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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2023 in Posts

  1. This thread seems to have dropped far down. Hope everyone's doing OK and keeping up with their fitness regimes. In type 2 diabetes news I had my latest round of tests on Wednesday. Three months since my last round which means three months since I last took medication, and I'm officially 'normal'! So f**king pleased, and proud, and relieved. Will need to wait until I see my GP next week to discuss what that actually means but as I understand it, I'm officially in remission now. Will obviously have to be very careful from now on, but I have no desire to go back to my former lifestyle. As I've said before I'm fitter and healthier at 46 than I have been my entire adult life. Possibly entire life. My mental health is better. My skin looks better. Even my hay fever has gone (no idea if it's related but in a year when everyone seems to be reporting it as much worse than normal, barely a sniffle form me). My numbers went up a bit compared to last time but I expected that. No meds and I've not been as strict, diet wise. Still mostly good. I'd have struggled to sustain what I was doing before and I wanted to see what effect it'd have on my results if I wasn't as strict. For the stats fans, up to 42 is normal, 42 to 47 is pre diabetes and 48 and over is diabetes. My initial diagnosis was 113! 3 months ago I was at 35 and this latest round is 39. So at the higher end. If this was my first test my GP would probably be telling me to be careful, watch what I ate, and make sure I didn't cross over in to pre diabetes. Pretty much bang on 9 months from diagnosis to remission
    5 points
  2. Some of you guys are insufferable, no views apart from your own are to be considered okay. I hope roisin is alright, and I hope that we will soon get to a point as a society that people feel they can speak up on their views without losing their livelihoods. Her views on puberty blockers are probably pretty close to the majority consensus view but anybody that dares speak up and voice their view ends up being shot down by a vocal minority.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. EOTR 23 Arrived as mizzle descended for my 14th EOTR - even in such dreich conditions all was lovely. However, the weather gods shone upon us from Friday and the sunshine was glorious Stopped off at Emporium on way in to the music for merchandise - £28 for a t-shirt but they’d already sold out of many sizes! Was worried prices would be similarly inflated throughout but was pleasantly surprised by bar and food costs overall Managed to miss all the Thursday ents due to cider bus shenanigans but did see Wilco who were immense as usual Unfortunately missed most of Last Waltz in Cinedrome (I blame the cider again) but manage to catch much of Alien - still stands up so well. Tent was packed as little other stuff happening, but nice to see it so busy. The curation over the weekend was exemplary - I could have spent 3 days here if the music wasn’t also so good. Awoke bleary eyed late am and headed in for the usual bacon sandwich from the lovely Tea Bus and a Bloody Mary from the airstream. The queue was too big so slummed it with a couple of tins (very good BTW) we’d brought and a cheeky g&t from the gin bus. Saw a bit of Friendship, much of Royal Otis, and headed to Big Top for FatDog. Had seen them do the early hours set at GM which was excellent and they were on point again for this much earlier set. The tent was oppressive though due to heat/humidity (referenced by the local food vendor who said their food was hotter than the Big Top at OverMono) so listened to the majority outside, and headed to Garden for Horse Lords. Cacophonous but focussed they were excellent. Daniel Norgren followed (lovely) then Mary Wallopers. Narrowly avoiding the threat of a fall into a Irish hokey/theme band they delivered a blistering set of funny and poignant folk punk, repeated again for the first secret set later that night. Caught the end of Cass McCombs which was lovely, and hung around for Angel Olsen who was sublime Gutted to have missed Part Chimp, we popped over to Talking Heads for Lou Sanders (such a lovely stage) and ended up in Folly for secret sets (Mary W and Bring your own Pet). Latter were serviceable but loved hanging out in the back /bar area. I found the sound in the Folly for the late night sets a bit muddy, though that have just been my mind generally Didn’t love the fact they removed the urinals however which seems unfair on everyone. Even by Friday, many seemed to be missing locks/seats/handles and the lack of lights was dumb. Do us all a favour next year and bring the pissoirs back, as well as the Green Man female squat urinals please. That said, the efestivals thread on the matter is very entertaining… EOTR stack cups would also be nice - so much easier to carry and less likely to topple in grass Ended up outside cider bus with chips until everything closed, distracted by random conversations with passers by Saturday, woke late as usual, headed to boat for Three Spoons - just lovely. The Boat was one of my favourite stages this year, beautifully curated and lovely to hang out. Over to Garden for beautiful doom folk from John Francis Flynn, stayed for all Avalanche Kaito (extraordinary), and the start of Caroline. They started late and were ponderous at best after they started. Lovely on record, it didn’t translate live. Many I met disagreed, but equally the crowd thinned out significantly as it progressed Back to the Boat for The Courettes (fantastic) and then 75 Dollar Bill - transcendental. Luckily the former also did a later Secret Set which was possibly even better - maybe my find of the festival. Didn’t fancy Future Islands (Vic Reeves singing New Order as it was memorably described) and thought Arooj Aftab might be too earnest. She was extraordinary though and held the crowd spell bound throughout Secret sets were The Courettes and PVA. Although I’d ‘seen’ the former at the Boat (couldn’t get in the tent), I hadn’t appreciated their sound was from just 2 people - extraordinary. The singer crowd surfing on her back playing Duane Eddy licks was amazing. PVA delivered the last set of the night with some pulverising, tent shaking techno Once more into the breach for the final foray Sunday am. Saw second half of Divorce which was great, a tiny bit of the ever charming Sweet Baboo and headed to Boat for Whitney K. Apart from providing welcome respite from the sun, the set was sublime. Strolled over for the Joan Shelley set next at the Garden - so beautiful - then pegged it over to Charley Crockett for maybe the set of the weekend and headed back to layer up for the final push. Heard a fair chunk of University from the van (sounded great) and back in for Caitlin. Always magical, love seeing her always. Allah La’s were nice enough albeit slightly samey, but the evening was all about Ezra really. How amazing was she? Had hoped she would do the last secret set (remember her covers set from years ago?!) but it was not to be. Saw NY old school hip-hop Infinity Knives (not bad) and the surprises turned out to be Hot Wax (no idea) and Personal Trainer. I’d heard positive things for the latter from those who had seen them the previous day and they didn’t disappoint - that said I was possibly too dishevelled to fully appreciate their intensity Lovely to catch up with friends and spend the weekend with a young ‘un there for the first time - reminded me of when my children came a lifetime ago and how magical the Gardens and festival are. So nice to see it through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time. The Stick competition may be the best 3 day distraction for children (and thus parents) ever Overall, just beautiful as ever. Early Birds are sorted, see you back next year Food consumption: Hippie Chippy x 3 - early hours staple, miss the curry sauce though Bacon and Egg x2 - only way to start a day Philly Steak Cheese x 1 - great, but soooooo much bread Vietnamese Noodles - lush but tepid unfortunately Smoking Joe burger - smash burgers rule Crispy duck - spring rolls, noodles, loaded fries - worked our way through the menu. Best concession by far Cheese and Ham Toastie - meh Highlights Ezra Charlie Crockett Courettes Joan Shelley Avalanche Kaito Mary Wallopers Horse Lords
    3 points
  5. I had to bail out of the Bearded and Beautiful Days facebook groups because of the moaning - it got a bit Top Trumps for twats. I consoled myself with thinking that half the people moaning on there had probably never been to a rubbish festival so didn't appreciate how good these ones were, instead wanting the whole thing tailored to their own personal needs. And wow - don't mention chairs
    2 points
  6. "Usually the Glastonbury fans are fantastic. But when bands like Keane are booked they have a few drinks and probably the prawn sandwiches, and they don't realise what's going on out on the Pyramid Stage. I don't think some of the people who come to Glastonbury can spell 'music', never mind understand it. Its a disgrace"
    2 points
  7. Yep sorry @philipsteak I have been busy (busy being more active so hopefully all good!)so haven't had time to update on my progress. At the end of August I lost another 4.4lb's so up to 51.8 lb's lost in total. The loss is slowing down as is to be expected as I get towards not having as much to lose. My average steps for the year is 18,479 now which I am pretty pleased with. Especially pleased with it given that work has been pretty busy and stressful at times and whilst I would say there has been a couple of days where my diet has suffered as a result it's definitely better than I would previously have been where I'd have been grabbing crisps and chocolate to give me the energy to deal with the craziness! Currently also decorating our hall, stairs and landing which has been an added calorie burn in this heat!
    2 points
  8. From last night's gig. The venue was hotter than this year's Croissant Neuf tent. A lovely acoustic set to support the new album. PXL_20230907_212416172.mp4
    2 points
  9. Even though it was fairly obvious capacity would not increase as it did not sell out last year many were questioning and moaning on Faceache................ So I just asked BT direct and got a quick reply like they tend to. The capacity is not going up.................... but even that has not stopped some of the moaners from moaning and finding blame when there really is nothing to moan or complain about.
    2 points
  10. EOTR 2024 hot fashion will be cargo shorts and t-shirts. Anyone not wearing them is suspicious and probably a landlord.
    2 points
  11. Wut? Not sure if trolling! Seriously? You haven't scored any EOTR house points until some other middle-aged bloke compliments you on your obscure 90s indie t-shirt, after which you engage in a bit of chat and maybe exchange contact details to engage in nerdery over said band. 'Twas ever thus: "Kitchens of Distinction? Great band. Did you see them at Spunkbridge Poly in November '91? Absolutely amazing, sonic cathedral. Is that t-shirt original or a reissue?"
    2 points
  12. Outside of closed shop internet echo chambers raising concerns about children being given puberty blockers is not anything that would warrant a witch hunt.
    2 points
  13. Probably not worth arguing with people who are transphobic, actually. Just ignore them and live. Protect trans kids, they really need it https://genderedintelligence.co.uk/support-us/donate https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/donate/ https://www.stonewallwasariot.co.uk/ ✌️🏳️‍⚧️
    2 points
  14. Don't think this thread exists yet? Anyway, Keane have a large festival shaped hole in their new dates: Potentially Other opener for 2024?
    1 point
  15. Oh god. 16 years later and it’s still coming back!
    1 point
  16. Losing my hair is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Not long until T day! Has ticket anxiety kicked in? Time: Sep 9, 2023 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88205291155?pwd=RHBTS0ZYNmlUZmx4QmRHNER0NDhIQT09 Meeting ID: 882 0529 1155 Passcode: 847108
    1 point
  17. Cargo shorts yeah, but I manage much better in the heat with a scruffy loose shirt which I can undo and waft around a bit 🤣
    1 point
  18. Keane, Rod Stewart and Eric f**king Clapton: good god. the apocalypse is finally upon us, and its smiling wanly in front of an actually asleep crowd
    1 point
  19. "Post Malone performs a special set of country covers" Are you threatening me?
    1 point
  20. Yus! Mad evening, slight flight delay, fecking pre booked taxi half an hour late, bizarre taxi ride in the dark with a very nice Eastern European lady who had no idea what we were saying or where we were going, finally agreeing to follow post code recommended on EOTR site, myself and the brother weeping and gnashing teeth all the while, we meandered up tiny lanes in pitch blackness with no sign of ANYTHING or ANYONE to suggest there was a festival going on. Emerged at boutique entrance, one bloke in a high vis assuring us we were in the right place, breezed past tiny shack with one unbelievably laid back guy trying to convince us he was wristband exchange, straight to boutique tent guys who immediately led us directly to tent, flung the bags in to the distant strains of Handshake Drugs, and boom, minutes later we were there. As predicted, epic stuff. Incredible start to a brilliant weekend.
    1 point
  21. It has been so much nicer in the last 24 hours.
    1 point
  22. I’m probably similar in a way … I think we all have different posting styles . From my dms I sent I appreciate some of the efforts people have made to make this thread more pleasant . Discussion has been great the last 24 hours and I’d love to not have to interveen
    1 point
  23. Crazyfool has kindly answered for me. Sorry I tend to flit between old money and new money depending on what I started with so for example my dogs weight I have always known in kgs so always use that where as I was always weight in stones and lb's so stick with that. I'm exactly the same with miles and kilometers. I tend to walk in kilometers but ask how far we're going in miles 😄 For added context my dogs weigh 17.2 kg and 20.5kg so I have lost more than a dog and these are the dogs.
    1 point
  24. Not for me... I never got how huge their appeal was, apart from one or two of their biggest hits. Having seen Confidence Man last weekend, would love to see them headlining T'Other stage.
    1 point
  25. Ran 32k yesterday, in THAT heat.... Yorkshire Marathon in 5 weeks. Very sore today.....
    1 point
  26. Not sure what you quoted there but I didn’t say that.
    1 point
  27. Legend. Don’t happen to know the dates do you?
    1 point
  28. Agree on lack of increase in quality. This year was probably the worst line up since I started to attend in 2016. The headliners (well, Kasabian and Mumford) were a step up, but everything from 2nd act down was less good than previous years in terms of quality. I am hoping it was just a bad year and increase in price allows them to get acts like Pulp.
    1 point
  29. So here for a day with Blink, Yungblud and Olivia Rodrigo. Millennial and Gen Z emo kids unite.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. https://x.com/keaneofficial/status/1700056558380462118?s=46&t=LQEBYTgfcNtglChQSiS8aw
    1 point
  32. I like to think people have been following my lead since 2009. Also wore them out of principle in 2020 whilst watching the stream.
    1 point
  33. Went over my six a bit before sticking them the other day, so I'll quickly lay out my thinking: Travis Scott: After a year with sluggish sales and no hip-hop crossover among six headliners, feel R+L will return to the pool. Came down to whether they would swing for Post Malone once again, or if they'd push for Scott after Wireless. Toss of a coin. Fred Again: Seems to have gone absolutely stratospheric in the past year and cannot see him slowing down. Massive crowd at Glastonbury 2023 suggests primed for top slots, and this - very much the sundown position - would play gangbusters. Blink-182: Arguably unfinished business given 2014, when they last headlined, was pretty shambolic. (At Leeds, at least, and that's just opinion.) Among the pop-punk noughties heavyweights, arguably more clout among demographic than their peers. Olivia Rodrigo: Re; size - bigger than Lizzo and Doja Cat, probably a step below Eilish, but very much not the case for longer. If one of Scott/Blink/Gallagher were to drop out, I'd be booting her straight to the top. New record should cement. Liam Gallagher: For all the chatter on an Oasis reunion, if - and it is a big if - it pans out, imagine it will be after the conclusion of touring behind Council Skies for Noel Gallagher. Ergo, another big hurrah for Liam to top the bill at R+L while he waits. Boygenius: The most interesting pick of the bunch for me, in part because I remain not fully convinced of their size and, as said above, they likely won't tour. But Melvin seems to clearly like them and they had robust sales in London. Not implausible. A lot of people are suggesting Paramore, and my mate is convinced they are nailed on. But given they will spend all summer in support of Taylor Swift - and to be honest, given their recent material feels a little more... non-demographic, I just can't shake the sense they might be a non-starter. Of course, R+L books plenty of bands atop the bill without the typical demographic - that's the idea of variety, after all - but there's just something about Paramore, here and now, that makes me hesitant to say they'd be near the top of the list. In final conclusion, from the above six - Travis Scott or Blink-182 will bail three weeks before, and they will be replaced by The 1975. Thank you and good night.
    1 point
  34. 2004 was 19 years ago, how much do you think your house should be worth? If it has gone from £135k to £202k that's an increase of just over 2% per year, hardly a massive increase. Your parents house was bought with a mortgage and they have spend money in addition to improve it, they have had a bigger increase due to buying well but the price now has to reflect the true price they paid including the interest on the mortgage and any loans they had to fund the improvements. Stevie wants to tax this "profit" but the truth is it's very hard to calculate how much additional money has been made, fact is, if they are buying another house there is no "profit" as the house they are buying will have risen by the same margin.
    1 point
  35. It would really mess with the heads of the real-ale swilling coffin dodgers / world music listening pseuds / drooling gurners who'd just as easily rave to the sound of someone banging pots and pans together (delete as appropriate)
    1 point
  36. NTS 👏🏻👏🏻 also The Lot Radio
    1 point
  37. Probably 3 from Dua Lipa, Coldplay, Rihanna, Madonna, The 1975 and Dave.
    1 point
  38. Thing is, a Lil Nas X-style slot on El Pointo is probably what Bad Bunny needs to give his profile here a bit of a boot up the arse.
    1 point
  39. Unfortunately I cant see him touring his 2022 album 'Un Verano Sin Ti' for a second year so we will likely have to wait for the next album before he headlines the Pyramid. A shame as this was his most commercially successful album peaking at 62 in the Uk album charts, so out of his back catalogue has the most songs we all know and love. While it is clear and obvious he is on an upwards trajectory (smart money is on is next album cracking the top 50) I do worry that a lot of the iconic Un Verano Sin Ti songs will get shelved from his setlist when he inventively headlines.
    1 point
  40. Friday Pyramid - Dua Lipa, Tyler, the Creator, Iggy Pop, PJ Harvey, Sigrid, Kaiser Chiefs Other - The Prodigy, Charli XCX, Bastille, KSI, Jessie Ware, Easy Life West Holts - Justice, Kali Uchis, Knucks, Femi Kuti, Genesis Owusu Woodsies - AJ Tracey, DMA’s, TBA(Tame Impala), Ashnikko, 100 gecs, Park - Belle & Sebastian, Black Midi, Angel Olsen, Yard Act, Biig Piig Saturday Pyramid - Depeche Mode, Olivia Rodrigo, Wet Leg, Counting Crows, Johnny Marr, Mabel Other - Aphex Twin, The Streets, Steve Lacy, Paloma Faith, Confidence Man, Cian Ducrot, West Holts - Jungle, Labrinth, Sister Sledge, Sampha, Squid Woodsies - Idles, Declan McKenna, Soft Play, Bloc Party, Fireboy DML Park - The Smile, Marcus Mumford, Muna, The Chats, Orville Peck Sunday Pyramid - Coldplay, Pulp, Alanis Morrisette, Duran Duran, Anne-Marie, Sam Ryder Other - Doja Cat, Two Door Cinema Club, Ice Spice, Asake, London Grammar, The Snuts West Holts - FKA Twigs, Overmono, Celeste, Bakar, Tems Woodsies - Bombay Bicycle Club, Kim Petras, girl in red, Kae Tempest, Cordae Park - King Gizzard and the Gizzard Wizzard, Denzel Curry, Sea Girls, Romy, Joey Valence & Brae
    1 point
  41. At the opposite end for me, the non music discovery of the weekend was the Zero IPA on Draft. Drank more of that than anything else. Really delicious. Alternated I’m the evenings with Ale. No hangover, no dehydration. It’s a “new normal” for me 🙂
    1 point
  42. Superlative weekend as ever. The good - and this is worth stressing in light of the stick they got for it: the line-up. I was in the same boat as many others when it was first announced, in thinking that there was less than usual that I knew towards the top of the bill. But what we got when it came to it was the best, most interesting and most diverse line-up we've had in the ten years I've been going. It was tremendous, so many great acts in genres I don't listen to at home and that I'd never have discovered otherwise, so much of it international. Also worth reminding ourselves that they've added more stages since covid to increase the range further - as far as I know they were under no kind of pressure to do that and could instead have put that money higher up the bill to make more headlines. Can't give them enough credit for being willing (and evidently able) to do it that way despite the criticism and the commercial risk. Anyone who cares about music and musical diversity should be lauding them for that line-up regardless of how well it suited their own tastes. It'd be a real shame if they gave in to the naysayers and went back on it. I don't think they will. Bad and ugly: nothing worth mentioning.
    1 point
  43. The Good Scott Lavene (amazing - and I met him for a chat wandering around too, lovely chap) The Last Dinner Party, Brigitte Calls Me Baby, Friendship, Royel Otis, Say She She, Daniel Norgren, Angel Olsen, CVC, Wet Leg, Future Islands and Caitlin Rose were my musical highlights. We take our 8yo son, and whilst he likes EOTR, a bit of alt country sometimes isn't his thing, so I had to miss a few sets to keep him entertained, but saw enough to keep me happy considering that a week prior we were thinking of ditching our tickets for the first time since 2008. Glad we stuck with it. The weather was great after an iffy start, always helps. The people. We go with a massive group of mates from all over the UK, so it's good to see each other in one place once a year. Just hanging out at Larmer Tree is a really nice thing to do. Likewise most attendees seem pretty nice, chilled out people, there remains a very low dickhead quotient, long may that continue. The campervan field. Really well organised compared to other festivals. (we don't bother with showers, but I know there were some queues/water supply issues). The food and beer offerings. We're spoilt compared to the fare offered up at the more corporate festivals. The volunteers and staff. They're all great in my view. Love having a chat with people as we wander around. The Bad The Mary Wallopers. Only stayed for two songs, they just came across as a terrible Oirish tribute act who said f**k a lot. My wife is Irish and is a bit tired of that kind of Sweary Mary stereotype, it just seemed a bit try-hard to sound edgy. They don't. Bunch of eejits. We had great hopes for Caroline but their set was self-indulgent to say the least, they started with a near full Garden and ended with about 1/3 of the people. The Ugly I've got to join in with a lot of other people - the lack of urinals, see separate toilet thread. We had a look behind the workings of the composting toilets, each composting container (effectively a glorified wheelie bin) had a drain hose running out of it to collect urine, so it's not as if they are gaining much by NOT having urinals - that liquid still has to be tankered off somewhere, but better it be via a urinal than having blokes piss all over the seat that someone has then got to use after them. We all mourn how great Andy Loos were and know they are not coming back, but these composters just seemed a cheap, poorly designed ineffective replacement masquerading as a green alternative. Nobody is fooled by that. I really hope that EOTR listen to the critical feedback.
    1 point
  44. Maybe something new will Rise in 2024.
    1 point
  45. This woman has immersed herself in queer culture for decades, if she didn't learn respect for trans people from that, then who can teach her?
    1 point
  46. Is it? I missed all the trans people stirring up hatred for cis people. What about the anti-immigrant brigade? Is there hostility both sides there too? Or are the right just intent on stoking division because they’ve got nothing else left?
    1 point
  47. It's just a debate about the puberty blockers, it's just a debate about sports, it's just a debate about prisons, it's just a debate about women's shelters, it's just a debate about bathrooms, it's just a debate about legal recognition. You know it's funny how you never hear from trans people in these "debates", and they're all cropping up at the same time, despite there having been absolutely no harm occuring to prompt them, and it's just a coincidence that the right wing really loves this sh*t and keeps pushing it. And the answer is never for the experts in the relevant field to be given the space and funding to look into it, and for the trans community to be involved and consulted. It always ends in insults, stigma, the removal of services, cis people get the first, second, middle and last word in all of it. What about when trans people want to have a debate about the complete removal of healthcare provisions, or the constant stigma, or the constant administerial battles, or the cost, or the huge mental health toll of a lifetime of being portrayed as and treated as a joke or a disgrace, or the tangible increase in hostility and derision your debate is having. That debate never gets heard does it.
    1 point
  48. Agreed, here is the conversation that needs to happen: ”Is there a wild global conspiracy to eliminate women and women’s rights, via the medium of Ru Paul’s Drag Race, for the benefit of 0.1% of the population?” ”No” ”Do trans people deserve to live in peace and just be able to go the loo where they want” ”Yes” The end
    1 point
  49. Had a couple of pretty crazy experiences on Saturday that probably swayed the overall judgement I gave at the start of my previous post. Most people aren't aware but they host backstage tours for competition winners, VIPs, sponsors etc. I first did one in 2016 and have now become good friends with the person that organises them. Quite a few of the people I know and go with each year have also done one and it's great to go behind the scenes, hear loads of interesting stories and facts about the festival and visit the artist village. Long story short, there were a couple of English speakers from a company that are looking to link up with the festival that needed a tour and I ended up hosting it! I'm a bit of a PKP nerd anyway so I loved being able to talk about the festival and it's always exciting to go backstage through the dressing room area and see who's about! That in itself was amazing but later on things went up to a completely different level of 'WTAF is going on?!?' For context, my 17 y/o son has come with me the last two years and he's a massive 2manydjs fan so they were far and away his no. 1 'must see' on the line up. We drove over to Ghent in February to attend the annual Deewee label party, which this time was held at the football stadium. Quite a few live acts and DJs from the label played and 2manydjs did two sets which was a bonus - we even managed to meet them and get a few pics! My lad does a music production course and has started making his own tracks and edits. They're very much in the style of 2manydjs but he loves all the Ed Banger/Justice/Daft Punk/French touch stuff as well. He put a cd together with a few tracks and a short mix with the intention of getting it to the brothers but that's obviously easier said than done! I'm fortunate to be friends with a few people who work for PKP so spoke to them about feasible options and possibilities? As day turned to night though we hadn't heard from anyone so thought we were consigned to executing plan Z - throw the cd on stage at the end of their set!! However, I had a missed call and then a message just after 11pm from one of them to say we had to get to the side of Main asap. My son was watching Steve Lacy at the time so I had to quickly locate him in the Marquee and we ran across the site as fast as our legs could carry us! My mate was waiting by the emergency exit and gave us a couple of lanyards to get past security. We headed behind the stage into the artist village and before we knew it we were standing outside the dressing room of 2manydjs!!! One of their team met us and next thing we're inside being introduced to Dave and Steph 🤯 We spent the next hour and a half chatting to both of them and they were just the most down to earth, warm and friendly people you could hope to meet! They both remembered us from the label party and we also got to meet quite a few of their crew. When the time came for them to play, we walked through the backstage area as part of their entourage (was quite small really with mostly crew, family and a few friends - in stark contrast to Billie the night before and her 100 strong posse!). Their tour manager was an absolute legend and he arranged for us to come side of stage as we didn't have the correct wristbands. We were able to watch the entire show from the wings which was a totally surreal experience! There were so many occasions when my son and I just looked at each other and shook our heads as we genuinely couldn't comprehend what was going on. It was just amazing and not only a highlight of this PKP, but probably the whole time I've been!
    1 point
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