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  1. Equal parts pathetic and hilarious the way Pence had to try and reason with Trump to concede. Guy really is a huge baby who needs to be spoken to as such:
  2. She’s still an awful person but fair play to her for coming out with this and at this time. Although every chance she hasn’t even read the book and it was snuck in by her ghost writer, or possibly just her little way of sticking it to Trump who she clearly detests.
  3. Nothing we didn’t already know but newly released Jack Smith filings confirm Trump and all of his people knew full well they lost the election and resorted to criminal activity to try and overturn it. Doubt it’s gonna really change anything at this late stage, but a nice early October surprise and one of many to come I’m sure. Also a bit in there about how blasé Trump was about Pence being in danger, which again we knew, but kinda nuts to read just how little he gave a sh*t about his VP possibly dying because he refused to bend the knee for him and attempt to overturn the results.
  4. Nah, just means she’s gonna be entering office in the midst of a shitshow, but when isn’t America (or the world) in the midst of a shitshow these days?! Really don’t see these kind of issues moving the needle much at this late stage.
  5. Just seen the clip of Walz saying he’s befriended school shooters (when he presumably meant to say the victims) 😬 Whoops, pretty big gaff.
  6. I guarantee if Kamala wins, once the inauguration is all done and dusted and there’s no more chances of Republicans trying to f**k the results they’ll all start dropping any whiff of Trump rapidly and try and wash their hands of him, and if bringing his mental capacity in to play is what needs to be done then I’m sure they’ll go there.
  7. Polls seem to be pretty level pegging with Vance having the slight edge in most of them. Pretty much what was expected:
  8. Haven’t seen it all but seems to be the general consensus. Vance a more skilled debater but lied a fair bit, whereas Walz stumbled over himself a bit but generally more honest with his answers. If anything it just seemed to show how boring these things are without a maniac on one side blurting out utter nonsense.
  9. Walz vs. Vance gonna be interesting. Vance is just as evil but doesn’t have mush for brains like Trump and Walz almost seems too nice that I can’t imagine him in a heated debate scenario. No doubt Vance will bring up the stolen valour stuff which will be a moment. They’re also apparently not getting live fact checked like the last one so plenty of opportunities for Vance to just outright lie as I’m sure he will.
  10. In other news, 100 years old today. Hope he lives long enough to cast his vote for Kamala, see her win and then enter the White House:
  11. If he wins I wonder how long it’ll be before they have to 25th him due to his clear mental decline and Vance takes over, which itself is a more terrifying prospect than Trump tbh - same awful policies but without an incompetent dimwit trying to enact them.
  12. Trump suggesting a Purge-like situation of police brutality to put the fear in to criminals. Mental:
  13. Just utter nonsense. Elon is really debasing himself for Trump and it’s funny to see him ramping up the rhetoric the closer we get in a desperate attempt to turn the tide on Trump absolutely f**king it. Guy is such a pathetic loser.
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