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Mardy last won the day on October 3 2023

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  1. I'm still pondering this. Would you pay more for a theatre ticket? For a cup final ticket? For a comparative experience? I dunno, a parachute jump? A meal at a MIchelin starred restaurant?
  2. There is, in my mind, anyway, a clear delineation between a gig (The Four Spotty Herberts) and a big show. I loved seeing Taylor Swift the other month, but was it a gig? Absolutely not. It was closer to going to see Guys and Dolls at the Lyric, or Cabaret at the Kit Kat Club. And comparatively priced. As soon as you add choreography, dancers, pyro, effects, whatever, it becomes a completely different kettle of fish. Both in terms of what it is, and what you can expect to pay. 'Gig' for those shows is a bit of a misnomer, I think.
  3. Usually if you sign up to their mailing list, you get a link
  4. Mardy

    2025 Headliners

    Have I made this up? Didn't Cocker, Cave, McGowan etc all bark like dogs at some Southbank thing a few years back? Or was I just on very good drugs? Maybe they could re-enact that to save deciding who's worthy of the slot.
  5. Hey Nal, fancy setting up a stall beside them to flog some Kool Aid next year?
  6. Woah now, even weirder than I thought. That's some proper cult like sh*t. Also, enough with the middle class white people being all ironic with music, that posh c**t from a few years back who did rapping/rave stuff at the 'Gentleman Rhymer' or whatever. Scum. " made a nice change from singing Mr Brightside in a crowd." Are those the options? You know, sometime I regret my life choices. Other times, not so much.
  7. Mardy

    2025 Headliners

    Maybe I'm wrong here, but this extra date added for Nick Cave in the O2 in November, looks to me they're not even flogging tickets for half of it.
  8. Damn right, there's not enough shame around these days. Never mind conscription, what young people really need is a crippling sense of constant mortification about what they might have said/done.
  9. It's fascinating, yes. I guess there's an element of familiarity/nostalgia outweighing any active consideration of the words and meaning of the songs. It's more like 'I know this song, and that trumps all other considerations'? I'd definitely like to see it, or at least watch the crowd when it's on. It's the ultimate in music as a comforter. Not even 'I like this because it reminds me of being 18, not balding, not tubby and not saddled with a mortgage etc', more 'I like this because it reminds me of being six and my life was full of pretending to be spiderman and watching Rentaghost'
  10. I didn't see this, I wasn't there, but have I got it right, this is people singing religious songs from school assemblies? Man, that's really creepy.
  11. Got talked into going to this at the Usher in few weeks. Still PLENTY of beanbags available. https://www.eif.co.uk/events/ilumina-residency-exploring-illumina
  12. I know it's low down in the many mysteries and vagaries of his Bobness, but I'll never understand his touring venues/schedule. 2 years ago doing the Palladium (just over 2000 capacity), followed by an enormodome in Dublin. This time the RAH with double that, Nottingham Arena which is huge (10,000?) and Bournemouth International Centre. Like I say, small beer, but still bewildering. Reckon I'll pass this time though. Over the last 35 years I've seen Dylan four times and it's ranged from the sublime to the godawful. Last time was in the sublime category. Reckon I'll stick with that.
  13. The Who mix in stuff from previous shows, don't they? Sure I read that somewhere
  14. Mardy

    The Killers

    And with one bound, I'm free!
  15. Mardy

    Dua Lipa

    Man, that was tough, but tickets for my wife secured
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