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When will this shit end?


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50 minutes ago, st dan said:

Morally speaking, do we think vaccines should only be given to under 18s if it has genuine health benefits to them in doing so? Rather than just to contain the spread of the virus in the wider population, or is that deemed ok too?

No, in moral terms that precedent is arguably established as we already give kids a few different vaccines already earlier than technically needed - partly with an eye towards the future as there's no universal "right" moment and partly to stop the wider spread rather than for immediate benefit to the child. The only difference here is that these vaccines are on emergency authorisation but given that hundreds of millions of doses (and rising fast) have now been deployed worldwide I think that distinction isn't a big deal and will be even less so by the time we get to that point.

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22 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

If I was in charge, I'd still be using (albeit light touch) containment until the adult population have all had their second dose.  Especially when things like Bolton can happen. 


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Cummings will say that the PM insisted he wouldn’t repeat what he saw as his mistake of March when being pressurised over the possible collapse of the NHS, and added that “I’m going to be the mayor of Jaws, like I should have been in March”.

the mayor



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49 minutes ago, balthazarstarbuck said:

Still no dice for my 30/31 year olds (London/West Country) but will keep trying


1 hour ago, zahidf said:

Bookings opening online for the 30-31 year olds now. As always, some areas will take a few hours before it works

West Country now looks to be online. Thanks for the heads up!

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4 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

We are clearly at peak shit show at this point surely ?   I mean there is literally nothing left for this government to cock up surely ? LMAO

The news cycle is madness at the moment.  Boris saying we are on course for June unlocking, various scientists saying its looking good, others say we are all going to die, lockdowns announced on websites and Southgate still can't make his mind up on his squad.

FFS UK get a grip 🙂



It's genuinely weird how they can talk for a couple of minutes and just say nothing. In fact it's worse than nothing. It's negative information. You actually end up knowing less when they've finished than you did when they started

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34 minutes ago, Radiochicken said:


Cummings will say that the PM insisted he wouldn’t repeat what he saw as his mistake of March when being pressurised over the possible collapse of the NHS, and added that “I’m going to be the mayor of Jaws, like I should have been in March”.

the mayor



That’s so grim. It was such a mistake locking down in March 2020 that he eventually did another 2 times, both lockdowns were longer than they had to be because of his mistakes leading up to them.

It’s also worth remembering that the public has been very supportive of lockdowns.

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

That’s so grim. It was such a mistake locking down in March 2020 that he eventually did another 2 times, both lockdowns were longer than they had to be because of his mistakes leading up to them.

It’s also worth remembering that the public has been very supportive of lockdowns.

I think there will be some leeway/sympathy for him in March as it was all new and no one really knew what was going on (albeit we had the spoilers from Italy).

Last autumn and winter, however, when he refused to lock down over half-term, seemingly out of spite that Starmer asked him to consider it, and then the planned free-for-all over Christmas when selfish idiots were gleefully travelling across tiers on holidays and the like while the virus raged, will be interesting. Feels like Cummings’ long and boring Twitter thread has arrived at this period just in time for tomorrow.

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2 minutes ago, Ryan1984 said:

I think there will be some leeway/sympathy for him in March as it was all new and no one really knew what was going on (albeit we had the spoilers from Italy).

Last autumn and winter, however, when he refused to lock down over half-term, seemingly out of spite that Starmer asked him to consider it, and then the planned free-for-all over Christmas when selfish idiots were gleefully travelling across tiers on holidays and the like while the virus raged, will be interesting. Feels like Cummings’ long and boring Twitter thread has arrived at this period just in time for tomorrow.

What does it also say about Johnson that he (allegedly) said he wasn’t going to make the mistake of lockdown again, then did so twice? 

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1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

That’s so grim. It was such a mistake locking down in March 2020 that he eventually did another 2 times, both lockdowns were longer than they had to be because of his mistakes leading up to them.

It’s also worth remembering that the public has been very supportive of lockdowns.

This is completely rewriting the facts to suit your agenda. 

Scotland had a circuit breaker lockdown a month before ours and guess what, they ended up back in a long full lockdown. (They also had to extend the circuit breaker because it wasn’t working) 
Wales had a circuit breaker lockdown 2 weeks before ours and guess what, they ended up back in a long full lockdown. 

So the idea that it would have worked and Starmer was right is complete and utter bullshit. 


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