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Talking while the band is playing


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Is the most annoying fucking thing anybody can do. I don't mean the odd word with your mate stood next to you. I mean groups of people stood shouting at each other over the music. Why go to the front if you're not there to listen?!

Had to have a go at one at the front during alt-j as she was basically shouting in my ear. Seemed to be loads of drunk pixie dusts and trixibelles away from mummy for the weekend being gobby at the front.

One of them decided to hold a giant inflatable banana up as soon as ben Howard came on blocking the view of all behind her, asked and then shouted at her to put it down, threw a few beer cans at it, eventually had to barge past and stand right in front of her. To which I got "you shouldn't be at the front then!" "fuck off love, I've been at the front since before you were born".

I'm sacking off the main stages next time, both experiences there this year were shit.

Maybe I'm just getting old?

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My biggest annoyance. I just don't understand when there are so many parts of the site that you can sit down and talk without disturbing people. It's disrespectful to the artist on stage and to people around you who do want to listen. I have a friend that I won't meet up with after the Wednesday and Thursday because he's a bugger for doing it. 


Even if I have zero interest in an act I won't talk whilst they are singing. 

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PSB was marred by this for me.  2 women by me had stood in silence together for 20 minutes waiting before hand, as soon as the music started they decided to have a conversation about their husbands' careers and how hard it is to get decent childcare in bexleyheath.  Was in too tight to easily move so I stuck it out for about 20 mins, but they never ceased so I moved out to the edge of the crowd and watched through the gap in the trees instead.

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I had an absolutely tone deaf guy, obviously a massive Who fan, singing every word very loudly in my ear for practically the whole set. I understand he was enjoying himself, but come on... I wanna hear Roger sing! I ended up putting one finger in my ear for the remainder of the set to drown him out

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I'm normally an extremely laid back person but this just winds me up so much I feel like it could make me turn violent.

I expect it if you are stood further back as they may not be that into who they are seeing, but stood right in the scrum at the front to just stand and talk?!?

It was also very noticeable in the tent stages, acoustic, Avalon etc. if there was a quiet song or at the beginning of a new song there was a very audible hum of everybody talking, must be very off putting for the artist.

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Man this is the thing that gets to me the most at any performance. It can make or break the enjoyment of it for me. There were several occasions this year where people seemed to gather at the front for something they obviously did not give a fuck about. I found that putting my ear plugs in did help a little with muffling out the inconsiderate arses. It's rare that I confront them as I'm aware that they're just having a good time with their friends but man just piss off if you're not there for the music.

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We had a pensioner near us during Kanye who decided to sing the 'nah nah nah' bit of Hey Jude over the similar bit in Can't Tell Me Nothing, would have been hilarious if she hadn't already pissed everyone off by spending the whole set moaning to her husband about being there.

Edited by Zac Quinn
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My biggest annoyance too. Realised I was doing it during one act and felt deeply ashamed. I don't mind at the back, but up front you should respect the artist (esp. because the artist can notice it too).

It wasn't too bad this year though. Same old at pyramid, but what can you do eh?

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My goodness, another thread of fucking moaning.........., it was the greatest party so far this year and all some people can do is moan about others talking, ffs I despair.


I thought the quality of moaning this year has been quite light compared to most years (even the moaning on efests is not as good as it used to be! :sarcastic: )

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My mate politely asked a man and his wife to stop taking during Florence and was threatened with physical violence.

Do you blame them, I would have told your mate to politely fuck off, unless it's a no talking rule during acts?!

What next, the hiss of nox, laughing, should we all clap on cue? Get a life you sad fucks.

My first ever down votes; marvellous, I feel alive :)

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Do you blame them, I would have told your mate to politely fuck off, unless it's a no talking rule during acts?!

What next, the hiss of nox, laughing, should we all clap on queue? Get a life you sad fuck

You must be one of the c**ts that doesn't give a shit about anybody else's enjoyment apart from your own then? Get a life? So it's ok to completey ruin somebody's enjoyment because you're an ignorant fuck?

This was without doubt my best year yet, the only negative thing being the bands my wife and I were most looking forward to being ruined by dickheads shouting and talking right next to us.

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Do you blame them, I would have told your mate to politely fuck off, unless it's a no talking rule during acts?!

What next, the hiss of nox, laughing, should we all clap on queue? Get a life you sad fuck


No real opinion on it myself, just saying what happened, I did say to him that if you are at the front of the Pyramid for a headliner then you can't really expect everyone to stand there in awed reverance.

As the bloke pointed out to my mate, "the speakers are pretty fucking loud why don't you listen to them instead you prick!"

The bloke was a bit OTT in his response I felt though.

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No real opinion on it myself, just saying what happened, I did say to him that if you are at the front of the Pyramid for a headliner then you can't really expect everyone to stand there in awed reverance.

As the bloke pointed out to my mate, "the speakers are pretty fucking loud why don't you listen to them instead you prick!"

The bloke was a bit OTT in his response I felt though.

It's impossible to block it out when they are standing right next to you, shouting to be heard over the music! Or if it's a slower, quieter song it's particularly bad.

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You must be one of the c**ts that doesn't give a shit about anybody else's enjoyment apart from your own then? Get a life? So it's ok to completey ruin somebody's enjoyment because you're an ignorant fuck?

This was without doubt my best year yet, the only negative thing being the bands my wife and I were most looking forward to being ruined by dickheads shouting and talking right next to us.

My, you're quick to judge.....

I was purely adding a balance to your own selfish one sided opinion.

Tolerance my friend; guess it passed you by this year

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My, you're quick to judge.....

I was purely adding a balance to your own selfish one sided opinion.

Tolerance my friend; guess it passed you by this year

You weren't adding a balance. "Get a life you sad fuck".

Fuck off.

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Is the most annoying fucking thing anybody can do. I don't mean the odd word with your mate stood next to you. I mean groups of people stood shouting at each other over the music. Why go to the front if you're not there to listen?!

Had to have a go at one at the front during alt-j as she was basically shouting in my ear. Seemed to be loads of drunk pixie dusts and trixibelles away from mummy for the weekend being gobby at the front.

One of them decided to hold a giant inflatable banana up as soon as ben Howard came on blocking the view of all behind her, asked and then shouted at her to put it down, threw a few beer cans at it, eventually had to barge past and stand right in front of her. To which I got "you shouldn't be at the front then!" "fuck off love, I've been at the front since before you were born".

I'm sacking off the main stages next time, both experiences there this year were shit.

Maybe I'm just getting old?

Actually I think you should sack off the whole festival if you can't tolerate people deviating from how you think they should behave.  

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Probably more selfish to ruin someone else's experience than to be unhappy that someone ruined yours, no? Didn't have any particularly bad experiences with this but agree it can be annoying.

Yep; tiz annoying but......accept it, it happens, no use getting all emotional over it.

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Thanks :) and you were bleating on about a bit of chatter, you silly person.

Let me know the next gig you are going to, I'll get a few of my mates, get really pissed, then we'll come and stand right next to you and talk throughout the whole thing. Then we'll see who's moaning.

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