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I think what I probably find saddest about some of this thread (& trust me I'm as excited as anyone to see the full announcement) is how impatient, demanding and quite frankly aggressive some people are getting at not having EVERYTHING NOW.

One of the wonderful things about my first time at Glastonbury last year to me was how far removed it felt from that aspect of society, though of course we get irritated at decent bands clashing - the reality is we might at that precise moment be crafting a wooden bowl instead and it will feel like the most beautiful thing on earth, and the most necessary. Plans and obsessions generally go out the window because there is so much happiness to be had in opening your eyes to what's in front if you instead of closing them and thinking about all the things that we don't have.

There seems to be a lot of contradiction in how some people act on this forum, on one hand they seem to long for that sense of total escapism yet on the other we have people stomping their feet and accusing the festival of somehow not listening to their own individual needs despite the fact that there are already an overwhelming amount of brilliant, talented acts that have already been announced.

Honestly, I know it's difficult when every second we have social media at our fingertips which make the demand for instant gratification stronger, I know it doesn't come from a nasty place and we are all here for our love of that special spirit that can be found in those magical fields, but perhaps some of us could do with taking a step back, trying to bring some of that feeling of enjoying the moment in and realising that the announcement will come when it comes, we are under a month to go now and it's bloody exciting, letting petulance develop in the build-up is totally ridiculous when there's nothing we can do to change their minds, and we all know that regardless we're all going to have a bloody great time!

In saying all that, I still hope it comes today. ;)

Some good stuff in that post.

The petulance is pointless

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I think what I probably find saddest about some of this thread (& trust me I'm as excited as anyone to see the full announcement) is how impatient, demanding and quite frankly aggressive some people are getting at not having EVERYTHING NOW.

One of the wonderful things about my first time at Glastonbury last year to me was how far removed it felt from that aspect of society, though of course we get irritated at decent bands clashing - the reality is we might at that precise moment be crafting a wooden bowl instead and it will feel like the most beautiful thing on earth, and the most necessary. Plans and obsessions generally go out the window because there is so much happiness to be had in opening your eyes to what's in front if you instead of closing them and thinking about all the things that we don't have.

There seems to be a lot of contradiction in how some people act on this forum, on one hand they seem to long for that sense of total escapism yet on the other we have people stomping their feet and accusing the festival of somehow not listening to their own individual needs despite the fact that there are already an overwhelming amount of brilliant, talented acts that have already been announced.

Honestly, I know it's difficult when every second we have social media at our fingertips which make the demand for instant gratification stronger, I know it doesn't come from a nasty place and we are all here for our love of that special spirit that can be found in those magical fields, but perhaps some of us could do with taking a step back, trying to bring some of that feeling of enjoying the moment in and realising that the announcement will come when it comes, we are under a month to go now and it's bloody exciting, letting petulance develop in the build-up is totally ridiculous when there's nothing we can do to change their minds, and we all know that regardless we're all going to have a bloody great time!

In saying all that, I still hope it comes today. ;)

I can see your point, Fred, but you might be being slightly disingenuous to many of those seeming 'complainers'.

I want the line up now. Why? Not because I am consumed by the have everything immediately, instant-gratification society in which we now, unarguably, live. But because I want to enjoy the journey of preparing for the festival, as that will make it even better for me. The anticipation of what I might see, making a choice about headliners etc. is something to savour for me, and forms a massive part of my spring, preparing for whichever festival I am attending. Add to that the fact that, if I understand correctly, the 'bigger' main announcement is now very much later than 'usual' (someone said earlier that the huge stage times announcement was in a week's time, a year ago) and there are regulars who would have anticipated being at a certain stage in their prep by now.

I'm sure there are some that have too great a feeling of entitlement, and too little regard for the world's greatest festival having the right to do things their way...part of what sets GF apart. But not all of the want it now gang are simply impatient, petulant toddlers...



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No I totally get that Ben, to some degree it's only a small minority of people who are being silly, and actually seeing your excitement on other threads is particularly enjoyable - I'm not saying it's right or wrong to be prepared, everyone can approach the festival in their own way of course, I just know having only been once that despite being a huge music geek, I'm actually not that bothered to wait another day or two being that when you get there an overwhelming intoxication fills your system which means that more often than not, you forget what the hell you thought you were gonna do and get distracted by something equally as incredible to lead you astray.

I also very much like the ethos of giving smaller stages their time in the limelight, I've just been listening to the entire back catalogue of a band called The Burning Hell this morning thanks to the playlist who are virtually unknown in this country, if everything had come at once then likely I wouldn't have had that pleasure.

Edited by SimplyFred
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I'm very much a fan of this method. In fact, I wouldn't mind them ditching the first poster announcement if they did it like this - starting with the small areas and building it up to Park. WH etc. then Pyramid followed by times and day splits. Of course that will never happen.

Many acts would get lost in the big announcement, where as I feel I can sit and pay a bit more attention to acts playing these areas.

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No I totally get that Ben, to some degree it's only a small minority of people who are being silly, and actually seeing your excitement on other threads is particularly enjoyable - I'm not saying it's right or wrong to be prepared, everyone can approach the festival in their own way of course, I just know having only been once that despite being a huge music geek, I'm actually not that bothered to wait another day or two being that when you get there an overwhelming intoxication fills your system which means that more often than not, you forget what the hell you thought you were gonna do and get distracted by something equally as incredible to lead you astray.

I also very much like the ethos of giving smaller stages their time in the limelight, I've just been listening to the entire back catalogue of a band called The Burning Hell this morning thanks to the playlist who are virtually unknown in this country, if everything had come at once then likely I wouldn't have had that pleasure.

Agree entirely. Like you, I am a complete music geek, but I have come to a rather lovely, non-delusional and honest promise to myself that I will not allow my previous festival model to spoil what I am pretty sure will be the first of many, many Glastonburys for me.

I was chatting with Child 3 about this, just yesterday. I am now at peace with the scenario of waking up in the morning to be told that I had 'missed' the most amazing secret set by my favourite ever band, and feeling fine about it. Just as long as, wherever I was at the time, I was having a great time, then that's my Glastonbury karma, and it was 'meant' to be (that's about as spiritual as I'm gonna get!). Regret is a terrible, destructive emotion. I love being at festivals as much as pretty much anywhere on the planet. Why bring that emotion to your favourite place?

Bugger me, it's going to be extraordinary.



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Why do I want the line up 4 weeks before the festival? Erm, because I've paid for a ticket. And generally, you're told what you're getting for your money.

I think the frustration is more around the fact it seems to get later and/or more haphazard every year.

Unlike some, I like to figure out over 50% of what I'm going to see, even the smaller niche stuff. So I want the line ups of the smaller areas so I can make plans.

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I wonder how they're giving priority as to what stages they announce first? You'd assume size wise (smallest to largest in terms of popularity)

But does Kidz Field/Avalon/Common/Silver Hayes/Left Field and the Glade today fill that pattern? ... I wouldn't say so!

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If it's being petulant asking for over half of the remaining line up (more, in fact) to a festival we commit money and time off to, then why reveal any acts at all?! We'd bought the tickets before any names were announced.

Let's just all turn up and find out on the day.....

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No Stu, of course that's not being petulant, like I said I'm still really keen to find out everything, and even more desperate to see what Clashfinder looks like. It's the attitude of some people who seem to be pretty much hinting that the festival don't know what they're doing, and it's the insinuation that if they have to wait just a little longer that it will have a terrible impact on their enjoyment of things.

We all know that the full line-up will be here by the end of next week at least, it will be long enough to mull over things, you'll get a little while to listen to some me tracks on Spotify though if you've already gotten through the 1500 already up then fair play to you.

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It's the attitude of some people who seem to be pretty much hinting that the festival don't know what they're doing, and it's the insinuation that if they have to wait just a little longer that it will have a terrible impact on their enjoyment of things.

Who was the melt who had demanded the festival accompany the lineup with a press release justifying their behaviour this year?? That was canny funny!!

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Not having a full lineup out is making it difficult for me to engage my non-obessessed friends in much conversation about the festival. This time last year we were sat around playing each other music and building the excitement; a "no, man, you HAVE to come see Arcade Fire over Skrillex, watch THIS!!" - "nah mate, just wait till THIS drops!" kind of night was common and it got us all pumped, even if the actual clash-debating was pointless (I would never watch Skrillex). Now when I'm getting em to "WATCH THIS FUCKING AMAZING CARIBOU VIDEO" they'll just say "yeah that's good, I'll come".

For me, having a clashfinder opens the debate and the debate builds excitement. The problem with this method is the lack of clashfinder.

Edited by Bradders
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Jees - this thread has got fucking preachy all of a sudden.

Either way - people don't get as excited by Silver Hayes announcements because there's not a lot of names that people will have already listened to a lot. People get more excited by bands/DJs they know. It's not rocket science. And before someone says it - no, most people don't have time to listen to every band on the line-up before they go.

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absolutely 100% with you Bradders! i'm finding it hard to really get into the announcement even for silver hayes as when they said they were announcing it, i had assumed it would mean by stage, by day and in running order.

what we got instead was a massive poster with loads of names on with only a handful of stage placings, no day placings and no running order asides from the leaked WOW saturday.

now you see I know I will be seeing DJ EZ at 1am on saturday night in the WOW! stage, that is BLOODY EXCITING.

I know i will go see Gerd Janson, but where and when is he playing? if its sonic at 3pm i can't get excited but if, again, he headlines wow I can get excited for it.

I don't really feel the need to research the lineups too much as i am already obsessed with music so I will have enough acts to see just from the ones I already know about. I am not claiming to know everything, far from it, and I will doubtless miss some amazing acts but its knowing where and when the acts I already know I want to see will be playing that allows me to get excited.

we are basically stuck in what increasingly feels like a drawn out purgatory where we are almost there but we never quite are....

Edited by Memory Man
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Yeah, but Lamb or The Foos?

F*ck me I don't know, I'm just going to kill myself instead.

Avalon headliners go on later than other stages, position yourself on the left of the stage, run like fuck about 40 minutes before the end of the foos, catch most of Lamb. Problem solved.

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I can see your point, Fred, but you might be being slightly disingenuous to many of those seeming 'complainers'.

I want the line up now. Why? Not because I am consumed by the have everything immediately, instant-gratification society in which we now, unarguably, live. But because I want to enjoy the journey of preparing for the festival, as that will make it even better for me. The anticipation of what I might see, making a choice about headliners etc. is something to savour for me, and forms a massive part of my spring, preparing for whichever festival I am attending. Add to that the fact that, if I understand correctly, the 'bigger' main announcement is now very much later than 'usual' (someone said earlier that the huge stage times announcement was in a week's time, a year ago) and there are regulars who would have anticipated being at a certain stage in their prep by now.

I'm sure there are some that have too great a feeling of entitlement, and too little regard for the world's greatest festival having the right to do things their way...part of what sets GF apart. But not all of the want it now gang are simply impatient, petulant toddlers...



You know it's great to see your balanced posts, as you genuinely seem to take both sides on board and not be all "soap box" about stuff - it's quite refreshing and hat's off to you

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