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@Curlygirl there are no words. You've done the right thing letting people on here know about it, being a well connected bunch. I'll keep everything crossed that you get closure on this. Well done for getting some evidence. It takes the ultimate low life to commit a crime like that in a place where so many take for granted being safe and surrounded by their own kind.

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6 hours ago, Curlygirl said:

I only saw one guy weeing in the hedge in Paines... Right next to the empty compost loos!!

Only nos use I witnessesed was 4 lads walking around the pyramid audience selling balloons. This pissed me off no end as there were kids in the crowd.

My major arsehole was the one who came into my tent at 0330 on Friday morning and vigorously rubbed my vaginal area. He was very forceful and persistent and calm. Frightening. I restrained him and he eventually left. Managed to wrip his park wristband off and give it to the police. They haven't caught him. Apparently the park give these out to volunteers in campsites but don't record who to. So if any of you know a 30ish 6ft tall white bloke with straggly shoulder length brown hair, clean shaven, slim build... Who needed a new blue plastic wristband with 'the park' written In red with a cow either side, let me know. He's wanted! And the wristband is with police for dna. 

That really is horrific I hope they catch the arse hole and make sure he is dealt with accordingly! Have a cyber hug.

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@Curlygirl just want to send you some positive thoughts - having a chat to a trusted mate may well help you unburden yourself. If it's any consolation it sounds like you managed the incident excellently, firstly in shouting loudly and restraining him, and ripping off his band.

So well done on that, you've done as much as can be expected. Hopefully the police can catch the bastard and he can be properly prosecuted! 

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shocked to read of what has happened to you @Curlygirl, and want to extend my support, along with everyone else, but also commend you on your bravery in speaking out about what has happened to you.  I sincerely hope that whoever did this to you will be caught and dealt with appropriately, but I do believe your candour and honesty will help others speak up should anything similar happen/have happened to them, and this is a good thing, the silver lining to your very awful experience.  Hugs. xx

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27 minutes ago, Curlygirl said:

Thanx bigfurbdogg, I'm ok just a little shook up and not as trusting in the lovely people of the festival. You lot have helped massively!! No physical scars, just mental. I hate the fact that this man will probably get away with it and if I wasn't so with it, or it was someone else, it could've been so much worse. Hope your downer is getting better. I say just have a good old cry ;) it'll make you feel better x

I'm feeling a bit better thank you, to be honest this has put my downer into a bit of perspective.

Sending that cyber hug right back at you!

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You are all truly beautiful people. Thankyou so much!!! I hate to think of myself as a victim but if it was someone else, I suppose I'd see them as a victim. I have to stop reading your very kind words for now as my sister in law and niece are about to come in with the parentals and I can't be seen with tears in my eyes. Huge cyber hugs to all of you and thanx again xxx

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@Curlygirl that is awful, so sorry to hear it, bet he wasn't expecting to meet someone trained in restraint but thank God you are. Sounds like you have coped brilliantly, it would shake anyone up. Please don't let it put you off the festival we need you and your cherry bakewell there next year xx sending love and hugs xxx dotty x

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Good grief @Curlygirl that is horrific. I really hope that they catch this low life son of a bitch. You really should talk to someone,don't struggle alone. I hope you're ok. Don't let the scumbag get the better of you. Let's hope you're bravery in reporting him gets him caught.

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@Curlygirl So sorry to hear about your experience- what an absolutely disgusting excuse for a man.  I just wanted to let you know you're not alone, I have experienced similar although not at a festival.  What I can say is that your bravery in speaking out is commendable- something that I was never strong enough to do.  As you say, it's not physical but mental and healing/ learning to live with something like that takes time and support if needed.  Don't be afraid to seek support if you need it- counselling or victim support would be really good places to start.  Sending you love and hugs x

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@Curlygirl I'm so sickened this happened full stop let alone at a place as special as Glastonbury. What an utter scum bag....there are no words! I really hope they catch the b**tard but that you are also able to talk to your loved ones so they can support you. Were you camped alone or with friends? (Can't remember if you said). I hope you were well looked after the remainder of the festival. It must be so difficult right now but don't let this vile vile individual break you. X

Edited by ManchesterGlasto
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@Curlygirl what a horrible thing to happen. Hope you're bearing up okay. Glastonbury seems one of those places where there may be a few knobs and annoying pricks but my fellow males in general seem a lot less sleaze free than in the real world. This sort of stuff however is really disturbing to hear. Hope they find some way of catching and punishing this man. 

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@Curlygirl this shouldn't be in the "knobs@ thread. This should be in the sexual assault by a scumbag sexual predator thread. I hope the police do all they can to help. Keep pushing them for action. Aren't the campsites covered by CCTV so ask if they have requested access to this. I hope this doesn't have any lasting effects on you as it is a very traumatic experience - don't feel like you have to work through anything alone there are specialist services who can support you if you need any help. 

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Curlygirl - that actually made me angry reading that and i'm so so sorry that happened at a place like Glastonbury. 

I always come across you on these forums and can tell by the way you talk about this magical place what it means to you, like most on here.

Shocked that such a thing can happen here and I really hope they catch that disgusting animal! 

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@Quark that was cheesy but very very lovely :) 

@noplacelikehome I could do with a dotty hug!! You do give the best cuddles! 

@pc3036 I'm not aware of campsites being covered by cctv. Wouldn't the police have mentioned this if that's the case? I've never seen cameras. I can't really call them as I'm in a villa with my parents and I really don't want my mum to know. I'm almost 40 but mothers always worry :unsure:

@ManchesterGlasto I was camped with friends. One friend was in the vicinity and came to my rescue. The others were fast asleep. 

@dondo this thread was all about minor knobbish behaviour. Please tell! Sorry the behaviour of one In Particular knob has taken over it. 

Thanx again to you all.  As I've said before, my original post wasn't meant to gather sympathy it was meant to spread the word to see if anyone could recall him asking for a new band. Your reactions and comments have overwhelmed me and it's lovely to know the majority of Glastonbury lovers are beautiful people... Which I always knew but it's nice to have it reaffirmed. Goodnight lovelies. X

Edited by Curlygirl
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At the request of @Curlygirl minor knobbish behaviour was

1) the chatters- bug bear of mine at all gigs

2)At ELO small gap in front of me and tall bloke (and I'm over 6 foot) stands right in front of me- not even slightly to the side to allow me some view

3) As I had been on site before the festival had parked my car near to road out as thought would be best given the mud.  Come to leave Sunday after ELO and 3 cars have moved and blocked my simple route out so ended up having to go different route and getting stuck

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4 minutes ago, dondo said:

At the request of @Curlygirl minor knobbish behaviour was

1) the chatters- bug bear of mine at all gigs

2)At ELO small gap in front of me and tall bloke (and I'm over 6 foot) stands right in front of me- not even slightly to the side to allow me some view

3) As I had been on site before the festival had parked my car near to road out as thought would be best given the mud.  Come to leave Sunday after ELO and 3 cars have moved and blocked my simple route out so ended up having to go different route and getting stuck

Chatters piss me off no end!!! Why? Just why?? 

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Just now, JanieM28 said:

Thinking of you @Curlygirl. Don't know what I would have done apart from screaming my head off and running away.

Hope they catch the bastard.

I couldn't run away, no way was I putting my bamboo socks in the mud!!! Plus he zipped up the tent on the way in!! I hurt him more than he hurt me. I'd be surprised if I didn't break his wrist actually. Maybe I should've asked at the medical tents?:rofl:

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