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  1. Also a shout out for curry bae in Avalon
  2. Greek wraps at the top of big ground in the pyramid field were bangin!
  3. I much preferred their earlier stuff.
  4. Very little chance in my experience. Whenever i've arrived around that time on the Wednesday i've been in Pink every time.
  5. I woke up on our wedding day to absolutely biblical rain, didn't stop all day except for an hour in the afternoon for a few photo's. We had the best day despite the rain, it just meant everybody stayed together inside in the bar rather than spreading off into little groups outside, don't worry about the weather you'll have an amazing time regardless.
  6. https://www.timeout.com/uk/news/a-festival-train-will-take-glasto-goers-to-worthy-farm-this-summer-060424 Anyone registering for seats on this? Brilliant way to arrive at the festival and free if you can bag a seat.
  7. Congratulations, never give up trying. It worked for me in 2016 just constantly bombarding everyone and everything until you manage to get in.
  8. Completely agree, it’s also the reason I’ve achieved very little at work this week!
  9. Dispatch email received on Saturday morning, tickets arrived today!
  10. 2009- Bruce, Neil Young, Blur and a cracking line up 2010 - blazing sun, the hold steady, slash and Ray Davies 2008 - I know I had a good time but have very little memory of what happened due to purple crystals
  11. If she's anything like my 2 girls you'll be spending the majority of your time in the kidzfield which is no bad thing. You'll have a blast and so will your little girl, enjoy.
  12. To be honest i'm just going by the clashfinder so if there's no clash i'll be very happy, although imagine it will just create another clash somewhere else as the line up is great for me this year. Good problems to have though!
  13. The National/Cat Empire (struggling with this clash) BC Camplight Baxter Dury Mary Wallopers Cyndi Lauper
  14. I remember walking up the hill to Strummerville with my father in law to see Frank Turner a few years back, we got side-tracked by a guy doing a wood carving and got chatting to him and his friends. As good West Country lads the conversation quickly turned to cider and one of the blokes said he brewed his own and would we like to try some, a few pints of rough later and we realised we'd missed Franks set but had a lovely time nonetheless, there's always something to distract you from your plans at Glastonbury.
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