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Andy0808 v5

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  1. You put flags in front of your tv completely obscuring your view and pretend like it adds to the atmosphere of your favourite shows.
  2. My mum once admitted to me she nearly bought me tickets to the Pipers thinking it was the Peppers for a birthday around 13 years ago. That would’ve been a very awkward birthday meal following the fallout if she’d got them
  3. The bus is probably being used to spin people in these days.
  4. O2 too, only really got signal in the mornings at the campsite, on the hill of the park and when crowds were thin. Only place it was a complete dead spot was the acoustic tent for me, no matter how empty.
  5. If we’re bringing fake hands into discussion, then I can’t allow this man to go unrecognised.
  6. Calling bullshit, not a single Twix eaten in 31 hours of trying. How did he sustain himself?
  7. Andy0808 v5

    2025 Headliners

    Ah, yeh it was chaos on Thursday until close. I spent about five hours just stacking cups/cans on a bench outside. On Saturday after about 0030 it was actually quite spacious inside, still fairly rammed mind you.
  8. Andy0808 v5

    2025 Headliners

    Get the Taphouse DJ’s on the pyramid each night. I’d quite enjoy that 😂
  9. Andy0808 v5


    The thought of Prince on his death bed checking the rumours page one last time.. ’Finally, they’ve realised it will never happen..’ before finally letting go and passing.
  10. Is tap house playing tunes now? Wasn’t earlier
  11. I’m going to be looking at anybody with a half with absolute disgust. Insane mark up in price on the half pints
  12. There must be someone, somewhere..who has only attended Glastonbury during these years; and they’re currently toying with the idea of returning hoping to see the sun.
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