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When will this shit end?


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5 minutes ago, Homer said:

I posted in this thread a while back. A quote from Michael Gove is about 2014 saying 'Boris Johnson isn't up to being PM, he finds it impossible to make big decisions'.

You know it's bad when Gove is calling you incompetent.

Thankfully it seems the rest of the country is finally starting to see what we've known for a while. I really think avoiding the daily briefings so much has damaged him as well.

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No chance he's going on air to resign. It should be his boss's call, not his.  

And who the fuck is he anyway to be giving statements on TV?  If you've got something to say, issue a statement and fuck off quietly.

The ego of the chap is astounding.

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1 minute ago, mcshed said:

His wife used to work with Boris and is rumoured to have been on the wrong end of some unwanted Boris attention, maybe it was worse than his usual unconsentual thigh grabbing?

Hmm yes I speculated about this a couple of pages back.  Cummings wife denies being the woman in question  (and surely even Cummings would draw the line at working for someone who assaulted his wife?!) but maybe it was someone else and Cummings has some dirt about it?  Who knows.  We only see the tip of the iceberg, God only knows what goes on behind the scenes.

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23 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I really hope this is a complete disaster too. Imagine if he came out with excuses and criticised the media for harassment. The uproar it would cause!

Me too! Hope he comes across as his normal, hugely unlikeable self! Not getting my hopes up though, I'll be crushed if he successfully weasels his way out of this mess--After the way this year has gone, I need a win! 

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21 minutes ago, WestCountryGirl said:

I don't see how he can go the sympathy angle. Thousands upon thousands of families will have comparatively more heartbreaking stories than his, without half of the privilege. 

I hope that if it is not a resignation, it is at least a complete car crash.. but everything about this government has taught me not to count on anything good ever coming from them.

Yes I hope it's a car crash too. Surely he can't get people back onside!?

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49 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

He's deeming us all worthy this afternoon of his comments, how very privileged we are going to be.

Its too late, damage is done.

1. Looks like Lockdown is over, sun is out and the roads are heaving round here (North Yorkshire).  

2. They have treated us like idiots, and it won't be forgotten (and will add to all the other stuff they got wrong with Covid - lack of PPE, lockdown too late, the bizarre initial idea of saying don't go to pub/restaurant/theatre but we aren't closing them).

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Guardian saying Cummings is breaching government guidance for special advisors by making a statement. Can't find a way to share the post in their live feed but it's worth a read. 

He's so cool and unconventional!!!!  

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I don't think he's going to even try to apologise- he doesnt believe the media  have any right to question the government, and that their 'hysteria' shouldn't lead to actions like him resigning. I imagine him using this to lay down a marker, make it clear this sort of thing won't work.

The only thing I expect to be weakened after this statement is the media, not him

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10 minutes ago, Cream Soda said:

Hmm yes I speculated about this a couple of pages back.  Cummings wife denies being the woman in question  (and surely even Cummings would draw the line at working for someone who assaulted his wife?!) but maybe it was someone else and Cummings has some dirt about it?  Who knows.  We only see the tip of the iceberg, God only knows what goes on behind the scenes.

We'll likely never know what the real reason for it but Boris's steadfast defence of him is decidedly odd, I thought these people where supposed to be ruthless?

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4 minutes ago, rivalschools.price said:

I find it strange that people are actually saying ‘As Dominic Cummings was stupid enough to risk his and his family’s health by breaking the rules, then I’m going to be stupid enough to put my family’s health at risk too, that’ll show ‘em’

Me too, absolutely baffling.

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3 minutes ago, mcshed said:

We'll likely never know what the real reason for it but Boris's steadfast defence of him is decidedly odd, I thought these people where supposed to be ruthless?

Johnson is notoriously lazy- think for his era as PM he was planning on having Cummings do all the thinking and organising and work while he just turned up once in a while to do his buffoon act. If Cummings goes, it puts Johnson in a position he doesn't want to be in because it would involve actually doing work

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2 minutes ago, rivalschools.price said:

I find it strange that people are actually saying ‘As Dominic Cummings was stupid enough to risk his and his family’s health by breaking the rules, then I’m going to be stupid enough to put my family’s health at risk too, that’ll show ‘em’

I think this comes down to the difference between the risk to the individual and the risk to society. If I go out and meet my friends the chances of me catching it are slim, as I'm young and healthy the chances are if I catch it that it isn't terribly serious. The reason I don't go out is that if everyone behaved like that the virus would spread and more people would catch it and some of them will die. Given that I totally understand the thinking that why should I suffer to protect society if those in charge aren't prepared to.

I'm still following guidelines but I completely understand why other people aren't.

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4 minutes ago, Cream Soda said:

Me too, absolutely baffling.

Snap, whilst I am not in at risk group I won't be changing how I approach my health due to dominic cummings.  

Do we know when he is meant to be up?  I think we could get a story about his son and uncle; if that is the case then I think they will have really misread the tone here.  

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Hopefully those asking the questions ask short, concise questions.

Nothing worse than journalists asking a great question but also trying to add extra questions on top of it. It gives the person answering a much easier job.

Just ask one question at a time so they are forced to address to question itself.

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Just now, northernringo said:

Hopefully those asking the questions ask short, concise questions.

Nothing worse than journalists asking a great question but also trying to add extra questions on top of it. It gives the person answering a much easier job.

Just ask one question at a time so they are forced to address to question itself.

Boris and Laura are asking the questions ... 

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15 minutes ago, rivalschools.price said:

I find it strange that people are actually saying ‘As Dominic Cummings was stupid enough to risk his and his family’s health by breaking the rules, then I’m going to be stupid enough to put my family’s health at risk too, that’ll show ‘em’

I know what you mean, but he wasn't. He was putting other people's health at risk, by driving across the country full of virus.

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