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  1. Ground is good for those arriving tomorrow. A little rain today but will be wearing trainers tomorrow unless heavy rain tonight but forecast looks good. Idles smashed it tonight.
  2. Crawlers have played Download, so they must have thought they were rock. In my mind had them pigeon holed along with Creeper, Pale Waves in that sort of Light Pop Goth Rock category that I rather like. I don’t think Crawlers or Amazons stand out as Non-Trees bands. Although. It was my first Trees and so not as knowledgable about what sound to expect as others. I don’t really see booking Crawlers as any different to booking Creeper but that could just be me as I like both and genre wise stick them together.
  3. I was not having a go and it’s an interesting point you made. I just assumed that they always had a few indie bands and that either it was policy or they just picked from who was available and cost effective. it might just be clever booking to include a few alternatives to those going who might be partners, friends and family to someone who dragged them to trees because they like the more expected sound.
  4. If you don't like them getting booked, I assume Bears in Trees this year upset your sensabilities ☺️
  5. Yeah, Thursday is now starting to look better the long term forecast. After last year, it would be nice to have a fairly dry festival.
  6. Some nice names there but surely Bloc Party would headline Trees if they played. Lots on your poster that might tempt me including Bloc Party if they ended up headlining or co-headlining.
  7. It's looking a bit rubbish for those setting up on Thursday. I was hoping for a dry one after last year, although the other days look ok for now.
  8. I have never been that early to any day but often try to turn up in time for the "early special guest" but never that bothered about getting to the barrier. Although, the other year walked up to it to watch James with no problem. Although, one year I went very early about 11.30 as Mary Walloppers were supposed to be on main stage around 12 but did not turn up and there was only a handful of people any where near the main stage. A bit annoyed by the no show as it makes it a stupidly long day, the only plus was I ended up discoverying Crystal Tides. Early on the site and front of the main stage is often sparse but gets busier as the day goes on. I would imagine Friday would be fairly easy to get to the barrier if in early. Or will Louis Tomlinson throw all that out of the window and will Murder Capital and The Snuts play to record crowds.
  9. For those thinking of going, Bludfestis now up on Tickets for Good. I don't know if its only NHS or available to other members. BludFest The National Bowl, Milton Keynes 11 August Festivals
  10. Bludfest, is now up on Tickets for Good. I don't know if its only NHS or available to other members. BludFest The National Bowl, Milton Keynes 11 August Festivals
  11. The £100 mark is a barrier I don't like going above but have done it for a few artists like the Stones, Muse and U2 in the past. Paid £150 for Billie Eilish tickets at the O2 before, which I know is madness but my partner wanted them and 90% of the gigs we go to are bands I like, so was not going to say no. Was it a good show, well it was fine and I enjoyed it but clearly a waste of money at that price. After, the show we both agreed it was mad to pay so much, so when the Taylor tour came around and my partner had a code she did not go through with buying tickets when they came up at £175. I think the biggest names will always get away with charging silly money if they want to, such as the Taylor tour. What really bothers me is the amount of smaller acts that now charge between £60 to £80 and even gigs at places like O2 forum often charge £45+ As someone who goes to a lot of gigs and often get seats, I now often downgrade the seats to up in the gods to try to keep the costs down. The only good point for me about crazy prices (not that I want them too charge crazy prices) is that as someone who is a member of the NHS ticketing sites, I get a chance to pick up some free/cheap tickets for artist's I would not normally ever think of seeing as they have put off their own fans by charging to much. The rate at which the prices go up may slow down but they are not going to get cheaper. The current pricing is going to be the norm from now on in. If we want to see established artists then we will end up paying these prices. What I do find interesting is that often people who do not go to as many gigs as members on here do, often do not bulk at paying £100+ for tickets as it's a one off and special and regular gig going is not part of their life. There are also those that compare the prices to sporting events and pay similarly high prices for them.
  12. I would love to see them get Placebo. Not sure if they would get booked but think Amly or Neck Deep are a good shout as possable headliners.
  13. Anyone else see Frank Turner today wondering around in a shark head? Not much of a disguise as the face part was cut out, so you could see it was him.
  14. Vans would have been fine yesterday, only a few muddy spots. However , the ground is very springy/soft in lots of places but in general good shape with grass cover. Also lots of dry areas. I wonder if we get rain as forecast will the soft/springy bits get messy. I am sure a short shower or two would be fine and keep everything ok.
  15. Anyone know if they sell alcohol free cider? Driving and would rather support the festival and buy from them especially if they are cold.
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