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Lucy92 last won the day on May 14

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  1. Anyone else having issues accessing the app onsite? The 4g signal is SO bad
  2. We’re at womad this weekend to trial festival with a baby ready for Glasto’s next year. She’s having an absolute blast!
  3. A kick em while they’re down for all those who didn’t make it 🤣
  4. Lucy92


    There’s also a lot more undercover police than you realise there
  5. Lucy92


    Why wouldn’t they believe them?
  6. Lucy92

    Car Stolen

    That’s awful! People can be the worst sometimes
  7. We’re thinking of doing camp bestival this year to get over not getting glasto tickets. Any advice for taking a baby? She’ll be 11 months old when we go
  8. It’s a shame you keep seeing the same comments year after year about act booking on the wrong stage. You’d have hoped they’d learn by now! Like others have said it’s getting dangerous now, and post covid crowds don’t help
  9. Lucy92

    Glasto depression

    Too many people?
  10. I’ll have to go and watch this back! What a moment for crazyfool!
  11. Lucy92

    Arcadia 2024

    Looks amazing!
  12. We need a proper awful weather year to bin off the influencers for a bit
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