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What is your arrival strategy ?


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20 hours ago, gfa said:

Great read, love how you've literally done it completely differently each time (bar the two victoria coach stations).

I can't wait to drive for the first time - but have somewhat luckily only got coach tickets so far 🙂 certainly a weight off the shoulders

Driving does have a kind of aurora around it; everyone loves a classic road trip with a buddy or two! Tunes playing, sun shining, stop whenever you want, be as loud as you want, etc. The only problem I didn't mention in my little summary (thought I'd already waffled on too much) was the journey back was also horrendous.

Foolishly told my friend I'd drop him off in Colchester then onto my flat at the time which was in Ipswich. It wasn't too bad getting out of the car park, weather-wise it was lovely, but after a 6 hour drive, I was shattered. There's a horrible on-ramp from Stanway, Colchester that goes onto the A12 heading towards Ipswich and you can only see cars coming down the A-road at the last few seconds of the on-ramp. I went down with no one behind me on the on-ramp, but then as my side mirror caught the reflection of a headlights, I panicked and hit the brakes and swerved the car into the hard shoulder and gravel. Freaked me right out! It took me a few minutes to compose myself and complete the last 20 minute section. Vowed to my then gf that I'd never drive to Glasto again!

If I hadn't been so tired from 5 days hard partying I wouldn't have reacted like that but I'd totally underestimated the slog it would be. We'd even purposefully not rushed in the morning, slept in, etc. It depends where you're driving from/to, but anything over a couple of hours, I wouldn't do it again.

I'd say you're doing it the right way by going by coach but the allure of a car is always there! Enjoy it either way, especially if you're with a few mates!

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On 3/29/2023 at 10:25 PM, Simsy said:

I'm on the national express this year, and there is only 1 direct from Portsmouth so I don't get to pick when I leave/arrive. Not due to arrive until 14:30, so should miss the worst of the queues, and planning to camp in darble again.

Should be slightly easier than last year, when train strikes meant I had to leave straight after work on the Tues, get nat ex to London then another to Bristol so I could get my seeticket coach on the weds morning.

Is the Portsmouth coach one of the combined ticket and coach locations? I thought Southampton was the nearest for that. 

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18 minutes ago, Metal Monkey said:

Is the Portsmouth coach one of the combined ticket and coach locations? I thought Southampton was the nearest for that. 

No, it's a separate national express coach. Southampton is the closest place with the combined ticket/coach option, but I got a standard ticket this year.

The seeticket coach is a bargain though. £54 return from Southampton if you get the ticket/coach option compared to £90 for national express!

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My usual tactic the last few times is to catch the 4:30am bus from Victoria and arrive early.

Its worked nicely the last few times, set up nice and early with a decent spot and chill for a few hours before going to explore. 

Weirdly I checked National Express for early morning coaches the other day and there's nothing between like 1am and 6am at all at the moment. Wonder if they add them later depending on demand? never noticed them not being there before.

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22 hours ago, Simsy said:

No, it's a separate national express coach. Southampton is the closest place with the combined ticket/coach option, but I got a standard ticket this year.

The seeticket coach is a bargain though. £54 return from Southampton if you get the ticket/coach option compared to £90 for national express!

Ahh thanks, at least I haven't missed out on a more convenient coach! Last year from Southampton was pretty easy as it left at 1:30pm so had a lie in and there was no queues when I got there. Still a taxi and train before the coach though. 

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On 4/9/2023 at 3:00 PM, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

Driving does have a kind of aurora around it; everyone loves a classic road trip with a buddy or two! Tunes playing, sun shining, stop whenever you want, be as loud as you want, etc. The only problem I didn't mention in my little summary (thought I'd already waffled on too much) was the journey back was also horrendous.

Foolishly told my friend I'd drop him off in Colchester then onto my flat at the time which was in Ipswich. It wasn't too bad getting out of the car park, weather-wise it was lovely, but after a 6 hour drive, I was shattered. There's a horrible on-ramp from Stanway, Colchester that goes onto the A12 heading towards Ipswich and you can only see cars coming down the A-road at the last few seconds of the on-ramp. I went down with no one behind me on the on-ramp, but then as my side mirror caught the reflection of a headlights, I panicked and hit the brakes and swerved the car into the hard shoulder and gravel. Freaked me right out! It took me a few minutes to compose myself and complete the last 20 minute section. Vowed to my then gf that I'd never drive to Glasto again!

If I hadn't been so tired from 5 days hard partying I wouldn't have reacted like that but I'd totally underestimated the slog it would be. We'd even purposefully not rushed in the morning, slept in, etc. It depends where you're driving from/to, but anything over a couple of hours, I wouldn't do it again.

I'd say you're doing it the right way by going by coach but the allure of a car is always there! Enjoy it either way, especially if you're with a few mates!

Yeah exactly - that first paragraph is what I want! I don't drive mind you haha.

Been lucky to get 8am london wednesday coach both years, think i'd be a lot less happy if i was on one that arrives later!

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On 4/9/2023 at 3:00 PM, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

 Freaked me right out! It took me a few minutes to compose myself and complete the last 20 minute section. Vowed to my then gf that I'd never drive to Glasto again

If I hadn't been so tired from 5 days hard partying I wouldn't have reacted like that but I'd totally underestimated the slog it would be. We'd even purposefully not rushed in the morning, slept in, etc. It depends where you're driving from/to, but anything over a couple of hours, I wouldn't do it again.

This is why I always wait until Tuesday to leave.

Tried Monday one year, felt fine crossing the site and then main roads appeared and it all turned weird. I had to pull over into a lay by and get some more sleep.

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Driving down in a van from central Scotland hopefully wheels rolling by 7pm on the Tuesday evening. 

M6 toll. Picking up a friend near Reading. M4 towards Bristol then on to that beautiful A37. 

Around 500 miles. With stops I reckon a prudent 11 hours if the weathers ok. So hopefully on site in general campervan east for 6am and a celebratory tin of beer before a morning snooze.

Sharing the driving if needed but I usually don't mind long drives. Prefer just to keep going. 

2nd wind when the sun comes up. Really hope its a clear morning. 

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On 4/9/2023 at 3:00 PM, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

Driving does have a kind of aurora around it; everyone loves a classic road trip with a buddy or two! Tunes playing, sun shining, stop whenever you want, be as loud as you want, etc. The only problem I didn't mention in my little summary (thought I'd already waffled on too much) was the journey back was also horrendous.

Foolishly told my friend I'd drop him off in Colchester then onto my flat at the time which was in Ipswich. It wasn't too bad getting out of the car park, weather-wise it was lovely, but after a 6 hour drive, I was shattered. There's a horrible on-ramp from Stanway, Colchester that goes onto the A12 heading towards Ipswich and you can only see cars coming down the A-road at the last few seconds of the on-ramp. I went down with no one behind me on the on-ramp, but then as my side mirror caught the reflection of a headlights, I panicked and hit the brakes and swerved the car into the hard shoulder and gravel. Freaked me right out! It took me a few minutes to compose myself and complete the last 20 minute section. Vowed to my then gf that I'd never drive to Glasto again!

If I hadn't been so tired from 5 days hard partying I wouldn't have reacted like that but I'd totally underestimated the slog it would be. We'd even purposefully not rushed in the morning, slept in, etc. It depends where you're driving from/to, but anything over a couple of hours, I wouldn't do it again.

I'd say you're doing it the right way by going by coach but the allure of a car is always there! Enjoy it either way, especially if you're with a few mates!

I am not looking forward to that trip back to Ipswich, especially A12 or A14!

What time do you normally leave to get to the site?

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4 hours ago, Skip997 said:

This is why I always wait until Tuesday to leave.

Tried Monday one year, felt fine crossing the site and then main roads appeared and it all turned weird. I had to pull over into a lay by and get some more sleep.

Most sensible thing to do. The last twenty mins after my near accident were very slow and cautionary. Luckily, it was late by then and the roads weren't busy. Must have stayed on the hard shoulder for a good ten-fifteen mins before that tho.

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2 hours ago, lendan said:

I am not looking forward to that trip back to Ipswich, especially A12 or A14!

What time do you normally leave to get to the site?

I only did it the once and we left on the Tuesday, took about 7 hours, although I had to pick my friend up in Colchester and we took one long break in that for a BBQ and a smaller break earlier on. Think we left around midday.

Driving Tues def took the stress out of arriving for any particular time, we were happy to turn up however long it took, was very relaxing.

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2007-2010 I used to drive down earlier and earlier on the Wednesday morning. Often got caught in traffic for a couple of hours or more after leaving the M5, though usually managed to get camped up in Pennards by lunchtime.

2011-2016 we started staying at friends about 1 hour away from site on the Tuesday night, leaving theirs at about 6-6:30 to aim to get into the car parks for gate opening. This worked well until 2016 when we got stuck in the queues with everyone else, and even taking a sat nav inspired tour of the back roads, didn't get into the car park until about 2pm, with camp setup by 4ish.

2017 onwards I've been in a camper. A gentle drive down on the Tuesday, meeting friends in a layby on the A37 just north of Lydford-on-Fosse before driving into the campervan fields together. Friend in tents meet us Tuesday evening now and pitch up alongside us. We then wander down to gate C late morning to pickup wristbands and start the festival properly. 

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20 hours ago, Gutterflower said:

My usual tactic the last few times is to catch the 4:30am bus from Victoria and arrive early.

Its worked nicely the last few times, set up nice and early with a decent spot and chill for a few hours before going to explore. 

Weirdly I checked National Express for early morning coaches the other day and there's nothing between like 1am and 6am at all at the moment. Wonder if they add them later depending on demand? never noticed them not being there before.

I think it must just be sold out as we are booked on the 5.30am, they haven’t checked what time you are booked on in the past and just let you get in a massive queue. Last year they didn’t even check we had tickets although that would be some balls to just try and blag your way on with all your stuff 

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2014 - see tickets coach. Leaves from the 02 parking in Greenwich, which is only a short drive from our house. All very chilled, with good crowd on the bus. Walked to Pennards Hill where a mate had already put our tent up.

2016 - same again but the mud meant that the roads were jammed and it took forever to get to the coach drop off. We were camped in Worthy View and initially opted to get the shuttle bus around but when it quickly became obvious the shuttle bus wasn’t going to fare any better we mutinied and forced the driver to turn around. Walked across the site to the gate out to WV just as the fireworks were starting

2017 - got a National Express coach. All very efficient and we live close enough to Victoria for it to be pretty chilled taxi ride to and from.

2022 - went in Campervan for the first time. Arrived Wednesday around noon and sailed straight in to a good spot in CV quiet. Went to bed by 2am on Sunday but still slept in past noon. Packed up steadily and left the CV field at about 4pm.

2023 - in CV quiet again. This time my wife is coming but she’s probably going to come by train on Thursday and leave by train too.



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On 4/8/2023 at 12:07 PM, MEGATRONICMEATWAGON said:

Was a hilarious journey as everything went well until we got stuck in massive traffic around Frome. It was crazy, never experience anything like it, something that year must have gone wrong, but because it was my first I thought it was normal!

We were caught in that - we were waiting in queue for shuttle bus from B&W. The buses stopped for ~2 hours sadly due to a fatal RTA according to Worthy FM - fatal RTA typically means road is closed by police for minimum 1 hour while they sort everything out, gather evidence etc. I think it was someone walking by the side of the road on bits of road with no footpath.  Moral of story: drive *very* carefully near the festival.

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On 4/11/2023 at 11:05 AM, gfa said:

Yeah exactly - that first paragraph is what I want! I don't drive mind you haha.

Been lucky to get 8am london wednesday coach both years, think i'd be a lot less happy if i was on one that arrives later!

Ooh can I ask what time you arrived on site with an 8am coach from London? Got a 5am coach from London on Thursday but am pranging out about missing a whole 1.5 days of the festival (not that there's anything I can do about it and it could have been much much worse!)

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1 minute ago, Sundance said:

Ooh can I ask what time you arrived on site with an 8am coach from London? Got a 5am coach from London on Thursday but am pranging out about missing a whole 1.5 days of the festival (not that there's anything I can do about it and it could have been much much worse!)

I’ve done the see coaches a few times and the problem is from the O2 you will just get stuck in traffic for the first hour especially at that time. I just checked and in 2019 we were on the 6am Wednesday and the first photo I have which is post tent set up first beer in hand by the tent (as always) was 13.51. Obviously on the Thursday you will have no queue to get in and minimal traffic around the site 

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9 minutes ago, Barneym said:

I’ve done the see coaches a few times and the problem is from the O2 you will just get stuck in traffic for the first hour especially at that time. I just checked and in 2019 we were on the 6am Wednesday and the first photo I have which is post tent set up first beer in hand by the tent (as always) was 13.51. Obviously on the Thursday you will have no queue to get in and minimal traffic around the site 

Is there not somewhere else with a big carpark that could work for this?  Twickenham maybe - probably harder on average to get to, but fewer people travelling in the opposite direction to the festival before they get to the bus and the site should be able to cope with crowds...

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Travelling down from Scotland by Car for the first time, which gate will be steered towards, and is it possible to make your way to Gate A which I believe is for the buses?

looking to Camp in Kidney mead again no doubt, is there a better gate to enter through?

hopefully get to the festival site for 8/9am.

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