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efcfanwirral last won the day on May 2

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  1. efcfanwirral

    2025 Headliners

    They were incredible in the Cavern in Liverpool in January but that's a very different proposition to a big outdoor show where I've never really enjoyed them.
  2. Honestly, if I hasn't been on shift I would've been in there too. I got tickets for Manchester for November and it'll be amazing
  3. Its funny isn't it, you can have so many different Glastonbury experiences. We did Shania then Avril, which was amazing and no regrets, but James, bit of Shania then Alvvays sounds excellent also and could've been my exact Sunday on a different day
  4. efcfanwirral


    Its definitely better in darkness, atmosphere definitely suffers when its daylight. Same, but if they announce all the other dates before then people will assume they're playing even if they're not. Unless its explicitly ruled out or they have a run of shows over the weekend then it would impact the ticket sale.
  5. I think the problem is if you put someone on who young people love then you've got a dangerous situation. Kasabian are the level of like Kendal Calling etc headliners, which fits in really with the level of the TBAs in Woodies since The Killers did it and is probably the road they should continue down to avoid any major issues.
  6. This is the big thing with the Avril Lavigne debate, she so rarely tours, and literally never played festivals until this year. Its not just that she's an older act, or that people are "ironically" watching her as I've seen suggested, but that most people may have wanted to see her in the past but not got the chance. Just looking at her Manchester gig history, she did Castlefield this year and Apollo last year (both of which were sold out very quickly and were hard to get tickets for nearer the time, we tried for Apollo last year), then before that it was 2011, 2008, 2004 and 2003. I've always liked her and wanted to see her, and now go to loads of gigs but wasn't financially able to go to as many gigs in 08 and 11, and was too young in 03 and 04, so this was my first chance to see her and I imagine a lot in my age bracket would have been the same. Almost every other comparable act has appeared at festivals over the years, Glastonbury/Reading/V Fest when it was on/Kendal etc, but despite being around for over 20 years the opportunities to see her have not been plentiful. Also, not one person we were with had even heard of Janelle Monae apart from me, never mind be willing to see her. and there was only ever one place I was going to be at that slot.
  7. efcfanwirral


    Noel does seem to love Glastonbury though, all that "gone woke" stuff was followed up by "its the best thing Britain has to offer" and what a great time he had (funnily enough that didn't make it into the tabloid stories) so if a tour was to bring in loads of money I doubt he'd be too stringent over the money for doing it
  8. Were the tickets received late last year too?
  9. efcfanwirral


    As a big Oasis fan, I'd prefer the Manchester gig and atmosphere to what Glastonbury would bring. I'd watch if we get tickets but I'd happily not have them playing at all
  10. efcfanwirral


    To give this some extra thought, Noel has been saying on his mate's podcast that he was recording an album for ages, and now has decided to shut down his studio for the "foreseeable future" as he was "making an album for the sake of it". Liam has stopped playing all solo songs this year and his last show (the last planned for either of them) is 20th September in Malta, and there hasn't been much talk of him doing a new album. Its probably the first time neither have had something in the pipeline, so you never known
  11. efcfanwirral


    That Wembley block booking did have me wondering. There are very few artists who could book it out for that amount of time for say 5+ shows. I'd be very surprised if Glastonbury ended up being the first big show back, just because the audience would include less hardcore fans with no normal route to getting tickets. So if they do play, assume Heaton Park would be in June before it, and if they announce a tour starting in July then I'd assume no Glastonbury that year.
  12. efcfanwirral

    2025 Headliners

    yeah it can't be cost effective to come over just for 2 shows with that entire touring setup. We were also speculating that perhaps she might do a few extra UK and surrounding area dates to make it worthwhile?
  13. Ah yes, the infallible village ticket system...
  14. Brewdog is on the partners list so must be the beer this year
  15. And I think if there were no backing tracks, it wouldn't sound anything like the recorded songs, as with a lot of pop music. Then people would be saying the vocals are weak...
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