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When will this shit end?


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8 minutes ago, zahidf said:

Sick fucking joke. Between 27 Mar and 11 May, more than 14,000 fines were issued for breaches of lockdown rules. Over the Easter weekend over 1100 fines were issued. What was Dominic Cummings doing on Easter Sunday? Having already breached the lockdown rules, he was breaching them again - driving 30 miles to a fucking castle. Where's his fine? Where's his apology? Where's his resignation? Vile. I hope everybody remembers how the tory government has handled this incident come the next election. Blood on their hands.

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10 minutes ago, efcfanwirral said:

I kind of get it but the track and trace is not FOR the government, it is for the people childishly "protesting". The government don't actually care if people get infected and die. 

This attitude is the worst part of it - it's immature and stupid

I feel really conflicted with everything that has happened and I agree just throwing your arms up in the air saying "I won't do it" doesn't help. I  can see me going the other way, losing all trust in government means I am more likely to do my own research and put in my own set of rules which are likely to be over cautious than what the government suggest to us.  Their handling of the case is changing the guidance to protect their own, why should we trust their advice for mine and others health?  My point is most people will try and do the right thing (as long as they understand it), but now I think we will have many different interpretations of that because the guidance is so piss poor and that will lead to issues too.  Its really hard to know what is best to do. 

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@stuartbert two hats @jparx @crazyfool1 Apologies for the delay! I was in a grants committee meeting...just about to have lunch, but I'll have a quick go at answering!

So, the oxford vaccine...it's basically an engineered adenovirus (another virus that causes the common cold, weakened for use in the vaccine). It has the spikes of this new coronavirus inserted into it, so should elicit an immune response to this virus. It's not an entirely "traditional" vaccine in that old school vaccines either use dead versions of the same virus, weakened (attenuated) versions of the same virus, or they use parts of the same virus (subunit vaccines) that you are trying to protect against. In that sense, it's a newer approach to vaccine development (one they have been working on building a platform for in order to make all sorts of vaccines). The data from the pre-clinical study suggested exactly as our dual-hatted friend has outlined...doesn't stop you from getting infected, but does stop you developing pneumonia and decreases the amount of virus in the lungs. So, on the surface, it looks useful and could protect against more serious disease. This is why the further trials are going ahead and if it stopped people from dying, it would have the added bonus of facilitating herd immunity without the risk of trying it naturally. A word of caution though...the pre-clinical study was small, extrapolating from that to how it will function in humans is not guaranteed. Also, pneumonia is only one reason people who develop COVID die. There are other fairly frequent causes of death (coagulation problems especially) and many many organs other than the lungs have receptors for this virus, so how it protects against these other possible complications is currently unknown (I need to read through the paper again to see if they addressed this). It's promising, but many a vaccine (or drug) has failed at phase 3. The good thing is that there are a bunch of other vaccines at advanced stages too (and some of those are more "traditional" vaccines), so if this one doesn't make it, there's a chance one of the others will (actually, more than one possibly will and people will end up getting different vaccines along the line to meet demand). 


The antibody test that is being offered for sale is the Abbott one that PHE are using. It was designed to work on blood drawn by a healthcare professional, so hasn't been validated for use as a finger prick test. It could still work, they just don't know how accurate it is yet if blood is collected in this manner. I believe that is what they are now validating (i.e., compare the results of tests with blood drawn in different ways to see if you get the same result). If there's no difference in accuracy, then I'd expect it to be available for sale again. 

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16 minutes ago, jyoung said:

Sick fucking joke. Between 27 Mar and 11 May, more than 14,000 fines were issued for breaches of lockdown rules. Over the Easter weekend over 1100 fines were issued. What was Dominic Cummings doing on Easter Sunday? Having already breached the lockdown rules, he was breaching them again - driving 30 miles to a fucking castle. Where's his fine? Where's his apology? Where's his resignation? Vile. I hope everybody remembers how the tory government has handled this incident come the next election. Blood on their hands.

Yeah this is grim as fuck. If they're aren't going to sack him he can at least be fined. Fuck sake.

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Anyone here a member of the Labour party? Never occurred to me before (I've even voted Lib Dem pre-coalition and in the Euros) but, if now isn't the time to do it, I'm not sure when is! 

(Disclaimer: have no interest in getting into an argument comparing relative merits of leaders.)

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On those prick tests, and very anecdotal, but my girlfriend works in clinical trials and through her work I've been tested for antibodies twice. Each time, which were about a week apart, I had a prick test as well as lab based test that required giving about 15ml of blood. Both times, the prick test was positive but the lab test (which the company seems to trust much more) came back negative. The prick and intravenous blood were both taken by a profession, so it wasn't just me messing up that led to the inconsistent results!

Add to this that my gf had a pcr test for the virus itself at the start of lockdown that was positive. She was sent home from work and we self isolated for two weeks, completely symptomless. But she has come back negative on every antibody test she's done. I know in some way we are very lucky to have got the testing we're had, but the inconsistent results just left us even more unsure. The whole thing has been an emotional rollercoaster worse than any weather thread.

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If anything this keeps it in the headlines for another few days and will fuel public anger.


9 minutes ago, jparx said:


Unbelievable. Our government is pathetic.

This is pathetic though, it states he did breach lockdown rules in relation to the Barnard Castle trip. So he should be fired. This government are beyond corrupt, I cannot stress enough how badly we need to get rid of them. 

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Good. The longer it goes on the more damage it does to them. They already look hopelessly arrogant and Out of Touch. The Bookies odds on Labour winning have certainly come in last couple of days.

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26 minutes ago, Homer said:

Anyone here a member of the Labour party? Never occurred to me before (I've even voted Lib Dem pre-coalition and in the Euros) but, if now isn't the time to do it, I'm not sure when is! 

(Disclaimer: have no interest in getting into an argument comparing relative merits of leaders.)

I am as are a lot of people on here I should think.

Why are you interested?

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Literally nothing matters anymore, nothing they do seems to matter. They can rewrite events and expect everyone to move on. What else needs to happen!?

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keeping him now is a more likely option of getting them out ... there is upset in the party , the clergy , the civil service , the tory papers .... they get rid of him they might be able to repair it ..... keep him and the opposition have some pretty big ammunition for hammering them in the run up to the next election ... if covid and brexit dont finish them off before that 

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

Literally nothing matters anymore, nothing they do seems to matter. They can rewrite events and expect everyone to move on. What else needs to happen!?

This certainly does seem to have mattered - look at the change in polls that have been posted. This has really resonated with people. Some may forget about it and move on, but this will stick with a log of people. Some of those, particularly who turned to the Tories on the Brexit issue, do NOT like being made to look like a mug and they will remember.

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I know guys, it just gets to me that they can be so selective in their response. I wish there was something we could do. I don’t know what I expected and I get that it hurts them longer term. I hate their smugness, look at Hancock laughing away this morning for one. 

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