed on. I'll be gutted and very surprised if they don't play.
    1 point
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