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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Coldplay followed 12 tennis players a few days back
  2. Mona Lisa not reappeared has she ?
  3. Those damn athletes recording it on phones
  4. Horse impressive .. no whips needed either
  5. Hope he’s insured . That looks dodgy . Need to figure that out for next hat
  6. Nice moves … this is better ..
  7. Do feel sorry for em … that weather is absolute shite
  8. Shoddy camera work from beeb … I’m gonna take over with iPhone … they keep filming above heads for some reason when the go to barges
  9. Looking better now the lights are coming on … best flag so far Kosovo … best outfit Monaco with where’s Wally impression . Actually scrap that Mongolia good effort
  10. At least they don’t have mud to deal with
  11. Yep not good …. Off to weather thread to check
  12. Yep agree … still early days though . Is one thing that we seemed to do well here … maybe rose tinted glasses on though
  13. is this bbc coverage now part of the 4 hour opening ceremony ? edit it is ... just took a while to get going
  14. ive got insoles made too . has solved it
  15. I had these recommended by my foot specialist for support and to help with my plantar fasciitis they are really good
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