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Hugh Jass

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Hugh Jass last won the day on October 2 2021

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  1. Wait, are you Keanu Reeves?
  2. Paul McCartney into Desert Trip - yup makes sense. Desert Trip into Page/Plant - yup, still following that. Page/Plant into the possibility of them playing gigs - yup, still with you. Matt versus the alt-accounts and other posters - wait, what?
  3. Did Billie Eilish self confirm or was it part of an announcement plan? I remember her Tweeting a picture of herself with a GF hoodie (strong footballer being unveiled vibes) and the festival confirming. Always thought it was planned that way, otherwise where did the hoodie come from?
  4. No connection, I'm perfectly capable of being an arsehole from this account.
  5. Most likely reading of it all is that Kenny/Macca/both have told the festival that their dates will be out by the end of the month and they'll be good to announce.
  6. There was a Zeppelin gig at the O2 around 2007ish, but that was very much a one off for charity.
  7. I see, well let's wait and see what happens.
  8. Bit of a difference between hanging out and reuniting to play lucrative dates across the globe. As Calgon says, Plant has never held any interest in doing it again, especially as his own stuff is thriving these days. Not saying it won't happen, but very much I'll believe it when I see it.
  9. Sounds perfect in terms of conditions, just glad it wasn't this weekend just gone. Mrs J's parents live in Seaford so planning to come down Saturday, stay the night then drive over in the morning (saw that the train station is offering free parking) so will park there and aim to get down to the start for 8.30ish. I actually hate going into the pens until the last possible second, I'm always a bundle of nervous energy before a race and prefer to not be around loads of people. Will keep an eye out for you though...
  10. "The facts" as in what's happening at West Brom right now. It's easy to sneer without any context applied. I'm no lover of Bruce, his appointment never inspired or excited me in any way, but right now I doubt even the combined might of Klopp, Guardiola and the ghost of Brian Clough could get a tune out of this gutless set of bastards.
  11. My number is 4760, which puts me in the yellow pen for 1:45-1:59. My PB is 1:53, but that feels massively optimistic compared to when I signed up a year or two ago so planning to drop back a pen or two. Probably into the pink one as Mrs J is starting from there I believe. Will keep an eye out for you.
  12. You’d imagine that pair get huge offers to perform together every year.
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