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  1. Once gates are open, yes. The biggest issue as I see it would be needing to arrive for registration by Wednesday evening, but those campervan fields being left sterile before noon Thursday.
  2. Shambala is an obvious shout for this. If you download their app, can browse through it and see the specifics of all the workshops available (there's a lot of them). Or get more of an overview here https://www.shambalafestival.org/2024/venue/the-craft-area/
  3. incident

    2025 Headliners

    For anyone in the back two thirds of the field, yep.
  4. Tbh I think the only real surprise (from my perspective at least) was just how negatively the crowd at Janelle was affected. Which was definitely a shame, and could have been avoided with better placement choices. I'd have liked to see her - but there's not really a rarity factor and that makes a difference. Ultimately, it's been proven time over that if Glastonbury put out an act late afternoon / early evening that has multiple songs everyone knows, and that most attendees won't have seen live before - then it's going to draw big numbers. I can buy "they couldn't have predicted it" on some things, but not this one.
  5. Tbh Avril on the Other Stage, in that slot, was always asking for trouble. It's not just the migration, but the field itself was by far the busiest I've ever seen. This isn't hindsight talking, given that it panned out exactly how many people including myself predicted from early on. Put her on at the same time on Saturday (so up against Michael Kiwanuka) and you'd get the same effect. She should only ever have been booked on the Pyramid given that she's exactly the kind of act that always attracts a huge crowd at Glastonbury. Even in a "normal" year against stronger competition it would have been very poor placement. It's a poor decision by the Festival on all counts - for all artists involved, and for customers as well.
  6. incident


    My assumption would be that they generated the list based on current criteria. But yeah could well be that the used the new measure instead. Either way, the event not being big enough to count will be the reason it's not listed.
  7. incident


    It's the same base model of stage as used at Reading (and Leeds) as their Main Stage, but it'll be more complicated than "just" being the same physical stage. Like most of the Serious Stages range, it's a modular system, from which they're able to create several instances of stage with the precise configuration varying by need.
  8. incident


    The list only has shows that qualify as major events under the licence ie shows that have 51k or above. Presumably they're not expecting to sell enough tickets to count?
  9. incident


    How many nights and at what ticket price though? Yes, if it was one show at a hundred quid a pop then they'd sell out in a flash and a Glastonbury set would have no noticeable impact on that. But realistically it wouldn't be one show or anywhere near as "low" as a hundred quid.
  10. incident


    If they're doing Heaton Park, I'd automatically assume Glastonbury would be completely off the table. Someone would need to splash out absolutely insane money to make a reunion show happen, and for that outlay they'd be crazy not to insist on some form of exclusivity.
  11. incident

    2025 Headliners

    Really don't think that ever happens, and it would be a huge mistake if they ever did go down that path. Remove the personality aspect (which can mean different things, but always boils down to an individual) and it very quickly loses the prestige and becomes just another spot on the bill - I'd much rather that they gave it a year off* rather than compromise in that way. I don't accept the perceived wisdom that they'll run out of names, simply because the passage of time means it's a constantly moving target. Hell maybe in 30 years time Taylor Swift finally makes her Glastonbury debut at 4pm on the Sunday. *as happened in 2003 albeit I realise that the slot wasn't nearly as established or iconic at that point.
  12. incident

    2025 Headliners

    Jarvis has, on many occasions whilst on stage, made a point of trying to shift the focus from himself to the band as a whole.
  13. incident

    2025 Headliners

    I'd like to say Billy Joel, but I'm pretty sure that's just wishful thinking on my part rather than any chance the festival would get him.
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