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About sheffinghell

  • Birthday May 7

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    One time gig photographer, music / art / politics / life

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  1. As if by magic! And they've put in a cut through from main to Quarry 🎉
  2. Looks like they're late with everything this year. Not even got a map up yet.
  3. This year's craft beer offering. Looks like it's situated where Lidl was last year, at the side of the Leadmill tent, left of Main stage.
  4. I'm still struggling with Saturday. Just seen that Scruff of the Neck are doing free entry at Network for the Fringe. Tempted to bail after Peace and try to get in for Covasettes and Ist Ist on the way home.
  5. I've been asked maybe a couple of times in 2+ years. They would have the right to revoke membership, but I think probably the main issue would be if your friend was selling the tickets on.
  6. I think they're on for most if not all the Superstruct events, plus Thatchers. Last year the craft beer bar was half decent too.
  7. A few Edinburgh festival gigs on TfG - Cat Power, Declan McKenna, Nadine Shah, Youssou N' Dour, also free tickets for Madness at Kirkstall Abbey next week, discounted for Y Not +(weekend+Thurs = 2for99+fees)... Also, blue light tickets has Future Islands at Crystal Palace
  8. Still some free Future Islands tickets on Blue Light tickets
  9. There are still discounted tickets on Tickets for Good, btw, £99 +fees for 2x weekend Inc Thurs
  10. Tramlines came through earlier this week, so early next week, I reckon
  11. There's one extra stage this year, so not sure of the setup. Last year was main stage, plus a tiny one for BBC Introducing, so anything is possible with, presumably a slightly larger second stage.
  12. Various Somerset House events are on Tickets for Good this evening, booking fee only.
  13. Heavily discounted Y Not tickets on Tickets for Good. 2 for 99.50 + fees. Weekend inc Thurs.
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