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Yoghurt on a Stick

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About Yoghurt on a Stick

  • Birthday 06/05/1965

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  1. Footage taken from tonight's concert at Ludlow Castle - as filmed by my neighbour; WhatsApp Video 2024-07-26 at 00.12.05.mp4
  2. You don't say! I don't really know much about them. In fact the knowledge that I have is right next to nothing. Not very far away from nothing, at all. However, the burning of the loot bit (the bit that I do know about) is of some interest.
  3. I thought that I had responded to this, but evidently haven't. My excuse for not knowing is that my memory is shockingly poor nowadays, and I couldn't be quite sure that I was right.
  4. 👔 Wow! I'm kind of lost for words, but salute your lunacy! 🦺
  5. If I recall rightly, you just had fencing all around. Is that right? No matter what way it was, you've created a wonderful garden. I'd say it gets the bees vote too.
  6. It is a fab story, indeed. Mind you, I do heavily favour books that are to do with dodgy people, so am biased in that direction.
  7. That's what happens when I've had a smoke. 🙃
  8. You could take out a whole page advert in the Somerset County Gazette; https://www.somersetcountygazette.co.uk/ You could inform a lot of the good burghers of Somerset this way. You could say at the bottom of the page 'Please spread the word within Somerset, by any means that you can - please!). Of course the main bulk of the page would have to be devoted to your confession. You will also need to sound contrite = otherwise you'll blow your cover, and the people of Somerset will bust you for not being devout ie they will not forgive your sins. It would appear that there is no demonym (a word that I have only just discovered exists) for Somerset, to my knowledge, so maybe below the confession (and above the plea to spread the word, you could say something like 'Come on Bath City F.C, I know you can do it. Then go onto say that you love Yeovil Town F.C.‎, in fact you love all the Somerset football clubs in Somerset. Some will bust you for not being realistic, but a fraction of those will fail to respond because they like being mistreated. So, I think we're (how did I get into it?) good to go! Best of ;luck.
  9. Paper money is indeed an illusion. It can also be counterfeited (nice long'ish story about this in link below. It's a great read in my opinion) which when added to quantitative easing allows for the dilution of paper money's value). https://www.gq.com/story/the-great-paper-caper I also think as we become more and more a cashless society that cryptocurrencies (especially Bitcoin) will be taken up by more people. I say this because a black market needs currency.
  10. No way. I've got too much to lose!
  11. Me and my wife were due to see James tonight at Ludlow castle, but now can't go as my wife is too ill. I've given our tickets to our neighbours. This is the second time that I have booked and paid for tickets to see James, but haven't been able to go. I think that I am destined not to see them live*. * -Note - I was in the crowd in 1990 (I think it was)at Glastonbury when they played, but didn't know of them then and talked to my mate all the way through their set. That I regret. I also, at that time, didn't know that talking continuously through a set may have upset those around us. Will not be doing that again wherever I am.
  12. I sort of get the 'quantitative easing' bit - a little , but surely the money (in paper form) would have been lost to them ie the KLF, but not so the economy as a whole?
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