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stuie last won the day on June 7

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About stuie

  • Birthday 07/10/1981

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  • Location
    Canterbury / Margate
  • Interests
    music, festivals, gigs, photography


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  1. Rooting for Nia just to even it out! We could call it levelling up 🙂
  2. It's been 10 years since we had a winner not from London, so maybe this year will be the turning point.
  3. stuie


    Probably for the best. Saw them at a very wet V festival years ago and they tried to get the crowd to sit down for Sit Down. Needless to say the crowd were having none of it!
  4. stuie


    Exactly… if that’s not in place, nothing is in place.
  5. stuie

    2025 Headliners

    Oooh yeah 3 ageing has-been misogynistic homophobes at the same time? What a time to be alive.
  6. stuie


    Old man yells at cloud vibes!
  7. stuie


    There's more chance of these guys reforming and playing the top spot. Just one and a bit pages of people calling it bollocks, that's all.
  8. stuie


    In other news, they are busy resuscitating Prince and Bowie to headline 2027.
  9. everyone loses their lucy bottle when they've had a few sessions of 8 hours of hell 🙂
  10. Nah, skip has a drug of choice and all the others are bad! northernangel just assumes anyone acting acting like an ass must be on coke and all people on coke act like an ass.
  11. stuie


    Have we seen any evidence that the brothers can spend time in each others company yet? If not, I don't think it matters what a ticketmaster bod says.
  12. Exactly this! Capacity is set on the licence for a reason - to keep us all safe. Michael may have encouraged jumping the fence in years gone by, but he also lost control of the event too when the council deemed it unsafe.
  13. I’ve only ever seen it on Tuesday night when they’ve done a sweep from one side of the farm to the other.
  14. stuie

    Volunteering 2025

    oh yeah! That was a bit crafty of them. I qualify under the ‘7 in 7’ and ‘2 this year rules’ anyway as I’ve just done Glasto and still have Wilderness and Beautiful Days to go 😀
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