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The Weather Thread 2023


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The thunderstorm we had last night apparently dropped over 30mm of rain over about 4 hours.  The ground this morning hasn't softened in the slightest - lawn just looks a but greener.  Looking at pictures of the site, it looks drier if anything than it was up here.  It's all going to be fine.

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The amount of people on site when/if it rains is super important. I remember in 2013, Thursday afternoon to early evening, approx. 10mm of rain fell (I was following in real time with models and radar app etc, the weather geek that I am...!). The site became muddy and slippery within a couple of hours, especially any grassy high traffic areas like The Park and major walkways. Not to 2016 levels, but enough to make it unpleasant. It pretty much all dried out quickly throughout Friday morning, but even 10mm can transform the site for the worse.


30-40mm when there's people on site would definitely cause issues. I believe the 2005 storm dropped something like 40-50mm early morning on the Friday, and was pretty awful for anyone that can remember it...!


But 30-40mm on Tuesday before the hordes arrive, especially if it's during Monday-Tuesday night, would hopefully not cause any problems. It's the thousands of repeated footsteps on the grass that seem to draw the mud up and transform the site into a sticky brown mess.

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2 minutes ago, Harry3 said:

Not been to a completely dry Glastonbury before, does it ever turn into a complete dust bowl? Boomtown last year obliterated my throat for weeks afterwards. Was like razor blades every time I swallowed. 

Yes it does. I remember getting back from 2010 thinking I had a really good suntan. It all washed off.

Best keep your throat well lubricated. 😉 

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It's time for the dastardly 06Z. What will it have in store?


The overnight rainfall into Tuesday morning remains, perhaps could be slightly more rain in this run, but it is incredibly difficult for the models to predict where this one band is going to hit precisely.

Tiny bit more rain on Tuesday afternoon, but still good drying conditions.

Again, it's definitely good that any forecast heavy rain would arrive overnight.


Completely dry when gates open, temps of 19.


And through Wednesday it's mainly dry (as in usual runs possible very small afternoon showers) with highs of 21.

Overnight temps into Thursday: 13



Completely dry, highs of 23.

Overnight temps into Friday: 13-14


Completely dry, highs of 22-23

Overnight temps into Saturday: 13-14



Completely dry, highs of 24-25.

Overnight temps into Sunday: 13-15


Completely dry, highs of 26-27.

Overnight temps into Monday: 15-16



Another absolutely stunning run!

Could be classed as a mini-downgrade due to the possibility of higher rainfall on Tuesday morning, but from there on in it's absolutely amazing.

But the temperatures themselves have notched up a degree every day.

There's no chance the Tuesday rain can cause any issues for the festival itself with these temperatures.



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6 minutes ago, Harry3 said:

Not been to a completely dry Glastonbury before, does it ever turn into a complete dust bowl? Boomtown last year obliterated my throat for weeks afterwards. Was like razor blades every time I swallowed. 

It's never been quite like that. The dust is less caustic and they're more proactive with tractors spraying the tracks, the grass cover is also tougher. The Matterley Bowl's ground is very different. Inches of soil then chalk rather than feet of rich mud like Pilton

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6 minutes ago, Harry3 said:

Not been to a completely dry Glastonbury before, does it ever turn into a complete dust bowl? Boomtown last year obliterated my throat for weeks afterwards. Was like razor blades every time I swallowed. 

Yep.  2010 and 2019 were both bone dry and hot.  Dust was a bit of an issue, especially in 2010 which was also breezy at times.  I recall seeing a dust tornado dancing through Pennards at one point!

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You can beat the drama of the weather in the lead up. I reckon it will be grand and I'd be delighted to be there this year even if it was lashing but also - no luck with tickets.

My only advise is the weather will weather so stick a poncho in your pocket or bag with your preferred refreshments and party hard out of respect for those that couldn't be there!

I'll be great

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This UKMO one seems pretty good for forecasting rainfall and the types we're going to see - https://www.theweatheroutlook.com/twodata/ukv.aspx?run=03&charthour=120&chartname=rain_rate&chartregion=uk-region&charttag=Precip + cloud

Very scattered spotty showers on Wednesday basically, probably a bit miserable for a while if you're unlucky enough to be standing straight under them.

The worst of the Tuesday morning rain appears to be east of the site, although it's still getting hit.

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1 minute ago, mazola said:

Just a reminder that in 2019 it absolutely sh*t it down on either the monday or tuesday night, can't remember which, but you would never have known by wednesday

Also last year pelted it down couple of days before gates open

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1 minute ago, mazola said:

Just a reminder that in 2019 it absolutely sh*t it down on either the monday or tuesday night, can't remember which, but you would never have known by wednesday

Tuesday night - I worked that year and got absolutely soaked going back to camp after a few drinks in the SEC crew bars.

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1 minute ago, mazola said:

Just a reminder that in 2019 it absolutely sh*t it down on either the monday or tuesday night, can't remember which, but you would never have known by wednesday

Monday night, on Tuesday I zoomed in and took a pic of the puddles around Williams green to make it look worse and sent it to my mates who were travelling down 🤣

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21 minutes ago, Harry3 said:

Not been to a completely dry Glastonbury before, does it ever turn into a complete dust bowl? Boomtown last year obliterated my throat for weeks afterwards. Was like razor blades every time I swallowed. 

I’m on site at the moment and it was so dusty yesterday from the vehicles. Made walking back after my shift really hard. A bit of rain would do us a favour. 

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2 minutes ago, JayDiesel said:

Obviously delighted with this forecast, but what does the low overnight temps mean for clothing? Shorts and brave it? Think trackies? A 17th Century esque robe?

Exposed legs is fine at those temps as long as you keep upper body/neck warm. Shorts and hoody is all I ever do in the evening.

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