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When will this shit end?


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3 hours ago, Ozanne said:

I hate the c word but I can’t find any other adjective for Priti Patel! 

And anyone else more surprised that there was a statue of a famous slave trader in Bristol than the fact people pulled it down? I’ve only been there once but it’s one of the most diverse cities in the UK and pretty much our home to underground music. Why do we have statues like that?

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5 hours ago, stuie said:

I hate the c word but I can’t find any other adjective for Priti Patel! 

And anyone else more surprised that there was a statue of a famous slave trader in Bristol than the fact people pulled it down? I’ve only been there once but it’s one of the most diverse cities in the UK and pretty much our home to underground music. Why do we have statues like that?

the first time I visited Bristol to meet someone from Bristol in 1998 (about the original Glasto website, as it happens) I was told about the Colston issue. It's a long running sore, with the council only recently agreeing to re-name the main concert hall (funded with council money).

Pulling the statue down yesterday can be said to be many things, but the one thing it isn't is the mindless thuggery that the likes of Patel are trying to label it as.

Javid says it should have been removed democratically: but how? If the people of Bristol had been given a democratic vote about it I'm absolutely sure it would have been removed years ago.

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They haven’t done themselves any favours here by coming out in defence of a statue of a slave trader. 

5 hours ago, stuie said:

I hate the c word but I can’t find any other adjective for Priti Patel! 

And anyone else more surprised that there was a statue of a famous slave trader in Bristol than the fact people pulled it down? I’ve only been there once but it’s one of the most diverse cities in the UK and pretty much our home to underground music. Why do we have statues like that?

Maybe Johnson will use the quarantine as an excuse to sack her, claim it was all her idea so he can distance himself from it. But really it’ll be Cummings firing her. 

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FYI Keir Starmer is on LBC at 9 doing a phone in, it’s gonna be a weekly event. It’s part of Nick Ferrari’s show, which is interesting as Nick tends to lean more Tory.

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13 hours ago, Toilet Duck said:

Honestly, figuring out how it spreads is still a work in progress. Normal speech, breathing, laughing etc all create droplets and aerosols. But keeping distance between people reduces spread. The greater the distance, the lower the risk of spread. Source control with masks helps when the distance is reduced. 

Do you think there could be any detrimental effect to wearing masks? I'm sure lots of people won't wash them enough for example.  Could that make the issue worse?

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3 minutes ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

Pubs to reopen from 22 June potentially now... 

I wonder how this will work in practice.  I think it is based on beer gardens/outdoor spaces, but that obviously depends on the weather which we all know can't be relied upon in this country.  

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I’m very confident now we are going to have a second wave. I mean this in the nicest way but I really think things are about to get even uglier. 

I think we are due a second wave but not another lockdown. I think we are probably just going to have to live with the virus being pretty bad.

I am fully in support of BLM. I attended a protest myself, physically distant - but I really feel like COVID is about to rear it’s head again and I’m pretty worried. Where I was in London there was virtually no social distancing at all in the congested areas of the protest.

I am now self isolating for 2 weeks (even more so than I have been) just to reduce the likelihood of me passing it to anyone if I’ve caught it.

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Yeah hard to see how it will work if the weather is wet. Guess pubs with beer gardens would need to invest in awnings? But if covered does that detract from the outdoors being safer aspect?

Personally I'm not going to be going anywhere near a pub for a while, but I'm sure many will be delighted.

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Just now, Matt42 said:

I’m very confident now we are going to have a second wave. I mean this in the nicest way but I really think things are about to get even uglier. 

I think we are due a second wave but not another lockdown. I think we are probably just going to have to live with the virus being pretty bad.

I am fully in support of BLM. I attended a protest myself, physically distant - but I really feel like COVID is about to rear it’s head again and I’m pretty worried. Where I was in London there was virtually no social distancing at all in the congested areas of the protest.

I am now self isolating for 2 weeks (even more so than I have been) just to reduce the likelihood of me passing it to anyone if I’ve caught it.

I agree with you sadly. I really hope I'm wrong though.

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Football on outdoor screens + sunshine + pissed up idiots = nightmare. 

It’s going to almost impossible for people to maintain distancing given the above scenarios. I really feel for the staff who will have to deal with the tirade of abuse that will inevitably be coming their way. 

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9 hours ago, Fuzzy Afro said:


this is encouraging. I’m hoping to be able to go away in October.

Good luck, but I think other countries would be daft not to insist on people from the UK going into quarantine if we have a higher rate of infection than they do.

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Just now, Matt42 said:

I am fully in support of BLM. I attended a protest myself, physically distant - but I really feel like COVID is about to rear it’s head again and I’m pretty worried. Where I was in London there was virtually no social distancing at all in the congested areas of the protest.

I am now self isolating for 2 weeks (even more so than I have been) just to reduce the likelihood of me passing it to anyone if I’ve caught it.

I want to say thank you for social distancing at the protest and now self isolating for 2 weeks after protesting, as both things are things a lot of people are not doing, and that’s putting lots of vulnerable people’s lives at risk as a consequence. I am in support of the protests and don’t believe in any kind of injustice, whether based on race, sexuality or religion. But I am not in support of the fact that no one is no longer social distancing and a (minority) people are getting violent. When we have a pandemic going on, if people aren’t going to be respectful and keep 2m distance at the protests, that not only worries me, but also puts vulnerable people’s lives at risk. Also I can never stand with violence and those minority of people getting violent I cannot stand with either as I think the violence undermines the point of the protests.

9 minutes ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

Pubs to reopen from 22 June potentially now... 

Are you being serious? Zoos and drive through safari parks have been banned from opening indefinitely yet they are planning on opening crowded spaces such as pubs? This makes no sense. People are able to actively social distance in a zoo whereas not in a beer garden. Not to mention as well the zoos are desperate for some income as a lot of them are charity and work for conservation and still need to look after and feed their animals. Most are struggling to survive. We should be fast-tracking the opening of zoos, not of pubs. Honestly crazy.

Get me out of this country now before the second wave...

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6 minutes ago, Matt42 said:

I’m very confident now we are going to have a second wave. I mean this in the nicest way but I really think things are about to get even uglier. 

I think we are due a second wave but not another lockdown. I think we are probably just going to have to live with the virus being pretty bad.

I am fully in support of BLM. I attended a protest myself, physically distant - but I really feel like COVID is about to rear it’s head again and I’m pretty worried. Where I was in London there was virtually no social distancing at all in the congested areas of the protest.

I am now self isolating for 2 weeks (even more so than I have been) just to reduce the likelihood of me passing it to anyone if I’ve caught it.

I get where you're coming from.

But don't worry.  Once Covid is dealt with, and we've fixed inequality, then it's just the looming environmental collapse to sort out and things will be rosey!

I'm terrified.

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I’m telling you now. If a second wave hits things are about to get very very very ugly.

The right wing press will finally have a scapegoat to blame COVID on which isn’t Boris and isn’t China.

Its unlikely we will lock down again - it will probably just be a case of “living with the virus”. 

I honestly think 2020 is about to be totally and utterly written off in ways that we can’t even imagine. I feel like society is about to implode :( 

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4 minutes ago, FestivalJamie said:

I want to say thank you for social distancing at the protest and now self isolating for 2 weeks after protesting, as both things are things a lot of people are not doing, and that’s putting lots of vulnerable people’s lives at risk as a consequence. I am in support of the protests and don’t believe in any kind of injustice, whether based on race, sexuality or religion. But I am not in support of the fact that no one is no longer social distancing and a (minority) people are getting violent. When we have a pandemic going on, if people aren’t going to be respectful and keep 2m distance at the protests, that not only worries me, but also puts vulnerable people’s lives at risk. Also I can never stand with violence and those minority of people getting violent I cannot stand with either as I think the violence undermines the point of the protests.

Are you being serious? Zoos and drive through safari parks have been banned from opening indefinitely yet they are planning on opening crowded spaces such as pubs? This makes no sense. People are able to actively social distance in a zoo whereas not in a beer garden. Not to mention as well the zoos are desperate for some income as a lot of them are charity and work for conservation and still need to look after and feed their animals. Most are struggling to survive. We should be fast-tracking the opening of zoos, not of pubs. Honestly crazy.

Get me out of this country now before the second wave...

Was on the BBC this morning. Not finalised yet but yeah they're basically trying to fast track the easing of restrictions now...

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This is the pub story (originally in FT). Surely this is all about boosting government approval ratings now?

Pubs in England 'could reopen on 22 June'

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

June 22 is the target date identified by ministers for pubs and restaurants to reopen outdoors in England, the Financial Times (FT) reports, nearly two weeks earlier than previously planned.

The reported plans are part of an effort to get the economy moving again and to save millions of jobs in the hospitality sector. The date has not yet been signed off but will be discussed in a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the FT says.

Half a dozen ministers - dubbed the "save summer six" - are spearheading the push for an earlier reopening. The hospitality sector had not been due to open until July 4.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma is reportedly pushing for the 2m (6ft) social distancing rule to be cut to 1m, to make reopening more commercially viable.

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2 minutes ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

This is the pub story (originally in FT). Surely this is all about boosting government approval ratings now?

Pubs in England 'could reopen on 22 June'

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

June 22 is the target date identified by ministers for pubs and restaurants to reopen outdoors in England, the Financial Times (FT) reports, nearly two weeks earlier than previously planned.

The reported plans are part of an effort to get the economy moving again and to save millions of jobs in the hospitality sector. The date has not yet been signed off but will be discussed in a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the FT says.

Half a dozen ministers - dubbed the "save summer six" - are spearheading the push for an earlier reopening. The hospitality sector had not been due to open until July 4.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma is reportedly pushing for the 2m (6ft) social distancing rule to be cut to 1m, to make reopening more commercially viable.

We're guided by the science, don't you know? The irony is that I don't think you actually help the economy much by opening up things too soon. If people don't feel safe/ infection rates are high, they won't go in sufficient numbers. A lot of profit margins were so tight in some of these sectors, most business's can't afford to function with only 50-80% of their customers, any more than they can with 0% in a lockdown, so you can end up with a worst-of-both worlds scenario.

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I mean, I would there to be data that demonstrates clearly how the virus is actually less virulent and Covid may be dying out, but that would have to be pretty clear and undeniable data to back up opening near enough everything in the high street in a 3 week stretch.

Why can't they at least just wait until 4th July as originally announced (which still seems very early). 2 weeks ahead of schedule is just again opening themselves up for more scrutiny and more scientists saying it's wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

This is the pub story (originally in FT). Surely this is all about boosting government approval ratings now?

Pubs in England 'could reopen on 22 June'

Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images

June 22 is the target date identified by ministers for pubs and restaurants to reopen outdoors in England, the Financial Times (FT) reports, nearly two weeks earlier than previously planned.

The reported plans are part of an effort to get the economy moving again and to save millions of jobs in the hospitality sector. The date has not yet been signed off but will be discussed in a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, the FT says.

Half a dozen ministers - dubbed the "save summer six" - are spearheading the push for an earlier reopening. The hospitality sector had not been due to open until July 4.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma is reportedly pushing for the 2m (6ft) social distancing rule to be cut to 1m, to make reopening more commercially viable.

So how are they going to explain the goal posts being moved on this one? 4th July, why do they put these guidelines in place then just ignore them weeks later!?

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1 minute ago, jparx said:

I mean, I would there to be data that demonstrates clearly how the virus is actually less virulent and Covid may be dying out, but that would have to be pretty clear and undeniable data to back up opening near enough everything in the high street in a 3 week stretch.

Why can't they at least just wait until 4th July as originally announced (which still seems very early). 2 weeks ahead of schedule is just again opening themselves up for more scrutiny and more scientists saying it's wrong.

Cummings stuffed up everything- after that they rushed into this as they'd dug themselves a hole. 

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Just now, Ozanne said:

So how are they going to explain the goal posts being moved on this one? 4th July, why do they put these guidelines in place then just ignore them weeks later!?

They'll just say that the thing that was vital in determining the 4th July date, is now no longer as important as another indicator that is now the vital indicator

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3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

So how are they going to explain the goal posts being moved on this one? 4th July, why do they put these guidelines in place then just ignore them weeks later!?

I also can't see sense in this while the football is on. Is that not begging for trouble? Surely pubs need a band on showing the games, or a very strict and policed limit of the numbers allowed in?

3 minutes ago, Mr.Tease said:

Cummings stuffed up everything- after that they rushed into this as they'd dug themselves a hole. 

Aye. They've flushed their strategy down the toilet to protect that cretin. Blood on their hands.

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