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Talking while the band is playing


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Let me know the next gig you are going to, I'll get a few of my mates, get really pissed, then we'll come and stand right next to you and talk throughout the whole thing. Then we'll see who's moaning.

Maybe you should try a different festival in future, not so many people.........

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Actually I think you should sack off the whole festival if you can't tolerate people deviating from how you think they should behave.


I can't tolerate it when it has a detrimental effect on the enjoyment of everybody around them. Is that not normal then?

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I had a group of people talking next to me during Pharell. However. What frustrated me was the man next to me who kept complaining, loudly, about the other group talking. Chill out a bit.

There are much worse things people could be doing than talking. Guaranteed, it's annoying, but you can't exactly stop them!

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The catchphrase of lazy c**ts everywhere.

The festival isn't perfect, nowt wrong with venting occasionally.

Agreed; just can't be doing with some of the moaning old grannies on this thread. The best festival on earth and all some people can do is drivel on about talking during a performance.
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 "fuck off love, I've been at the front since before you were born".


What happens if someone older than you is next to you and wants to talk, and they've been going to Glastonbury longer than you?  Maybe there should be a disclaimer on tickets:  "Those who started coming first are the arbiters of appropriate festival conduct".  

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Agreed; just can't be doing with some of the moaning old grannies on this thread. The best festival on earth and all some people can do is drivel on about talking during a performance.

I don't understand why people aren't allowed to moan about anything? I've said plenty of positive things in other threads. Do we live in some happy la la fairy land where nobody ever gets angry?

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I had an absolutely tone deaf guy, obviously a massive Who fan, singing every word very loudly in my ear for practically the whole set. I understand he was enjoying himself, but come on... I wanna hear Roger sing! I ended up putting one finger in my ear for the remainder of the set to drown him out

I had a similar experience during Lionel.  Right in the pit so no room to manoeuvre but this woman behind me was singing using only one note! But, she knew every word so obviously such a fan, I didn't have the heart to shush her.

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I had a similar experience during Lionel.  Right in the pit so no room to manoeuvre but this woman behind me was singing using only one note! But, she knew every word so obviously such a fan, I didn't have the heart to shush her.

To me that's nowhere near as annoying as people ignoring the performance and talking/shouting over it. It can sometimes be pretty funny.

I don't understand how this is even a debate? Talking constantly at high volume during a performance is disrespectful to the artist and the fans.

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Agreed; just can't be doing with some of the moaning old grannies on this thread. The best festival on earth and all some people can do is drivel on about talking during a performance.

What do you expect from a discussion forum though? There's only so much "this was brilliant" and "this was brilliant too" you can get.

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I don't understand why people aren't allowed to moan about anything? I've said plenty of positive things in other threads. Do we live in some happy la la fairy land where nobody ever gets angry?

No, we live in the real world where people get angry over silly things that, given the overall bigger picture...........

I agree talking during an act is off putting but it is what it is :)

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This could be solved easily by volume levels on stages going much higher. The pyramid in the day is pathetically quiet. Lionel Richie - half way back - could easily talk to person next to you - shouldn't be able to - it should be so f'n loud that you have to shout directly into your neighbours ear to be heard!!!

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The joy of live music is often in the 'we're all feeling the same thing at the same time' experience. The moments when everyone is jumping, dancing, singing along are the most uplifting times.

The opposite is therefore saddening. 'I'm loving this but they're not even listening' let alone, 'I can't even hear it over their conversation', but it really can't be helped - there are times when an act grabs everyone, and other times when they just don't.

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was at a Sigur Ros gig a couple of years ago ... this one group did not stop talking through the entire set probably the worst band for it as well


I lost my rag had a go at them then others around me followed suit so they moved to the bar thankfully


what is the point of standing at a stage and not listening to whats on

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I was dancing at The Chemical Brothers on Sun night and I managed to catch some woman behind me basically saying that it was really annoying that I was dancing but that encouraged me to dance even harder.


Not really sure why she was annoyed that I was having a good time concert. Other than that no complaints the whole weekend.

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Burt Bacharach was ruined for me by two sets of numpties.


The first was a loud woman who told all her friends a) how hard it had been to get a ticket, b ) how good her luxury camping place was - soooo much free shampoo, and c) how she couldn't get her phone charged.


Eventually she moved away, but was replaced by much worse. A male, probably from the Liverpool area, and three ladies, one of whom laughed like a hyena at absolutely everything the man said. He pointed out that Burt's male singer looked like a bit like Donny Osmond. Cue hysterical laughter. When he said it for the seventh time, the reaction was the same. In fact he never really shut up. So nor did she. A couple of people told him to be quiet, to no avail. In fact he laughed and said it wasn't as if he was interrupting a two minute silence - more laughter from woman.


Oh yes, and we all found out that his dad was in the Britannia Music club, and when Burt played a medley of film music, we got his opinion on each of the films, all apparently the funniest thing his lady friend had ever heard.


Total knobs.

Edited by ancient_one
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Trouble is if you pay to see an individual gig, the crowd are much more likely to be 100% interested in the act, and the volume inhibits chat, but the festival has many more casual listeners in the crowd who soon start to talk.


Most of my friends talk talk talk, drives me crazy, that's why I tend to avoid bands I'm a massive fan of and go to their gigs instead, and learnt to live with the people who aren't as interested in music as me.


Only real solution is fight your way to the front!

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Actually I think you should sack off the whole festival if you can't tolerate people deviating from how you think they should behave.

I'm not sure you're getting the right idea about the festival. In fact I'm not sure a lot of people have got it lately

It's not do whatever you want full stop, it's do whatever you all want together - it's a communal thing. Your actions affect those around you so to not be considerate is a pretty poor start

The reason You are enjoying YOUR festival is because others are not spoiling it for you with selfish behaviour - distracting you during acts you want to watch being just one example - and it's the smallest thing in the world to ask that you return the favour when someone else is watching something they really want to watch. Doesn't even cost you.

No one really expects silence - there's too much life going on for that - but the loud couple snorting coke off the corner of their credit cards and informing everyone around them about how great they and their friends were really didn't add to my saturday headliner experience while the drunk lads giving each other lifts and telling us just how much they were loving the gig were brilliant and we wished each other a good festival as we parted.

What's possibly unreasonable about any of that?

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i can't believe there are people justifying others talking all the way through a set. You might not be interested in the band playing but others around you will be and you are ruining it for them! If you are bored and have to talk bollocks then fuck off and do it elsewhere!

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I was quite near the front (but to the side of stage by screen) for florence and was surrounded by people shouting over the music having a chat ALL the way through the set - even the well-known numbers. It really ruined it for me (although still had a good time, it just could have been better). Made worse by the fact that one guy in this group was so off his face he decided to use me as a leaning post (I'm 5'4 and he was at least 6ft!) so did do a fair bit of dancing to prevent this from happening. 


But I just think it's incredibly rude to the artist on the stage to talk all the way through - there's so much other stuff going on, if you're not bothered then go further back or go somewhere else. I'm not against talking full stop, but an odd word in someone's ear is a world away from bellowing at each other all the way through - especially in artists where there are quieter sections of songs. 

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