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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2024 in all areas

  1. Poster day isn't as good as it used to be
    7 points
  2. I mean this in the nicest of ways. Some of you need a year or two off Glasto. Like every festival there's repeat bookings sure, but it doesn't mean it isnt a strong line up!
    6 points
  3. Real ones will know that you judge the lineup on the Monday after the festival
    6 points
  4. Nice one Emily on the majority female headliners edit for clarity in case people feel offended by nice one Emily . Iโ€™m happy Emily is working towards her objective and will be seeing Dua lipa and really looking forward to the party
    6 points
  5. Idles headlining other is embarrassing. I think SZA is objectively weak too, they must have really struggled - no way that was plan A B or C
    6 points
  6. Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
    5 points
  7. Not sure I get the hate for this line-up. Feel like the worst type of Glastonbury is a top-heavy Glastonbury. Last year felt like that. This feels like a deep Glastonbury with a couple of gambles up top. There are a lot of bands across all stages Iโ€™d be very keen to watch. Canโ€™t stomach Coldplay playing AGAIN for the third time in my Glastonbury lifetime. But I get why theyโ€™re there.
    4 points
  8. Not acts which I've learned from the poster but some smaller names that are really worth checking out.. - Soccer Mommy - She has done several albums 90's american indie rock sound. Supported The National at Ally Pally last year FFO Phoebe Bridgers. - Bar Italia - released debut last year I think. Post punk indie - FFO Fontaines DC/Idles - NewDad - I think they they have one album and some ep's - dream pop/Indie - FFO big thief, lush, wolf alice - Mannequin Pussy - new album was out a couple of weeks ago. Punky but then also shoegazy as well. FFO Idles, Ride - Barry can't swim - Debut album was out last year. sort of "lofi" Dance music, in a similar vibe to Fred again. FFO Fred Again -Alvvays - On about album 3 I think. Jangly indie pop FFO c86 bands I know lot's of indie there but I do listen to a lot of indie ๐Ÿ™‚ also, I know people like Squid have been around a while but they are great post punk indie and Lankum was one of the albums of last year, dark folk I guess. I know I bang on about Nia Archives a bit but she really is fantastic. Jungle music very 90's influenced.
    4 points
  9. Why is that different to clashing two male options? This is exactly what should be happening with a balanced gender split. Female isn't a genre.
    4 points
  10. everyone whinges about the lineup poster., goes and has the time of their life. lineups as good as always.
    4 points
  11. I read it as a positive post from someone wanting a resale ticket
    4 points
  12. My tuppence worth. I won't watch any of those Pyramid headliners as they just aren't the sort of music I'm into, but rather than grumbling about it constantly I'll wait until the full line up comes out and find a suitable alternative, which given there's over 100 stages won't be difficult. Lets be honest, all the moaning is because Glastonbury have constantly pulled it out of the bag for the last 15 years and now we have a year that's slightly 'underwhelming' everyone throws their toys out of the pram. The easiest thing to do is if you don't like the line-up, is put the ticket back in the pot, have a year off and we will see you in the autumn for the 2025 ticket sale...that's what I would do if I didn't like the line up that much, although I know better, and 5 days of camping with my mates, having a laugh and creating memories will be much better than being moody at home complaining because Coldplay are headlining again.
    4 points
  13. Just because the lineup this year isnโ€™t to certain peopleโ€™s tastes doesnโ€™t mean Glastonbury โ€˜isnโ€™t for themโ€™. ยฃ350 is a lot of money and people are within their rights to criticise what they perceive to be a weak lineup, much like you are within your rights to praise it
    4 points
  14. She dialled in the lineup.
    4 points
  15. Headliners apart, it seems to be made up of entirely Roundhouse/Hammersmith Apollo sized acts. Pretty unimaginative. I fear that Glastobury's imperial phase is ending. Still an amazing weekend, but the real memorable stuff, the once in a lifetime, the stuff to keep you nourished when you're sitting in a nursing home wrapped in an unchanged nappy is going to be away from any of those main stages.
    4 points
  16. Same moans as every year - people even said this sort of crap about Paul f**king McCartney. Will be an amazing week, loads of amazing artists on there! Proper buzzing for it now, only three months to go!
    4 points
  17. Genuinely made up for the guys who were hoping for a shite lineup .
    4 points
  18. Indeed. My missus and her mates will be at Coldplay. But the festival isnt above criticism. 5 times in 17 festivals is a lot. Headlined 3 of the last 10 festivals?
    3 points
  19. Can I please request that anyone who is not happy, or complaining, about the line-up to not pay their balance, to give me a better chance in the resale. It is the only fair thing to do. I'm absolutely gutted not to be there (regardless of line-up) Thanks in advance.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. Justice will have far more
    3 points
  22. Correct. Fontaines clashing...not so much.
    3 points
  23. I don't have many other acts in mind. Time was Glastonbury would drop a poster and there would be three or four acts you'd never even considered as a possibility that made you sit up and think 'wow!' (Art Garfunkel, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus all recent examples). There's nothing like that on here, that's what makes it underwhelming to me. I rattled off a list of decent acts on the lineup earlier (think you actually replied to it). All good acts that I'd enjoy seeing with a cider in hand, but also very predictable bookings. All stuff I could see pretty much anywhere on any given a day. I go to Glastonbury for the extraordinary, and this all feels very ordinary.
    3 points
  24. Criticise, yeah - I'm not saying that people can't, but to deprive someone of a ticket "on the basis I like the lineup" is poor behaviour. Anyone who sees that lineup and sacks their ticket off for that reason alone needs to have a word with themselves and start going to festivals where it's only about a few names at the top. If you can't have fun and find 10+ awesome acts at this year's fest then... Glastonbury ain't for you.
    3 points
  25. Missed out on a ticket this year, was absolutely devastated at the time and been dreading this day for months. Glasto know they can throw their weight around to justify the ยฃ360. They could have Basel Brush headline and people would still go. Whether thatโ€™s right or wrong I donโ€™t know but itโ€™s just the way it is. First time lurkers/ people going for the first time, do not let it bother you if you hate the line up. Itโ€™s still an unbelievable experience.. the weather is 10 x more important imo. Theyโ€™ll always be something to do. Have a toffee apple cider on my behalf and get stuck in! Enjoy all!!
    3 points
  26. This has to be one of the best lineups - I love it. The clashes are going to be killer. I am so hyped for this.
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. they should have been given headline on the other instead of disclosure imo
    3 points
  29. Is it ok to say that the line up is a massive disappointment BUT you will have an amazing time anyway?
    3 points
  30. Paddy Power need to do a Glasto Fan denial... some people chat absolute bubbles ๐Ÿ˜„
    3 points
  31. Youโ€™d say SZA was headlining Other and IDLES Woodsies, but both got bumped when Madge/Stevie didnโ€™t happen. Would make sense.
    3 points
  32. Hope Emily reads this and strips moaner tickets. Nowt wrong with that.
    3 points
  33. A festival line-up almost as bad as Sziget's. That takes some skill ๐Ÿ˜‰
    3 points
  34. Btw we should definitely grab a beer at some point this year Like, some of us have been around for a while in this forum so it would be cool Yeah I'm just going home from the pub that's why i came up with this rn Password will be 'the wet leg slot'
    3 points
  35. Black ones last week by the looks of it ๐Ÿ˜‚
    2 points
  36. For the younguns its an immersive thing - they listen/watch kpop and the shows where the bands get formed, they watch kdrama and films, eat korean food and use Korean beauty products - thats why it is known as Hallyu the Korean wave though to be fair thats been going on for decades. It is a transformation of our assumptions about where culture needs to come from and how it gets disseminated. Its fascinating really. I suppose what I'm saying is just viewing it as Xfactor type stuff is a lazy view of its importance and impact globally.
    2 points
  37. Justice are playing, all is s good
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Looks like @Supernintendo Chalmers called it... Northernangel! FloorFiller! CalGon! Can you hear me, CalGon! Your opinions took one hell of a beating! Your opinions took one hell of a beating! (Please take this in the jovial way it was intended ๐Ÿ˜˜)
    2 points
  40. Once again, the electronic undercard is going to save the day.
    2 points
  41. Here is my one: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5HAfwaLuvCb51V5Zph7Po6?si=YubtbENLQKqlrIuFT15yMw&pi=e-uRBg-RfvTm2E
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. I think Dua might suprise people โ€ฆ
    2 points
  44. Paul Heaton in the sun with a warm beer ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ gutted on first look, but know Iโ€™ll have amazing moments..
    2 points
  45. Coldplay again feels like a nail in the coffin. Headlining 5 of the last 17 festivals. About 30%. Nonsense.
    2 points
  46. I'm really struggling to understand that people aren't digging this lineup - it is pure gold for me. Also it is so strong compared to other festivals. it is overpowered not underpowered.
    2 points
  47. Vampire Weekend and Pulp the big misses on that poster
    2 points
  48. Delighted on Coldplay the hard work has paid off ๐Ÿ˜€
    2 points
  49. I feel like times are hard and Glastonbury are now going for cheaper nostalgia bookings in unusually high spots on the lineup. They tried it out last year with Sophie Ellis Bextor and it went down well with the crowd, so they know they can get away with it. This year the likes of Twain, Keane, Paloma Faith in big spots. I think the masses like that, but I think the Pyramid Stage is in danger of becoming Rewind Festival.
    2 points
  50. Another year suggesting the fest is trying to move away from the model of the Pyramid headliners being the be all and end all. Fantastic lineup apart from the top line being a bit meh.
    2 points
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