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When will this shit end?


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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

It will come out in an inquiry...

Way too late, and...

59 minutes ago, efcfanwirral said:


I think this is why the Cummings thing is actually good for the government- it takes away from that report. 

Now we're giving the public something they want (shops!! So they can spend all the money they don't have on things they don't need again), that report will never be talked about. 

Forgetting that we'll open up without masks and most likely a very poor attempt at tracing...they'll need another convenient scandal in around 6 few weeks then placate people with pubs

...they'll just distract us with something else.

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19 minutes ago, Toilet Duck said:

As it happens, I've met Luc (nice bloke, more genuine than Bob Gallo who I also met!). Unfortunately, it's still its an opinion and the facts that you seem to think are sacred are not shown 

I am obviously no expert and so don't have a strong opinion either way but it does fascinate me how two people who do know what they are talking about have reviewed the evidence and come to completely different conclusions.  Out of interest, what do you think might have led Luc to the conclusion he has come to if the facts don't point there..is there some other agenda at play here?  

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1 minute ago, Cream Soda said:

I am obviously no expert and so don't have a strong opinion either way but it does fascinate me how two people who do know what they are talking about have reviewed the evidence and come to completely different conclusions.  Out of interest, what do you think might have led Luc to the conclusion he has come to if the facts don't point there..is there some other agenda at play here?  

Well, just like fading musicians or film stars, retired "famous" scientists can be prone to odd pursuits (Exhibit A: I give you Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate for discovering PCR, who parlayed that success into a failed company amplifying bits of DNA from Elvis's socks). 

Fortunately, science is based on evidence and the evidence here doesn't support the claim. The "bits" of HIV in SARS-CoV-2 are what are known as cis-acting RNA elements. They are parts of the viral replication system and exist not only in HIV and this coronavirus, but other coronaviruses (as well as other viruses). The first coronaviruses ever studied had them (or variants of them), and they have been circulating since long before Rosalind Franklin took the picture in my avatar and we even knew what nucleic acids were. So, if someone engineered them, they would have had to have done it a very long time before genetic engineering even existed. Now that would be worth a Nobel prize!

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15 minutes ago, Toilet Duck said:

Well, just like fading musicians or film stars, retired "famous" scientists can be prone to odd pursuits (Exhibit A: I give you Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate for discovering PCR, who parlayed that success into a failed company amplifying bits of DNA from Elvis's socks). 

Fortunately, science is based on evidence and the evidence here doesn't support the claim. The "bits" of HIV in SARS-CoV-2 are what are known as cis-acting RNA elements. They are parts of the viral replication system and exist not only in HIV and this coronavirus, but other coronaviruses (as well as other viruses). The first coronaviruses ever studied had them (or variants of them), and they have been circulating since long before Rosalind Franklin took the picture in my avatar and we even knew what nucleic acids were. So, if someone engineered them, they would have had to have done it a very long time before genetic engineering even existed. Now that would be worth a Nobel prize!

Baffling that he would put his reputation on the line over it in that case.  Surely he would understand everything you have just said.  

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4 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


Ah how convenient, they’ve always got a sly little out haven’t they for when one their own is caught out. 

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8 minutes ago, Cream Soda said:

Baffling that he would put his reputation on the line over it in that case.  Surely he would understand everything you have just said.  

Oh, he did that with some of his anti-vaxxer, homeopathy stuff before now! Yes, it would have been interesting to see another qualified molecular biologist on the panel to challenge him, but this is a common feature in these interviews, no expert to present the counter argument is ever present.

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I do love how the YouGov poll has more people saying he should resign now than before his statement yesterday.

I really think the eyesight test has tipped people over. We still need more MPs coming out against him, and some more resignations before anything happens though. They can still ride this out as it currently stands.

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@Toilet Duck This is a very random question, but if you've got a second i'd be interested in your take. I was talking with my fiance earlier about that pool party in the US, and Spain potentially being open for tourists soon. What's the transmission rate of Covid in a swimming pool? If holidays can happen eventually, will (or should) swimming pools be completely off limits, or does the chlorine offer some protection? Or is the transmission in water not really an issue in the first place?

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6 minutes ago, jparx said:

I do love how the YouGov poll has more people saying he should resign now than before his statement yesterday.

I really think the eyesight test has tipped people over. We still need more MPs coming out against him, and some more resignations before anything happens though. They can still ride this out as it currently stands.

yep ... i fear that might be it now ... they would surely have come out by now ? as it stands they will be able to ride it out 

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@Toilet Duck I wonder if you might be kind enough to answer something for me. I know flu is different and that it also mutates, but it dies out in summer and comes back in winter. But how does it not completely die out? I thought if the R was below 1, then eventually you would always get to a point when the virus disappears... or is it that the R is below 1, but to get to zero it would take a much longer period than the gap between the end of flu season and the start?

Edited by Deaf Nobby Burton
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Just now, crazyfool1 said:

yep ... i fear that might be it now ... they would surely have come out by now ? as it stands they will be able to ride it out 

Let's see what the opposition statement is. That might spur it on a bit longer!

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3 hours ago, gigpusher said:

I am still incandescent with rage about this whole thing. I have just tweeted the DVLA this morning to ask the legal position on getting behind the wheel of a car when you don't think your eyesight is right. 

I do not intend to let this drop. 

Funniest thing I’ve read on the internet today. Yes driving to test your eyesight is moronic and dangerous but I don’t think they will be worried about some random angry person on the internet. I think you may have slightly overestimated your own self importance. Which is very common on this forum.

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4 minutes ago, Smeble said:

Funniest thing I’ve read on the internet today. Yes driving to test your eyesight is moronic and dangerous but I don’t think they will be worried about some random angry person on the internet. I think you may have slightly overestimated your own self importance. Which is very common on this forum.

I’ll bite. Why do you post here as you seemingly can’t stand many aspects of the place?

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2 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

yep ... i fear that might be it now ... they would surely have come out by now ? as it stands they will be able to ride it out 

I think there will be a lot of behind the scenes discussions and soundings. I thought the delays in Cummings statement yesterday were a bit weird and can only imagine they were taking soundings to make sure none of the senior people were going to resign last night or straight after the briefing. Sky still quoting a senior figure stating that there will be more resignations.

i think some will be try to time this right, possible announcements just before the briefing or just prior to the news at six. I also think that Ross’s resignation is an early test to see what the reaction was.

However I do agree that this will have limited life after today unless we get a number of resignations or a senior one.


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