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  1. I think I read somewhere that the charity water stands sometimes have sparking water and even cordial, not very sophisticated but could be interesting once in a while!
  2. moogster


    Had some during PJ Harvey and I thought they were there for LCD (we were basically 2nd row). Maybe it was the same people... The sad thing is that they had no clue they were annoying from their reaction when someone asked them to stop. Some with their back to the stage, enjoying their vodka redbull and powders.
  3. moogster

    Glasto depression

    I am still not over the fact that I missed 2019 so I feel your pain. * virtual hugs *
  4. Don't quote me but I think in the past years you could then go to a security booth or something like that?
  5. The list is really missing Bob Vylan!
  6. Ah a fellow "Sunday's Canadian sprint" participant!
  7. moogster

    Onsite coop??

    Unfortunately they do not sell alcohol.
  8. I'm thinking Tiong Bahru market, possibly on a saturday.
  9. I saw a Glastonbury bag last november when in Singapore, was it you 😉 ?
  10. There's a nice map with distances doing the rounds on the web btw.
  11. Can outdoorsy knowledge be an acceptable category instead of lower league football?
  12. This Beth Orton set was one of my favourite Crow's nest set AND one of my favourite last year.
  13. No idea but if English Teacher could do one, that would be ideal! Soft play would be fun!
  14. Same as quite a few above, YA/Breeders/English teacher/BLack Pumas (hoping for a Crow's nest set...) and the whole Sunday from 2 to 8. Which probably means whatever happens on Sunday will be epic!
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