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billybigballs last won the day on March 24

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    Leeds, Yorkshire

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  1. The problem I've seen at other festivals and concerts in the past is that when ticket prices get too low, they are picked up by people with little interest in any of the acts and are there just for the 'experience'. Creates a quite different vibe....usually with lots of talking during the music!
  2. What's the rules on bringing food onto site when visiting each day? Me, wife and three kids coming, and buying everyone a 15 euro burger soon adds up and eats into the beer money!
  3. Only five weeks to go! How many of us are actually attending this year? What are your Clashfinders looking like? I start busy and finish busy but the middle days are a bit lacking at the moment....
  4. I hope Sziget marketeers are all over this!! https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2024/06/14/glastonbury-not-worlds-best-festival-beaten-huge-rival-21032585/amp/
  5. I'd dismissed them on first hearing as be too lightweight for my tastes, then caught a couple of their live videos and they added an extra element. Looking forward to them now.
  6. So.........wonder what's going on with Joost?
  7. Just noticed they're playing the main stage at Reading/Leeds Festivals, same stage and day as Raye, Fontaines DC, Lana and Fred. Strange.
  8. Agreed. Very impressed. Just hope they don't clash with Editors!
  9. Thr Electric Picnic line-up. For those of you unaware of who Gerry Cinnamon is....lucky you.
  10. I can only use the UK as a barometer, but Kylie is playing British Summer Time Hyde Park this summer to 65,000 people. The first two tiers of tickets have sold out and tier 3 is selling at £105 a ticket (125 euros). When she played the legends slot at Glastonbury in 2019 it was the most watched Glastonbury TV slot ever, with almost 4 million viewers (beating Adele and Ed Sheeran's previous record for viewers). I appreciate she's not for everyone, but no headliner is. She is massive with LGBTQ+ audiences (and old fogeys like me). Her light is definitely not fading - and I may have been wrong about Fiddy too, looking at the venues he played in UK last time he toured the UK (20,000 seat arenas) but maybe he's just fallen off my radar since his second album.
  11. 50 Cent is still classed as a big name? Really? Thought his light had started to fade a long time ago.
  12. Great news about Fisher subbing Kylie. Big fan.
  13. Can anyone work out who is on the main stage on Wednesday? It only seems to be Kylie and Tom Odell so far. Am I missing someone, or do you think they're waiting to see how well Joost do at Eurovision before deciding where to put them?
  14. I guess we now know why @Sziget2024_Leakshas been so quiet lately! Lol
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