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  1. Agreed, has to be a factor surely? Even a smooth sale would impact on some people's plans to get to services - a protracted sale caused by a hiccup would make that worse. Cue more crying on social media.
  2. hurdy


    We had a strategy to keep ticket prices down by doubling the price of tickets As you say, absolute bollocks
  3. hurdy


    Yup, got two orders in around 1130
  4. hurdy


    Yeah, getting the holding page every time I move through the process. The link will take you straight to ticket selection if you do though
  5. hurdy


    Friday 25th link https://www.gigsandtours.com/event/oasis/wembley-stadium/3151355
  6. hurdy


    Is that def surge pricing or ones that have been put back on sale by third parties?
  7. hurdy


    Yes. Won't work on Ticketmaster as you'll remain in your place in the queue.
  8. hurdy


    My experience is go in early, they will put you in a holding area and then dump you at random in the queue when sale starts. If you refresh at 9 the same thing should happen but you may get a momentary lag whilst everyone else does the same. Or do the sensible thing and go Glasto stylee on Seetickets instead
  9. NHS or charity employee or in receipt of cost of living benefit
  10. hurdy


    Agreed, but I was more drawing the comparison that it is possible to stage a gig at Wembley and charge sub £100. There may be a "going rate" as other artists have charged £150, but that doesn't mean you have to follow suit
  11. hurdy


    Blur was about £85-£90 for standing at Wembley last year wasn't it? Decent undercard too. Accept they may have had record company support as had a new album out but still...
  12. hurdy


    I will continue the struggle for you brother!
  13. hurdy


    Bladder retention has also diminished so likely to be twice as many cups filled...
  14. Just had an email from Forwards, £45 (+fees) for Sunday entry providing you enter before 2pm... If anyone wants the link (I should have addded)
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