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Your Glastonbury Years - Ranked!

The Red Telephone

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3 minutes ago, SallyFaulknerStantonWarrio said:

2022 was euphoric 


2017 was pretty vintage too


2004 was my first one


2016 was pretty good


2014 i can't remember much about


2007 i really am confused about what i did as i have no recollection of being there at all


2008 I vaguely remember being a bit rubbish and wet


2023 i left on the sunday morning coz i was bored and tired 



the stuff they book at glastonbury now has almost no overlap with things i like (i think it's harder and harder for them to book non-UK artists coz of exchange rates and post-brexit uk touring costs) so i think i'm done for a bit





Bored at Glastonbury in any year is not something I've ever heard anyone say before

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Great thread.


2011 Radiohead and Chems are two of my absolute favourites but Pulp was the best set I have ever been to. When I fell in love with the festival.


2023 After basically 6 years away it was amazing -  Friday from midnight to midnight(ish) was a perfect day at the festival having figured out with my wife how to enjoy together. Sparks and Chems for my final time at the spider were highlights.


2013 Stones were the most iconic headliner I've seen on the Pyramid and arriving on the Tuesday/welcoming punters in on the Wednesday was epic as were chic, fell in love with West Holts.


2015 Hot Chip on West Holts, Chems on to 2manydjs on arcadia


2014 Arcade Fire on the pyramid was just blissful, Dolly Parton was a legend slot with atmosphere like no other, Despacio was excellent.


2020 Glasthomebury - I know it's weird  but we really embraced it and had an amazing weekend partying at home curating our perfect line-up. Of course I'd rather go than not... but went into the weekend with negative expectations if anything and it was wonderful.


2017 Loved Radiohead, though it was probably affected by the fact few others seemed to, Justice a highlight too. First one with my other half, loved showing her around, though we argued as we hadn't yet figured out how each other worked at Glastonbury.


2016 LCD were the highlight but I can't remember much else of note.


2000 I was a very skint student, oblivious to the fact you could BYO so had a sober Glastonbury. Last year pre-fence, felt chaotic and lawless in a way I didn't yet understand. Left before Bowie to avoid the traffic and it made so little impression I didn't come back for 11 years - I'm an idiot and wish I could go back and do it ENTIRELY differently. 


2019 Spent that Summer with a child in hospital so the 36 hours we made it to the festival were the only break we had for months. Had some highlights but there are some things you can't leave at the gates.

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53 minutes ago, gherkin8r said:

I remember coming back from a run to the car for supplies at silly o'clock in the morning in 09 and there was a rumour that Michael Jackson was playing initially and then it was a rumour he was dead and then he actually was dead. Vague recollection of the streets doing a Billie Jean tribute bit. 09 was such a a weird and special year with glorious weather at times and a biblical downpour one night as we sat in our gazebo (sorry, I know)

Oh yes you’re right. Initially we heard he was playing too. The days before everyone had internet on their phones to check things!

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Looking back I don’t think the weather has been a defining feature for me (though I missed the really bad ones), 2011 and 2016 it’s barely a footnote. 

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Wow, ranking Glastonburys is pretty tough, but I'll keep it to a top one; 2017.


Just a close-knit crew, went with my fiancée and pretty much my two best mates and and one of their partners. It was special because we managed to get my dad and step mum there - both their first and only time at the age of 65. They didn't stay with us so didn't see them all the time, but it was pretty special to be there with my future wife and watching Glass Animals and King Gizzard with my dad was priceless. So many brilliant acts that weekend; Katy Perry, Dizzee Rascal, the XX, Run the Jewels, Afriquoi, Justice, and plenty more in the SEC until 5am a couple of nights. Weather wise it was alright, mild mostly, bit rainy, bit sunny, not that I cared so much.


Just such a special year for me personally.


The others all have their high points, but 2017 is the best ever.


Notable mentions in any order - 


2009 was eye-opening as I'd never been before. Heard plenty of stories before and I wasn't new to festivals, but Glastonbury was just mind-blowing. I did it pretty much on my own, met some great people, met some friends of friends, but it got me hooked.


2014 mostly because of the sheer amount of friends who got tickets that year. Every set I went to someone I knew closely was going too. It was like having a party within a party every time I rocked up to a set. 


2023 because I hadn't been in so long, had to do it on my own, met some great people through eFests and broke away from the main stages for the most part for the first time. Weather was exquisite save for a few hours in the middle of the day, but saw some of the best shows I'd ever seen at a Glasto.

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5 hours ago, SallyFaulknerStantonWarrio said:

2022 was euphoric 


2017 was pretty vintage too


2004 was my first one


2016 was pretty good


2014 i can't remember much about


2007 i really am confused about what i did as i have no recollection of being there at all


2008 I vaguely remember being a bit rubbish and wet


2023 i left on the sunday morning coz i was bored and tired 


the stuff they book at glastonbury now has almost no overlap with things i like (i think it's harder and harder for them to book non-UK artists coz of exchange rates and post-brexit uk touring costs) so i think i'm done for a bit

No offence, but I think you may be getting old 😉

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2013 - my first and AM on the Friday (I don’t care about the stick that was an all time set list and night) and the Stones made it the best still


2016 - forget the mud I had so much fun this year especially the Friday underworld onwards


2022 - perfect weather and a great group 


2023 - see 2022


2014, 2017 can’t pick between them


2019 - was just too hot for me and ruined that Saturday 


2015 - just never felt this year, still had a great time it’s Glasto but definitely my least favourite 



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I’m going through a peak Glastonbury experience as the last 3 are all up there with the very best. Ranking is highly dependent on weather I admit, other than that mainly just how our large gang were camping together or not, the music, and the getting in/out system (Another reason why recent ones rank highly). So, from best to worst:


















(I’ve lists and notes for every one so the ranking is easy).

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2019 a toss up with 2010. both years so perfect


2022 a very emotional year

2017 great all around 

2004 my first

2023 so many great friends on site last year 

2016 an odd one for sure 

2014 probably the weakest lineup in terms of my tastes

2011 weather was brutal

2015 kanye, and a falling out with a former friend. 

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I couldn't even begin to rank them. Aside from a couple of standouts, they all blur into one these days. The two standouts would be 2009 and 2014.


2009 was my second one and was the year I properly caught the bug. Blur being the greatest gig I've ever seen and other top tier moments like Florence in the JPT, Bruce coming out with Gaslight and Spinal Tap. It was also the year I finished Uni so at the time, it felt like the last big blowout before joining the real world.


2014 was just top tier musically. The run on the Friday night of tUnE-yArDs, Jurassic 5 and Arcade Fire was probably my favourite run of any fest. Add in discovering Wolf Alice, Courtney Barnett and St Vincent, Dolly on the Pyramid and finally getting to see Rodrigo y Gabriela. I had a great f**king time. Was unemployed at the time so it was a massive release where I could just forget about all that sh*t.


Honourable mentions to 2008, 2011 and 2019 too.

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2013 - Felt like I really took advantage of all the site had to offer this year. Saw some unreal stuff on West Holts including Chic which remains the best set I've seen on the farm. Hugely regret missing The Stones who I wasn't fussed about at the time.

2010 - Banger of a weekend. A bit light on the music front but Stevie and Pet Shop Boys made it all worth it.

2009 - Slightly overwhelmed with it being the first time. Young crumbler made some baffling decisions including Animal Collective over Neil, wasting time in Pilton Palais and wandering aimlessly around the site during Blur/Prodigy.

2014 - Combination of my physical fitness being in the toilet and the weather made this one something of a depressing slog

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1: last year (2023) - out of the 20+ i've been too, just the best, everything aligned, met up with loads of friends, great bands, amazing weather, can't fault it  - the the point that if I hadnt got a ticket for this year, I probably wouldn't have been that botherd, as it would have been going out on a high. So 2024 has a lot to live up to 🙂


notable mentions: 1995  - first one I went to, changed my life 🙂



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Don’t think I could rank them all in order, but top three are probably…


2009 (definitely number 1). Only year I’ve seen all 3 pyramid headliners (not that it’s essential, I’ve had years where I’ve seen none, but there’s something special about a great pyramid headline set, just the scale of it and the enormous sense of community). Blur remain among my favourite ever sets at the festival. Weather was great, thunderstorm on Thursday not enough to require boots on Friday, definitely remember sitting on the hill in the park for the afternoon in the warm sun! Also probably by far the biggest group we’ve had at the festival, 40+ from all over given how easy it was to get tickets that year. Surprise of the weekend was Pendulum on the Other, who I really didn’t expect to enjoy as much! 

2005. Complete opposite in terms of the size of the group, just me and my best mate. Knew a few others that we met up with over the festival, but it was a simple week and despite the biblical floods, weather was actually lovely otherwise and I was in short sleeves the whole time. Musical highlights were White Stripes, Brian Wilson, Bright Eyes (even if Conor was completely wasted), and again, completed unexpectedly, Kasabian on the Other. Decided to see them on a whim and ended up going to see them again a few weeks later. Scouser in the van next to us was a legend and spectacularly good craic. Made our festival. 

2017. Took a break for a couple of years after our daughter was born in 2015, so this one was special, not least because Radiohead were fantastic (I still regularly look at Let Down on YouTube…sublime). Perfect weather (not too hot (apart from Wednesday), not too cold). Biggest surprise this year was Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes. Knew The Killers were the TBA and had gone to the JP to see King Gizzard, so hung on as it had gotten busy. Bloody hell they were good (as were King Gizz and The Killers). 

Plenty of highlights from other years…purely on music, 2007 would actually be up there (Fogerty on WH remains my all time favourite set at the festival), the Friday Other stage lineup may have been my most stacked run ever (Modest Mouse, SFA, Bright Eyes, Arcade Fire and Björk…and I actually wandered off during Björk to see Jim Bob and Ned’s Atomic Dustbin in Left Field), but it was a bloody slog in every other way.

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2009 - Blur and Neil Young. My favourite ever Glasto. Blur may be my favourite ever gig.

2003 - First proper one, REM, David Gray and Moby, plus Radiohead.

2008 - Jay-Z and all that

2004 - An average Oasis plus McCartney.

2017 - Radiohead - took the wife for the first time, she loved it.

2005 - All round great weekend - manage to get a boss spec at the back of the pyramid for camping. Indie peak year.

2007 - Mate got nicked bringing pills in for someone else as he was coming down on the Friday, was arrested and his house back at home got raided; took a bit of the shiner off things. Great weekend otherwise.

2019 - Unreal weather, first time in a campervan. Love The Cure.

2011 - Pissed it down for U2, but pretty solid weekend.

2013 - Don't remember it being the best year, 

2010 - Worst combination of headliners for me, was looking forward to Gorillaz at the time, cant remember many highlights.

2002 - Year of the wall - bought an 'artist' ticket off a tout outside. Heavies didn't believe we were relatives of an artist on the re-entry gate on the Saturday of the festival following a beer run. Threw in the back of a van and driven offsite ready for a kicking. Never seen so much 'special' security forces there. Mayhem outside, and dodgy as hell. Somehow got the Glasto bug that being said.



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1994 - first time is always the best!


2005 - Levellers on Jazz/World stage was the best set I have EVER seen at the festival, still is to this day.


2003 - the Friday was the single best day I have EVER had at the festival 


2015 - the first year my brother in law joined our crew and it injected new life into the festival for me - haven't enjoyed a year so much since then.


1997 / 1998 - I dont think I could hack it these days - but back then... fuuuuuck.... you really had to be there!



everything else just kind of blurs into one long haze...



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2003 - remains my favourite- right people, lots of fun, Radiohead was awesome 

2013 - Rolling Stones great atmosphere, had great time

2019 - a bit too hot but great bands( Frank Turner at Avalon and Strummerville a highlight) and friends /family. 

2009- Blur magical, weather ok ish, good company
1986- first proper camping weekend, chilled out time, completely different vibe to current festival. Could park car next to tent! 
1995- sunny, with friends, generally good time apart from trying to exit car park on Monday! 
1999-good time with family and friends. 
2000- Bowie made it worth while but scary busy and atmosphere tense

2010 - too hot and queues getting in and out but company made it fun time in between and great bands  
2017 - great weather, good music, 
2002- much better with the super fence, more chilled, was extremely cold, bands were great. 
2022- emotional being back, Macca, and would have been higher but health issues and got COVID. 
2011- mixed bag -Pulp on the park,  weather was a bit rubbish but Beyonce was great 
2005 - apart from the weather which resulted in the great flood it was ok and all cleared up by Sun for Beach Boys! 
2016 - Adele great - mud on arrival awful and site hard going with the mud but at least it didn’t rain! 
2015 - bit disappointing. Lionel was fun though 
2014 - no great highlights apart from Dolly. 

1998- Blur great but was wet, had to leave early on Sunday due to family emergency 

1997- very wet and muddy - arrived late and left early. Missed most of Radiohead 

2007 - grim constant rain- left Sunday morning.




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2009 - The amazing headliners have already been discussed, but there was so many bands I enjoyed- highlights included Nick Cave, Crosby Stills and Nash, Specials, Tom Jones. I even enjoyed Status Quo (can’t believe I am admitting that).


2014- So many great set including Dolly Parton, Blondie, Metallica and the Pixies


2017 - my favourite Sunday ever, Barry Gibb and Chic - all the disco moves came out for that


2019 - my last Glastonbury (until this year). The Killers and The Cure were great headliners.


2004 - Paul McCartney on amazing form. Oasis sadly weren’t so good.


2003- REM and David Gray both did great sets.


2010- Stevie Wonder great. I am also in the minority who really enjoyed Gorillaz.


2002- felt really relaxed after 2000. Roger Waters was great, Rob Stewart was terrible. Isaac Hayes a true legend.


2000- David Bowie, Pet Shop Boys and Moby, were all amazing sets, but had a very edgy atmosphere at times and huge crowds.


2016- didn’t watch any of the Pyramid headliners, but plenty of great sets including Beck, Underworld and Art Garfunkel.


2015- Highlights included George Clinton, Mavis Staples and Lionel Richie


2005- was a muddy one I think, Brian Wilson was one of my highlights.


2007- Poured down during the Who. Shirley Bassey another true legend.


2011- was so hot during Paul Simon, needed a lie down in the shade afterwards. Secret sets by Pulp and Radiohead some of my favourite moments from that one.


1998 - my first Glastonbury was also my most challenging one. I had done a few other festivals before but this (Reading and Phoenix, but they had been hot), this was a very wet and muddy Glastonbury and I came completely unprepared (no waterproofs or wellies). Didn’t stop me coming back for more though. Tony Bennett was one of the highlights for me that year.








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1 . 2005 - first one, started the love affair with the place

2. 2009/10 - both in same place for various reasons - including the efestivals world cup

3. 2014 - first year for Daughter  - started her love affair with the place ( she was 8 months old)

4. 2019 - not going to see Headliners at all on the saturday as me and @Wooderson watched our kids do a dance show on        the stage in glebeland messing around - that is still special - and why i love G, oh that massive band are on, ok very good

5. 2022/3 another combined one - 2022 because of the emotions of being "home" after all that had transpired - and also this      is the start of our Volunteering chapters of Glastonbury, after it giving us so much - i can now give back

6. all the rest

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Been three times and all mega.

1. 2022 - Post-pandemic, Macca was legendary, Kendrick blew me away, Foals were massive, Phoebe Bridgers reduced me to tears - it was flawless and felt made for me

2. 2019 - My first Glasto, incredible weather, genuine feeling that this was the highlight of every artist there's career. The Killers were magical

3. 2023 - Had an amazing time, Elton was really special, Churnups was a real moment. Bombardment of great music from 11am to midnight

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Tough. Really tough. 


2019 - amazing on every level, first year there with my wife. Highlight: Stormzy making everyone I was with cry. What a show.


2023 - We were just married and on a ridiculous high all weekend. Highlight: Carly Rae Jepsen putting in a transcendental performance on the Other stage.


2022 - First one after COVID, great lineup, lovely weather. Highlight: Bruce. Didn't expect him to appear and he's mine and my Mrs all time #1 artist.


2017 - all round great, my MH was good that year for the first time ever. Highlight: Sharing my whisky with a couple at Foo Fighters.


2014 - My first one! Didn't know what to expect but I'm still going ten years later. Highlight: Dolly. Duh.


2016 - My dear f**king lord the rain and the mud. The lineup was shite. Brexit happened on my overnight shift fully capped off by a guy on some psychedelics literally ripping his shirt off at the news. Highlight: An impromptu blues jam with a dear friend. Otherwise, amazingly, Adele.


2015 - MH was absolutely in the toilet for this one. Lineup wasn't great. Felt really miserable the whole fest. Highlight: I actually had to look at the poster for this one. Mary J Blige I guess?


Thanks for the fun topic!

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On 5/26/2024 at 12:35 PM, FloopFiller said:

2022 - Felt like coming home after everything, and boy did the weekend deliver on just about everything 


2017 - Radiohead


2019 - What initially looked to be a slightly weaker lineup for my taste ended up delivering the goods


2015 - Great lineup although Foos dropping out and Prince being so close yet so far was a bit of a shiter


2014 - Lineup was overall great but people I went with were a bit lame. Sunday hangover also almost killed me.


2013 - Stones were ace but a lot of the rest of the lineup wasn’t all that.


2016 - So-so lineup and the muddy/rainy conditions really made it a slog. With good company though.


2010 - My first one, and had a great time with great weather, but didn’t take advantage of the place’s majesty nearly enough. Basically went back to the campsite every night after headliners for some reason.


Exactly same top 3 for me. Sunday about 4am sat on the arcadia field in 2022 sun starting pop up it's head... thinking.... "I don't want to go home but f**k yeah that was amazing and I've missed this so much"

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2014 Was my first year. Don't think I even ventured to the Pyramid Stage as I was busy working bar shifts every night in The Common. It rained a bit but we were staying in my late Mum's campervan which was a saving grace. I was working bar in Copperdollar and had never been part of anything like that before. There were dancers and DJs and the whole place was packed every night, it was wild, a real eye opener! I do remember seeing Jurassic 5 on West Holts and also The Wailers. 7/10


2015  Couldn't find much photo evidence of what I did this year but I think it was one of the best! it was lovely and sunny and dry. Ventured to Pyramid just in time for the end of Patti Smith (why the hell did i miss her?) and 5 pints of cider in was swaying along nicely to Lionel Ritchie. Again I was flat out with bar work and had to miss Parliament Funkadelic (sniff) but got a bit of Sly and The Family Stone in. Borrowed a mate's camper which was cosy. What topped it all off was Monday morning at the stone circle where 20 or so of us brought all our leftover booze and proceeded to have the funniest 6 hours of our lives making human pyramids and jumping through hoops. 8/10


2016 Off to a terrible start, our mates camper broke down 4 miles from site about an hour before the gates closed. RAC man came in his 4x4 and towed our massive green LDV through the mud and onto site. What an angel! Building the venue in the mud was hard and dancing in it equally so. I was upgraded from bar wench to dancer this year but I wasn't very good at it. Thankfully I was a lot better at my first ever glastonbury DJ slot!! Was so muddy we didn't make it to Pyramid but West Holts came through with Dakhabrakha and Shibusashirazu Orchestra who were mindblowing! Got the van towed offsite by a tractor and took it to a Glastonbury garage so we had a few days in Glastonbury town as a wind-down which was nice. 6/10


2017 Our venue was no more. We weren't going to go and I remember being pretty grumpy about it so me and my partner made a last ditch attempt for some work and managed to get a gig painting loo doors! We spent 3 days in the sun painting and then had the rest of the festival off. I remember spending a lot of time at Strummerville. Our friends dragged us to see Radiohead but wish I'd gone to see The Flaming Lips instead. I remember climbing along the back of pyramid field during Ed Sheeran trying to get to our mates DJ set. It was manic! 7/10


2019 Got invited to come back and DJ at a new venue - The Mez Yard! I played every night alongside some awesome DJs and the weather was hot hot hot! I don't actually think I got to see a lot because we were either DJing, sleeping or chilling in the shade but a bunch of us did go see The Cure close The Pyramid which was absolute magic. Had one of my best DJ gigs ever playing b2b with a friend at 4am Saturday morning as the sun was coming up. 7/10


2022 So good to be back! This year our venue was going full force with a bigger dancefloor and some professional dancers to bring it to life. I spent a lot of time at The Park this year and finally got to see Khruangbin! We were there for Jack White as well which was awesome as I loved The White Stripes as a teenager. Finally got to see Mik Artistik too after enjoying his lockdown livestreams. A friend painted loads of eyes on my face for Saturday, where I played an absolute banger of a 4-6am slot to a packed dancefloor. Good times. 9/10


2023 Was weird being back as one of our mates who was core crew passed away. We did some ceremonies with the shamans before our field opened which was pretty cool. I made it to see The Foos which were another teenage fave of mine and also managed to get on TV at Amadou & Mariam. Spent quite a bit of time at Rimskis Yard this year and hope to in 24 too. Strained to see Badly Drawn Boy over a massive crowd which then cleared for Richard Thompson who made me teary. My DJ gig was meh.. but sh*t happens! Joined the massive crowd at Pyramid for Elton and then came back to finish off the festival with friends. We all had a lovely sunnny Monday morning hanging with the Peace Garden lady and drinking Mezcal. 9/10

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